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For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))

Well House Consultants
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Java module J610
Archived examples from previous versions of courses
Exercises, examples and other material relating to training module J610. This topic is presented on public course Java Extra

Java has metamorphosed from a language who's main use was in the provision of embedded elements in a web page (such as Flash is currently popular for) into a Server based language. But for certain applications, the old examples are still useful and good. We've indexed the old ones from our notes here, as a service to past delegates and also in the hope / expectation that the may be relevant to others who are searching for examples such as these.
Articles and tips on this subjectupdated
2654Java - from applets to servlets. JSPs and more
When Java first came out in the mid 1990s, its main focus was on Applets - embedded chunks of applications that ran (and still run!) in a frame within a browser's window in much the same say that an image or flash movie is framed. Java has progressed. It now has a far bigger 'market' in a whole range ...
1070Java Deployment course - lunch break
We've several delegates on this week's course who are visiting the UK from overseas, and haven't been to Wiltshire before ... and the other delegates are staying with us. But the daylight is still short, and touring at night is cold and you can't see much. So we started early today, then extended our ...
Examples from our training material
AllNames.html   AllNames.html
BeinnDearg.java   Character frequency analysis in a data file
BenHutig.java   AWT grid layout
BigginHill.java   Command line input / validation
Caldemo.java   Caldemo.java
Canisp.html   Canisp.html
Canisp.java   a telephone keypad using awt
Catchfish.java   extending a class and calling the base class constructor
Chocolate.java   Extending a class
Coin.java   abstract base class
Commem.java   extending a base class AND implementing an interface
Daily.java   extending the class Coin
DialApplet.java   Dialler applet using Swing
Dunkery.java   for loop and Float objects
Eiger.html   Eiger.html
Eiger.java   awt GridBag
Fish.java   Simple base class (see Catchfish)
Hms2.java   Hms2.java
ImageHold.java   ImageHold.java
Maovally.html   Maovally.html
Maovally.java   Maovally.java
MoelHebog.html   MoelHebog.html
MoelHebog.java   MoelHebog.java
Nevis.java   Nevis.java
Obj_v_prim.java   Obj_v_prim.java
PastelFilter.java   PastelFilter.java
Phone.java   Phone.java
Phone_001.java   Phone_001.java
Phone_002.java   Phone_002.java
Pocket.java   Pocket.java
Scafell.html   Scafell.html
Scafell.java   Scafell.java
Snowdon.java   Snowdon.java
Swapp.java   Swapp.java
Swsmall.java   Swsmall.java
Task.java   Task.java
TreeDemo.java   TreeDemo.java
Trip.java   Trip.java
Tryfan.html   Tryfan.html
Tryfan.java   Tryfan.java
Whernside.html   Whernside.html
Whernside.java   Whernside.java
Whitfell.html   Whitfell.html
Whitfell.java   Whitfell.java
acorn.html   acorn.html
alderton.java   Test program to call intter classes example
all.java   all.java
alton.java   while loop demonstration
amesbury.java   read from keyboard via a supplied class
ash.html   ash.html
aspen.html   aspen.html
aspen.java   applet components
atworth.java   exception handling
avocet.java   Internationalisation / resource strings
beech.html   beech.html
beech.java   More applet components
birch.html   birch.html
birch.java   Grid layout with buttons
blackbird.java   threading example via the runnable interface
blunsdon.java   Unicode and character string handling
box.html   box.html
bradford.java   file manipulation
bradley.java   file handling
brambling.html   brambling.html
brambling.java   general graphing applet
brambling2.html   brambling2.html
bremhill.html   bremhill.html
bremhill.java   Heavily commented simple program
bromham.java   hello world
broughton.java   exception handling
bulford.java   while loop
bullfinch.html   bullfinch.html
burton.java   arrays of objects
buzzard.html   buzzard.html
calne.java   calne.java
card_6.java   card_6.java
card_8.java   card_8.java
card_9.java   card_9.java
chaffinch.java   chaffinch.java
chalfield.java   using an enumeration
charlton.java   Array of array (quasi 2D array)
chestnut.html   chestnut.html
chestnut.java   applet to show colours
chippenham.java   chippenham.java
chirton.java   Non rectangular 2D arrays
cholderton.java   if and else
chough.html   chough.html
chough.java   font handling
coot.html   coot.html
coot.java   dynamic graphics drawing
corsham.java   corsham.java
crossbill.html   crossbill.html
crossbill.java   Command line and stand alone added to an applet
crow2.html   crow2.html
curlew.html   curlew.html
curlew.java   test program to log events generated by an applet
cyprus.java   border layout in awt
dice_1.java   Random throws of a die
dunlin.java   Java Properties - what version / OS / etc
durrington.java   while, if, break
elm.html   elm.html
elm.java   elements that can be drawn on a canvas
enford.java   basics of using an array
fcdata.java   socket programming (client)
fclient.java   socket programming (client)
fifield.java   labels - also break v continue v exit
figheldean.java   a first for loop
