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For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))
Public training courses - upcoming dates

I've been presenting a long series of private courses over the past two months - Ruby and Cucumber, Python, Java and C++. From the beggining of March until mid April, I'm training most weeks at our Melksham, Wiltshire training centre - courses scheduled as follows:

If you've missed these dates or want a later course, follow the link and you'll be given current schedules

Monday 2nd March 2015 - 5 day course - Learning to Program in Python (details)
Tuesday 3rd March 2015 - 4 day course - Python Programming (details)
Monday 9th March 2015 - 5 day course - Learning to Program in Tcl (details)
Tuesday 10th March 2015 - 2 day course - Tcl Programming (details)
Monday 23rd March 2015 - 5 day course - Learning to Program in C++ (details)
Monday 23rd March 2015 - 3 day course - Learning to Program in C (details)
Tuesday 24th March 2015 - 4 day course - C++ Programming (details)
Tuesday 24th March 2015 - 2 day course - C Programming (details)
Monday 30th March 2015 - 2 day course - Deploying Apache / Tomcat (details)

Tuesday 7th April 2015 - 4 day course - LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Python / Perl) deployment (details)
Tuesday 7th April 2015 - 1 day course - Linux User Introduction (details)
Wednesday 8th April 2015 - 1 day course - Linux Admin Introduction (details)
Thursday 9th April 2015 - 2 day course - Linux Web Server(details)
Monday 13th April 2015 - 5 day course - Learning to Program in Python (details)
Tuesday 14th April 2015 - 4 day course - Python Programming (details)

Delegate rate - £350.00 for the first day + £250.00 for each subsequent day of the same course. Overnight accommodation available at £70.00 per room and breakfast per night. All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT.

Courses all written and presented by our own staff tutor.

"Learning to Program in xxx" courses for newcomers to programming and "xxx programming" courses available for all language training. This means that newcomer aren't rushed through the basics to quickly, yet experienced programmers don't have to sit through slow revisions of programming principles.

Courses run at our own custom fitted training centre, with training room and tutor available for practcal sessions and delegate support from well before your course starts into the evevening.

Small groups (maximum 8 delegates, more usually 4 or 5) for better learning, and we have a "no cancel" policy that means that your course WILL run once booked, even if you are the only delegate.

We provide laptop computers for all delegates to use for the duration of the course. However, if you prefer you are welcome to use your own computer instead. Full note sets provided to cover the course material, and all examples in the notes are available on our web site.

Payment by BACS, cheque, credit or debit card. Rare, but we also take cash.

Just 100 miles west of London, and with plenty of parking. If you're travelling to our local station by train, let us know when you'll be arriving and we'll meet you off the train.

Residential places on the March Python course are filled already (but we have 2 places available for day delegates, and can help find other local accommodation if needed. Limited availability also on Apache / Tomcat course. Other courses good availability at present (including the April Python courses)

Why are we so busy? ... Because delegates who've previously been on our courses recommend us to other who want to learn too. Because we offer the right series of course start levels. Because we guarantee to run if you book. Because we know our subjects. Because we provide good value. Because we're in a quiet location, yet only 100 miles from London.

Find out more - follow the links above or go to our home page for general information
(written 2015-02-21)

Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter http://melksh.am/nnnn for individual articles
A601 - Web Application Deployment - Apache httpd - an overview
  [576] Why run two different web servers - (2006-01-25)
  [659] Web Application Components - (2006-03-28)
  [924] The LAMP Cookbook - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP / Perl - (2006-11-13)
  [1265] Apache, Tomcat, Jakarta, httpd, web server - what are they? - (2007-07-13)
  [1593] Keep the client experience easy - single server contact point - (2008-03-27)
  [1897] Keeping on an even keel - (2008-11-21)
  [2016] Apache httpd and Apache Tomcat miscellany - (2009-01-30)
  [2038] Sticky Sessions with mod_jk (httpd to Tomcat) - (2009-02-12)
  [2054] Tuning httpd / the supermarket checkout comparison - (2009-02-26)
  [2063] Internal Dummy Connections on Apache httpd - (2009-03-02)
  [2077] Why put Apache httpd in front of Apache Tomcat - (2009-03-12)
  [2186] An FAQ on the Apache httpd and Apache Tomcat web servers, and on using them together - (2009-05-17)
  [4064] Apache httpd - a robust, open source web server - (2013-04-16)

