Exercises, examples and other material relating to training module H401. This topic is presented on public course
Intermediate PHP - weekend course / hobby / club / leisure users
Articles and tips on this subject | updated |
3454 | Your PHP website - how to factor and refactor to reduce growing pains As your project grows ... what do you change? In an ideal world, you would know exactly what you were coding before you started, and write the full job to spec to last for many years. This isn't an ideal world, though. Our web site has changed over the years - we now have "version 8" (See [here] to ... | 2011-09-24 (longest) |
3453 | Reading and using emails including enclosures on your web server. The imap module ships with PHP, but isn't always built into the server; you need to build PHP with --with-imap if it's not there. But once you do have the module , you can access your POP3 email server direct from PHP.
Very recently, I was asked if I could extract attachments / enclosures from emails ... | 2011-09-23 |
2682 | Adding extensions to PHP Open Source applications - callbacks Over the last two days, I've installed and configured MediaWiki, WordPress, Status.net and Drupal on one of our training systems, and looked (in each case) at how to configure them and install extra plugins / modules - both standardly available ones, and also how to start writing your own.
In two ... | 2010-03-25 |
2343 | World Flags in your PHP pages The world's flags are often used to give a quick visible international indication of countries (sidestepping the issue I had yesterday, where I was translating into ten languages and wanted links to each other language on each page and - well - what IS the Finnish for Italy?)
So I have found an Icon ... | 2009-08-12 |
732 | Where is a web site visitor browsing from Here's an extract (reprinted with permission) from an email I received from James - a fellow web site owner, trying to identify visitors to his web site ... he had found and used our IP lookup, and was impressed that we got it right ....
I have just bought a csv database from [[supplier deleted]]. ... | 2006-05-24 |
Examples from our training material
525i.php | Using PHP mysqli functions - a working example |
mailme.php | Reading emails from a POP3 mailbox |
windex.html | Combining blog and forum feeds using MagpieRSS |
Background information
Some modules are
available for download as a sample of our material or under an
Open Training Notes License for free download from
Topics covered in this module
There are many extra PHP modules available from Pear, Pecl and elsewhere that can save you time recoding when you're writing a new application, and can then save you ongoing maintainance too. We look at some of the more popular modules in this section - these are not complete applications, but building blocks.
magpieRSS - for handling RSS data feeds from other sites.
maxmind GEOiP - for identifying the geographic location of visitors.
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