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Using the header function Posted by ukgeoff (geoff), 15 April 2005 The following code does different things depending on the browser.<?php header ("location: mailto:geoff@1ontheweb.net?subject=Email test"); header ("Refresh: 2; URL=http://1ontheweb.net/index.html"); ?> In Firefox: Email client is activated and browser redirects to page. In Opera: Email client is activated and browser stays on current page. In IE: Email client is activated and browser has blank page. Actually it has the php page but of course there is nothing to see. What do I need to do to get a consistent response? Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 15 April 2005 To me, those look like conflicting headers ... which is, I think, why it's inconsistant. To get it to behave consistantly, have it do one thing or the other ... not both. Posted by ukgeoff (geoff), 18 April 2005 Both are acceptable headers in their own right.The question has to be; how do you send two headers from the same script and have them treated as if they were nothing to do with each other? I.e., in pseudo code Here's header one I'm finished Here's header two Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 18 April 2005 No ... I mean are you allowed to send out a refresh along with a location? Aren't they mutally exclusive? I've on an "icky" connection and away from teh revelevant books so may be talking through my hat ....This page is a thread posted to the opentalk forum
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