A651 - Web Application Deployment - Tomcat Overview
  [49] Business is the predominant user of Tomcat, Perl and Tcl - (2004-09-15)
  [498] Why is Tomcat called Tomcat? - (2005-11-17)
  [1771] More HowTo diagrams - MySQL, Tomcat and Java - (2008-08-24)
  [1941] Server - Service - Engine - Host, Tomcat - (2008-12-14)
  [2753] You do not just fly - that is just part of the journey - (2010-05-06)
  [3997] Servlet v JSP (Java Server Page). What is the difference? - (2013-02-06)

A050 - Web Deployment - General
  [116] The next generation of programmer - (2004-11-13)
  [2072] Copyright, Portability and other nontechnical web site issues - (2009-03-09)
  [2099] Should I maintain the programming code on my own website? - (2009-03-23)
  [2568] Forums for your Melksham and open source discussions - (2010-01-09)
  [2595] Twelve skills / knowledges needed for the design of a web site - (2010-01-24)
  [3891] The components of an Apache httpd / Tomcat / MySQL stack and what each does - (2012-10-13)

C050 - C and C based languages - C - General
  [2002] New C Examples - pointers, realloc, structs and more - (2009-01-20)
  [2086] C Programming v Learning to Program in C. Which course? - (2009-03-17)
  [2091] C, C++ and C# ... Java and JavaScript - (2009-03-20)
  [2504] Learning to program in ... - (2009-11-15)
  [2536] All the Cs ... and Java too - (2009-12-13)
  [2669] Efficient use of dynamic memory - C and realloc - (2010-03-10)
  [2763] Our C and C++ training course are on Open Source platforms - (2010-05-13)
  [2848] C course - final course example puts it all together - (2010-07-02)
  [3053] Make - automating the commands for building and installing - (2010-11-16)
  [3129] Extra courses - C and C++ - (2011-01-12)
  [4335] Flexible public courses - residential or commuting, programming newcomer or experienced, C or C++ - (2014-11-30)
  [4341] Segmentation Fault, Segmentation Violation, Bus Error, Stack Smashing - (2014-12-04)

Y050 - Python - General
  [16] Python training - (2004-08-16)
  [2017] Python - a truly dynamic language - (2009-01-30)
  [2020] Learning Python - many new example programs - (2009-01-31)
  [2227] Learning PHP, Ruby, Lua and Python - upcoming courses - (2009-06-11)
  [2285] Great new diagrams for our notes ... Python releases - (2009-07-13)
  [2367] Learning to program - how to jump the first hurdles - (2009-08-20)
  [2394] Two days of demonstration scripts in Python - (2009-09-05)
  [2778] Learning to program in Python 2 ... and / or in Python 3 - (2010-05-24)
  [2822] Python training courses for use with ESRI ArcMap software - (2010-06-23)
  [3076] Python through the Snow - (2010-12-01)
  [3463] Busy weekend of contrasts. - (2011-10-03)
  [3489] Python courses and Private courses - gently updating our product to keep it ahead of the game - (2011-10-20)
  [3519] Python - current versions and implementations (CPython, Jython, IronPython etc) - (2011-11-13)
  [3798] When you should use Object Orientation even in a short program - Python example - (2012-07-06)
  [3816] Want to escape the Olympics? Learn to program in the countryside! - (2012-07-23)
  [3902] Shell - Grep - Sed - Awk - Perl - Python - which to use when? - (2012-10-22)
  [3903] Python Programming class for delegates who have already self-taught the basics - (2012-10-25)
  [3911] How well do you know Perl and / or Python? - (2012-11-04)
  [3935] Whether you have programmed before or not, we can teach you Python - (2012-11-25)
  [4236] Using Python to analyse last years forum logs. Good coding practise discussion. - (2014-01-01)
  [4295] A longer Python ... training course - (2014-09-16)
  [4408] Additional Python courses added to our schedule - (2015-01-29)
  [4558] Well House Consultants - Python courses / what's special. - (2015-10-28)
  [4656] Identifying the first and last records in a sequence - (2016-02-26)
  [4712] A reminder of the key issues to consider in moving from Python 2 to Python 3 - (2016-10-30)

