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For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))
Graham Ellis - Summary of Training Record

It's surprisingly rare that I'm asked for my own training record ... and that's probably no bad thing, as it's only a part of what I have learned over the years. It's a vital part, but the additional practical experience, and hours and days of less formal study, add together to make a more complete picture.

However, here's a partial report listing the formal bits (and some less formal ones) of where I learned some of what I know.

2010 - Level 2 - Food Safety in Catering
2008 - Talking to the Press
2007 - Member of Melksham First
2006 - Emergency First Aid - Appointed Person
2006 - Member of Melksham Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2006 - Finalist, Wiltshire Business of the Year
2005 - Python Programming - with Mark Lutz
2004 - MySQL - with Monty Widenius and David Axmark
2004 - Advance Perl (Perl Whirl - with Larry Wall)
2004 - PHP - Advanced - with Rasmus Lerdorf
2003 - Member of Federation of Small Businesses
2000 - Advance Perl (Perl Whirl - with Larry Wall)
1998 - Training on driving a narrowboat on public trips
1997 - Swimming Pool Life Guard
1994 - Open GL - Silicon Graphics
1993 - Irix (basics, user, admin) - Silicon Graphics
1992 - Shell Programming - First Alternative
1992 - Advanced C Programming for Unix - First Alternative
1992 - Solaris Systems Administration - First Alternative
1984 - Solaris for Users, Solaris for Programmers - Sun
1982 - The X Windows System - Hands on Training
1980 - Sales Training by TACK
1979 - The Basic programming language - Tektronix
1977 - Principles of Computer Graphics (Tektronix)
1976 - B.Sc. (Hons) 2.1, Computer Science, City University
1975 - Best Practise in Programming (Fortran based) - Dr Colin Day
1972 - Driver training (full driving license)
1971 - A Levels - Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Biology
1970 - O Level - English Language
1970 - School Crossing Patrol training ("Lollipop Man")
1969 - O Levels - French, Additional Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Woodwork
1968 - O Level - Maths

I could add so much - a session at the BBC, and another in a Church Hall in Holborn by Perl Gurus (Perl 6, Advanced Perl). "Train the trainer" sessions at a place of work. Twice yearly training days / conferences on matters relating to rail campaigning. And to add further, our library of books where I'm an avid browser, and on-line browsing too. There's further information on my background [here].

Illustration: The niche courses which I need to attend in order to be able to then teach at the next level are very rarely within daily communting distance of home. I have travelled to Canada, to Alaska, Californis, Florida and Colorado, to Italy, Greece and Turkey - and closer to home to London too - for elements of my own training.
(written 2010-05-21, updated 2010-06-20)

Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter http://melksh.am/nnnn for individual articles
G207 - Well House Consultants - Staff
  [10] What do you look for in your IT trainer? - (2004-08-10)
  [41] A Thousand and four words - (2004-09-07)
  [88] Getting the right level of trainer - (2004-10-14)
  [168] Welcoming Leah Davies to our team - (2005-01-04)
  [185] Who am I? - (2005-01-21)
  [371] The training team that's looking out for you - (2005-07-07)
  [393] Trainer answers phone - (2005-07-28)
  [578] Woman screaming at me - (2006-01-26)
  [862] 4 weeks to go - (2006-09-11)
  [895] Welcome, Martin - (2006-10-16)
  [972] Both one team and two - (2006-12-08)
  [1002] Meet the neighbours - (2006-12-20)
  [1065] Graham Ellis - an Introduction - (2007-02-05)
  [1083] Behind the scenes - (2007-02-17)
  [1141] A strong team broadens the professional coverage - (2007-04-10)
  [1324] Well House Manor appoints a General Manager - (2007-08-28)
  [2009] The Royal Mail Receipt - (2009-01-26)
  [2044] Please Trouble me - (2009-02-16)
  [2050] Why the Pony Tail? - (2009-02-21)
  [2164] Updating my public profile - Graham Ellis - (2009-05-09)
  [2566] Excellent staff make for excellent hotel - (2010-01-07)
  [2775] Declarations of interest - knowing where you stand with people - (2010-05-22)
  [2934] Not so much software training - more hotel keeping! - (2010-08-25)
  [2960] The Well House team - September 2010 - (2010-09-19)
  [3051] Positively reforming the system - could it be done? - (2010-11-14)
  [3103] Thank you - and Happy Christmas - (2010-12-24)
  [3201] A change to the Well House team - thank you and good luck, Chris - (2011-03-14)
  [3212] Well House Manor - a home from home for the business and leisure guest in Melksham - (2011-03-26)
  [3311] Exhilarating day! - (2011-05-30)
  [3425] Our National Autograss Champion, from Melksham - (2011-09-08)
  [3460] Flying Colours! - (2011-09-28)
  [3490] How not to call when job seeking ... - (2011-10-20)
  [3586] Emergency First Aid Provision at Well House Manor - part of the service - (2012-01-19)
  [3961] Well House Staff Party - (2012-12-22)
  [4189] Who are we - Lisa, Graham, Gypsy and Billy - (2013-10-07)
  [4227] Happy Christmas from the Well House Manor team - (2013-12-25)

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Melksham to Calne by public transport
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Dynamically watching your web site via a PHP wrapper
Some other Articles
Regional Spatial Strategy and the next 20 years - Whence Wiltshire under the new government?
PHP - Object Oriented Design in use
Dynamically watching your web site via a PHP wrapper
Graham Ellis - Summary of Training Record
Melksham to Calne by public transport
Melksham Chamber of Commerce - Presidents report to AGM
Easy - but for whom?
Carrying a long URL around - looking for memorable shorts
Back from a Python course in Glasgow
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This is a page archived from The Horse's Mouth at http://www.wellho.net/horse/ - the diary and writings of Graham Ellis. Every attempt was made to provide current information at the time the page was written, but things do move forward in our business - new software releases, price changes, new techniques. Please check back via our main site for current courses, prices, versions, etc - any mention of a price in "The Horse's Mouth" cannot be taken as an offer to supply at that price.

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