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We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

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php passing and assigning variables

Posted by (JoCo), 16 August 2007
Sorry i'm a noob when it comes to php. I am trying to pass a variable through a URL, and assign variables to images server side. The effect I am trying to achieve is a different image based on the variable I pass through the link. I am looking for some direction or resources to where I might start on this project. Thanx for any help or links to info.

Posted by (JoCo), 16 August 2007
Here's what I have so far...

This is the html to display the image.

<img src="<?php echo #_Request['VariableName']?>.gif">

I am pretty sure I can figure out the URL from the other "Passing Variables through URL forum topics"

However where I'm lost is assigning the images to the variables.

Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 16 August 2007
Try replacing

<?php echo #_Request['VariableName']?>


<?php echo $_REQUEST['VariableName']?>

It's a $ not a # for a variable, and REQUEST is all in capital letters.   You should then be able to add ?variableName=willy after your URL and it wil bring in the image willy.gif.

If it doesn't work, have a look at what your browser has received via "view source"

Posted by (JoCo), 16 August 2007
sweet! thank you...that works. Now another question. How would I accomplish this if the images aren't on the same server as the web page?

Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 17 August 2007
<img src="<?php echo $_REQUEST['VariableName']?>.gif">

Posted by (JoCo), 24 August 2007
ok i was going about this completely wrong.
here is my page code.

$pic = $_Request['variablename'];

<center><img src="<?PHP echo $_Request['pic']?>.gif" /></center>

and this is how i'm linking to it :

file is saved as test.php and image is linux.gif

still not working. am i missing something?

Posted by (JoCo), 24 August 2007
Sorry for being dense

$pic = $_REQUEST['VariableName'];
<img src="<?PHP echo $_REQUEST['pic']?>.gif" />

and then linking with

works like a charm. forgot about he REQUEST having to be in caps. Thanks again Graham.

Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 25 August 2007
on 08/24/07 at 20:19:10, JoCo wrote:
Thanks again Graham.

Glad it's working ... been a busy day - a i was a.f.k (away fro this keyboard) for 24 hours ...

-- Graham

Posted by (JoCo), 6 September 2007
Sorry gotta rehash this issue as I'm playing with it more. Is there a way I can tell the browser to ignore the image tag if there is no variable present? so if you were to go directly to http://www.yoursite.php instead of http://www.yoursite.php?variablename=blank
that way there isn't a broken image tag.

Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 6 September 2007

<img src="<?PHP echo $_REQUEST['pic']?>.gif" />


<?php if ($_REQUEST[pic]) {
 ?><img src="<?PHP echo $_REQUEST['pic']?>.gif" /><?php } ?>

(it can be shorter, but I've gone for a clearer form!)

Posted by (JoCo), 6 September 2007
Thank you tons! I'm on the road to getting this stuff down. Your help is appreciated.

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