T050 - Tcl/Tk - Tcl, Tcl/Tk and Expect - General
  [2429] Tcl scripts / processes on a web server via CGI - (2009-09-27)
  [2474] Using Tcl and Expect to automate repetitive jobs - (2009-10-24)
  [2681] Tcl - a great engineering language - (2010-03-17)
  [3192] Tcl - Some example of HOW TO in handling data files and formats - (2011-03-04)
  [3286] Should we cover expect and/or Tk on our public Tcl courses? - (2011-05-11)
  [4206] Writing the perfect program in Tcl? - (2013-11-13)
  [4460] Using Object Oriented Tcl and the Tk toolkit together - real life example - (2015-03-12)
  [4616] Still teaching Tcl in 2016? - (2016-01-06)

G300 - Well House Consultants - Public Courses
  [172] Public courses in London - (2005-01-07)
  [181] Maximum number of trainees on a course - (2005-01-18)
  [387] Training course plans for 2006 - (2005-07-23)
  [646] PHP - London course, Melksham Course, Evening course - (2006-03-14)
  [845] Course scheduling and Geekmas - are they traditions yet? - (2006-08-26)
  [933] Course Joining package - updated - (2006-11-20)
  [1035] Longer hours and better value courses - (2007-01-15)
  [1414] What we teach - expained for the non-technical - (2007-10-28)
  [1420] The Learning Perl crew, October 2007 - (2007-11-03)
  [1565] Languages compared - based on developer community size - (2008-03-05)
  [1615] PHP training courses every month - (2008-04-18)
  [1693] July to December 2008 - Open Source training schedule - (2008-07-01)
  [1751] Public Training Course Dates until July 2009 - (2008-08-13)
  [1836] Next in the sequence - courses next year (2009) - (2008-10-12)
  [1857] November and December Public Course Schedule - (2008-10-27)
  [1929] 2009 - Hotel, Meeting, Training Course prices - (2008-12-07)
  [1968] Review of 2008 - (2008-12-31)
  [2048] Learning to program in PHP, Python, Java or Lua ... - (2009-02-19)
  [2332] Formation, des langages Open Source - (2009-08-09)
  [2333] Formaci[83][c2]ón, de los lenguajes de c[83][c2]ódigo abierto - (2009-08-09)
  [2334] Formazione, Open Source computer lingue - (2009-08-09)
  [2335] Ausbildung, die Open-Source-Sprachen - (2009-08-09)
  [2336] Forma[83][c2]ç[83][c2]ão, Open Source computador l[83][c2]ínguas - (2009-08-09)
  [2337] Opleiding, Open Source computertalen - (2009-08-09)
  [2338] Uddannelse, Open Source computer sprog - (2009-08-09)
  [2339] Oppl[83][c2]æring, Open Source datamaskinen spr[83][c2]åk - (2009-08-09)
  [2340] ldning, Open Source dator spr[83][c2]åk - (2009-08-09)
  [2341] Koulutus, Open Source tietokone kielill[83][c2]ä - (2009-08-09)
  [2558] Happy new decade - and course and hotel prices for 2010 - (2010-01-01)
  [2736] Perl Course FAQ - (2010-04-23)
  [2839] Software versions used - June 2010 - (2010-06-30)
  [2881] Tailoring of courses to meet customers needs - how it works - (2010-07-21)
  [2927] Announcing 2011 Open Source Training courses - dates and prices - (2010-08-18)
  [2928] Public (scheduled) or private course? Book direct, or through a third party? - (2010-08-19)
  [2942] Open Source Programming - Training Course Schedule - (2010-08-31)
  [2965] Testimonials - Well House Consultants Open Source courses - (2010-09-21)
  [3021] Courses for late 2010 and early 2011 - (2010-10-30)
  [3071] Well House Price list, January to March 2011 - (2010-11-25)
  [3074] Running a course ... what if the tutor isn't well? - (2010-11-29)
  [3078] Royal Wedding. How William and Catherine have changed our schedule - (2010-12-02)
  [3160] Extra courses - Advanced PHP, MySQL and Lua - (2011-02-07)
  [3205] Open Source (Public) courses - PHP, Tcl, SQL, Python, C and C++ in Melksham, Wiltshire, UK - (2011-03-18)
  [3219] How do I become a Linux System Administrator? - (2011-03-28)
  [3358] Upcoming Programming courses ... High Summer, 2011 - (2011-07-15)
  [3365] Turning bright delegates into bright and knowledgable ones - (2011-07-21)
  [3401] Open Source Training Schedule - learn a programming language - in Autumn 2011 or 2012 - (2011-08-20)
  [3528] December courses - PHP, Python, Perl - and a weekend Lua course - (2011-11-24)
  [3559] Well House Consultants - Open Source Programming Courses for 2012 - (2011-12-21)
  [3573] New in Java 7 - and why we are not running public Java 7 courses - (2012-01-08)
  [3637] April, May and June 2012 - Public Open Source Programming Courses - (2012-03-04)
  [3823] Know Python or PHP? Want to learn Perl too? - (2012-07-31)
  [3829] Training courses - rest of 2012, 2013 and January 2014 - (2012-08-06)
  [3876] October to December 2012 - Public Courses - (2012-09-30)
  [3924] The bedrooms at Well House Manor - (2012-11-16)
  [3964] What is coming up from Well House in 2013 - public Open Source / IT courses. - (2012-12-28)
  [3983] Upcoming courses at Well House Manor - Ruby, Python, Perl - (2013-01-19)
  [4015] Upcoming courses and availabiity - (2013-02-22)
  [4172] Public courses - Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, C and C++ - autumn 2013 and through 2014 - (2013-09-13)
  [4197] Python and Tcl courses, November, UK (Melksham) ... just a few places left - (2013-10-23)
  [4230] Well House Consultants - course prices for 2014 - (2013-12-26)
  [4279] Upcoming public courses from Well House Consultants - (2014-05-31)
  [4300] Public courses - Autumn 2014 and 2015 - (2014-09-19)
  [4358] A brilliant finish to 2014 training and business guests, and a look to 2015 - (2014-12-20)
  [4375] Final examples for 2014 - and a look at our 2015 training course options - (2014-12-31)
  [4416] Challenging the IT course business model - (2015-02-05)
  [4519] Course Schedule - October 2015 to June 2016 - (2015-09-27)
  [4564] Perl, PHP, Python, Lua, Tcl, C++, Ruby - final public courses for 2015 - (2015-10-30)
  [4689] Training Course schedule for summer and autumn 2016 - (2016-05-30)
  [4705] Course dates - from October 2016 to December 2017 - (2016-09-25)
  [4739] A year of changes for Lisa and Graham Ellis, and Well House - (2017-05-27)
  [4751] Final day of training at Well House Manor - Python, Lua, Tcl and C/C++ continue at The Spa, Melksham - (2017-06-30)
  [4769] Python, Tcl, Lua and other Open Source programming courses for 2018 - (2017-12-31)