fir.html   fir.html
fir.java   border layout example
fittleton.java   fittleton.java
ford.java   ford.java
fyfield.java   fyfield.java
gadwall.java   Server (present swap on port 7979) with graphic monitor
gargany.java   extended gadwall
goftp.java   ftp from a java program
goldfinch.html   goldfinch.html
goldfinch.java   goldfinch.java
gp2.java   Grabbing a page of html
gp3.java   gp3.java
grabpage.java   grabpage.java
graphic_finger.java   a graphic client program to call up the finger daemon
green2.html   green2.html
green3.html   green3.html
greenfinch.html   greenfinch.html
greenfinch.java   greenfinch.java
greenshank.html   greenshank.html
greenshank.java   greenshank.java
grittleton.java   grittleton.java
hawfinch.html   hawfinch.html
hawfinch.java   hawfinch.java
hawthorn.html   hawthorn.html
hawthorn.java   hawthorn.java
haxton.java   haxton.java
hen.html   hen.html
hen.java   hen.java
heron.html   heron.html
heron.java   heron.java
holly.java   holly.java
honeystreet.java   honeystreet.java
idmiston.java   idmiston.java
imgframe.java   imgframe.java
inglesham.java   inglesham.java
ivy.java   ivy.java
jackdaw.html   jackdaw.html
jackdaw.java   jackdaw.java
jackdaw2.html   jackdaw2.html
jay.html   jay.html
jay.java   jay.java
kingsdown.java   kingsdown.java
lapwing.html   lapwing.html
lapwing.java   lapwing.java
lapwing2.html   lapwing2.html
larkhill.java   larkhill.java
larkhill.orig.java   larkhill.orig.java
lavington.java   lavington.java
lechlade.java   lechlade.java
lemon.java   lemon.java
lime.java   lime.java
linnet.html   linnet.html
linnet.java   linnet.java
lockeridge.java   lockeridge.java
longer.java   longer.java
magpie.html   magpie.html
mailout.java   mailout.java
mallard.java   mallard.java
maple.html   maple.html
maple.java   maple.java
marden.java   marden.java
marlborough.java   marlborough.java
mildenhall.java   mildenhall.java
milston.java   milston.java
moorhen.html   moorhen.html
moorhen.java   moorhen.java
mp.html   mp.html
n2.java   n2.java
nettleton.java   nettleton.java
new_street.html   new_street.html
new_street.java   new_street.java
nuthatch.html   nuthatch.html
nuthatch.java   nuthatch.java
oak.html   oak.html
oak.java   oak.java
pack_1.java   pack_1.java
pack_2.java   pack_2.java
pack_3.java   pack_3.java
pack_4.java   pack_4.java
pack_5.java   pack_5.java
pack_6.java   pack_6.java
packages.html   packages.html
pagestats.java   pagestats.java
palm.html   palm.html
palm.java   palm.java
parcel.java   parcel.java
patrick.java   patrick.java
playing_card_6.java   playing_card_6.java
playing_card_8.java   playing_card_8.java
playing_card_9.java   playing_card_9.java
pochard.java   pochard.java
porton.java   porton.java
potterne.java   potterne.java
quote.java   quote.java
ramsbury.java   ramsbury.java
raven.html   raven.html
raven.java   raven.java
redpoll.html   redpoll.html
redpoll.java   redpoll.java
redshank.html   redshank.html
redshank.java   redshank.java
redstart.java   redstart.java
rook.html   rook.html
rook.java   rook.java
rowde.java   rowde.java
rserver.java   rserver.java
rsp.java   rsp.java
scaup.html   scaup.html
scaup.java   scaup.java
seend.java   seend.java
shrewton.java   shrewton.java
siskin.html   siskin.html
siskin.java   siskin.java
skylark.html   skylark.html
smew.html   smew.html
smew.java   smew.java
spot.html   spot.html
spruce.java   spruce.java
suspect_card_6.java   suspect_card_6.java
suspect_card_8.java   suspect_card_8.java
suspect_card_9.java   suspect_card_9.java
svl_l2.html   svl_l2.html
svl_left.html   svl_left.html
svl_o2.html   svl_o2.html
svl_outer.html   svl_outer.html
svl_temp.html   svl_temp.html
svlmp.java   svlmp.java
swallow.java   swallow.java
swift.java   swift.java
t1.java   t1.java
t2.java   t2.java
t3.java   t3.java
talker.java   talker.java
teal.html   teal.html
teal.java   teal.java
tilshead.java   tilshead.java
took.html   took.html
tree.html   tree.html
twite.html   twite.html
twite.java   twite.java
waxwing.html   waxwing.html
waxwing.java   Generalised Graphing Applet
westwood.java   westwood.java
whitley.java   whitley.java
willow.html   willow.html
willow.java   willow.java
wilsford.java   wilsford.java
winEvent.java   winEvent.java
woodborough.java   woodborough.java
worton.java   worton.java
wraxall.java   wraxall.java
yew.html   yew.html
Background information
Some modules are available for download as a sample of our material or under an Open Training Notes License for free download from [here].
Topics covered in this module
Many examples include.
Abstract Windowing Toolkit.
Applets and Applet tags.
Complete learning
If you are looking for a complete course and not just a information on a single subject, visit our Listing and schedule page.

Well House Consultants specialise in training courses in Java,Ruby, Lua, Python, Perl, PHP, and MySQL. We run Private Courses throughout the UK (and beyond for longer courses), and Public Courses at our training centre in Melksham, Wiltshire, England. It's surprisingly cost effective to come on our public courses - even if you live in a different country or continent to us.

We have a technical library of over 700 books on the subjects on which we teach. These books are available for reference at our training centre.

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