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crypt function~disallow the '/' character Posted by ability (ability), 23 October 2002 anybody know how to disallow the function crypt from adding the '/' (forward slash) to a word that it encrypts??Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 24 October 2002 The short answer is that you can't ![]() The crypt function is used to encode passwords using the DES algorithm. This takes the word that you want to encode, plus a 2 character "salt" and produces a 13 character string which may contain the 64 characters A to Z a to z 0 to 9 . (period) and / (forward slash). Are you by any chance using the encoded string as a file name? If so, you could substitute any / characters you get in the encoding to something else - foe example _ or - (underscore or hyphen): $encoded = crypt($plaintext,$salt) $encoded =~ s!/!_!g; This page is a thread posted to the opentalk forum
at www.opentalk.org.uk and
archived here for reference. To jump to the archive index please
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