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Help on perl module Posted by pop18 (pop18), 30 August 2007 Dear All,I am new to perl... Please help me out to solve the issue. I got the below program and the result print on the execution screen itself. I want to capture it in the same input xml file(abc.xml). ##### use XML::TreeBuilder; my $xml="abc.xml"; my $root = XML::TreeBuilder->new (); $root->parsefile($xml); for my $group ($root->look_down ('_tag', 'author-group')) { my @auths = $group->look_down ('_tag', 'auth'); my $newRoot = HTML::Element->new ('xxx'); $_->detach () for @auths; $newRoot->push_content (@auths); $group->unshift_content ($newRoot); } print $root->as_XML; ##### Thanks in advance, POP Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 30 August 2007 Immediate answer: Changeprint $root->as_XML; to open (FHO,">abc.xml"); print FHO $root->as_XML; close FHO; HOWEVER ... if anything goes wrong, you are destroying your input fil eand I would preceed thos three lines with rename 'abc.xml','abc.bak'; Posted by pop18 (pop18), 7 September 2007 Sorry for the delayed reply, I went on a vacation...The code works very fine. Thank you very much.... Thanks, POP18 This page is a thread posted to the opentalk forum
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