Back to
Different views of a Welsh Valley - but headed home
Previous and next
Horse's mouth home
Forward to
Images of our rail promotion campaign
Some other Articles
Loving programming in Python - and ready to teach YOU how
Adding a PHP build option, rotating an image based on camera data, and a new look at thumbnails in PHP
Accessing a MySQL database from Python with mysql.connector
Images of our rail promotion campaign
Public training courses - upcoming dates
Different views of a Welsh Valley - but headed home
Java web application for teaching - now with sessions and clustering / load balancing demonstrations
A Java servlet that is also a stand alone program. And a server that is also a web client.
The spirit of Java - delegating to classes
Wind Turbines - beauty or menace?
4759 posts, page by page
Link to page ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 at 50 posts per page

This is a page archived from The Horse's Mouth at http://www.wellho.net/horse/ - the diary and writings of Graham Ellis. Every attempt was made to provide current information at the time the page was written, but things do move forward in our business - new software releases, price changes, new techniques. Please check back via our main site for current courses, prices, versions, etc - any mention of a price in "The Horse's Mouth" cannot be taken as an offer to supply at that price.

Link to Ezine home page (for reading).
Link to Blogging home page (to add comments).

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© WELL HOUSE CONSULTANTS LTD., 2025: 48 Spa Road • Melksham, Wiltshire • United Kingdom • SN12 7NY
PH: 01144 1225 708225 • EMAIL: info@wellho.net • WEB: http://www.wellho.net • SKYPE: wellho

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