Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 19 February 2005
Q: How do I delete a cookie?
A: Set it with an expiry time in the past
There's an example on our web site at
Here's the source code of that page:
Code:<?php $year = 3600*24*365; if (! is_string($_COOKIE[userkey])) { $received = "No cookie received - you are a NEW visitor"; $newcomer = 1; $cval = uniqid("rn:"); setcookie("userkey",$cval,time()+$year); $say = "Your cookie called <b>userkey</b>". " will be set to $cval"; } else { $received = "Cookie received - you are a RETURNING visitor<br>". "Cookie value received - $_COOKIE[userkey]"; $newcomer = 0; if ($_GET[logout]) { $newcomer = -1; setcookie("userkey","gone",time()-$year); $say = "Your cookie called <b>userkey</b>". " has been deleted"; } else { $say = "Your cookie called <b>userkey</b>". " will NOT be altered"; } }
?> <head> <title>Setting and clearing a persistant cookie</title> </head> <body bgcolor="white"> <h2>Setting, reading and deleting a cookie</h2> When you visit this page for the first time, you'll set a cookie called <b>userkey</b> to a unique id starting with "rn:". The link below to "refresh" the page will visit the page again, and the link to "logout" will visit the page again, deleting the cookie.<br><hr><br> <b>Current status:</b><br><br> <?= $received ?><br><br><?= $say ?><br><hr><br> <b>Actions available:</b><br><br> You may <a href=<?=$PHP_SELF?>>reload this page</a><br> <?php if ($newcomer != -1) { ?> You may <a href="<?=$PHP_SELF?>?logout=1">log out</a><br><?php } ?> You may <a href=/index.html>go to our home page</a><br><hr> Example written by Graham Ellis of Well House Consultants<br> We're in the business of training you on subjects like this!<br> website: <a href=></a> </body> </html> |
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