It's surprisingly rare that I'm asked for my own training record ... and that's probably no bad thing, as it's only a part of what I have learned over the years. It's a vital part, but the additional practical experience, and hours and days of less formal study, add together to make a more complete picture.
However, here's a partial report listing the formal bits (and some less formal ones) of where I learned some of what I know.
2010 - Level 2 - Food Safety in Catering
2008 - Talking to the Press
2007 - Member of Melksham First
2006 - Emergency First Aid - Appointed Person
2006 - Member of Melksham Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2006 - Finalist, Wiltshire Business of the Year
2005 - Python Programming - with Mark Lutz
2004 - MySQL - with Monty Widenius and David Axmark
2004 - Advance Perl (Perl Whirl - with Larry Wall)
2004 - PHP - Advanced - with Rasmus Lerdorf
2003 - Member of Federation of Small Businesses
2000 - Advance Perl (Perl Whirl - with Larry Wall)
1998 - Training on driving a narrowboat on public trips
1997 - Swimming Pool Life Guard
1994 - Open GL - Silicon Graphics
1993 - Irix (basics, user, admin) - Silicon Graphics
1992 - Shell Programming - First Alternative
1992 - Advanced C Programming for Unix - First Alternative
1992 - Solaris Systems Administration - First Alternative
1984 - Solaris for Users, Solaris for Programmers - Sun
1982 - The X Windows System - Hands on Training
1980 - Sales Training by TACK
1979 - The Basic programming language - Tektronix
1977 - Principles of Computer Graphics (Tektronix)
1976 - B.Sc. (Hons) 2.1, Computer Science, City University
1975 - Best Practise in Programming (Fortran based) - Dr Colin Day
1972 - Driver training (full driving license)
1971 - A Levels - Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Biology
1970 - O Level - English Language
1970 - School Crossing Patrol training ("Lollipop Man")
1969 - O Levels - French, Additional Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Woodwork
1968 - O Level - Maths
I could add so much - a session at the BBC, and another in a Church Hall in Holborn by Perl Gurus (Perl 6, Advanced Perl). "Train the trainer" sessions at a place of work. Twice yearly training days / conferences on matters relating to rail campaigning. And to add further, our library of books where I'm an avid browser, and on-line browsing too. There's further information on my background
Illustration: The niche courses which I need to attend in order to be able to then teach at the next level are very rarely within daily communting distance of home. I have travelled to Canada, to Alaska, Californis, Florida and Colorado, to Italy, Greece and Turkey - and closer to home to London too - for elements of my own training.
(written 2010-05-21, updated 2010-06-20)
Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter http://melksh.am/nnnn for individual articles
G207 - Well House Consultants - Staff [10] What do you look for in your IT trainer? - (2004-08-10)
[41] A Thousand and four words - (2004-09-07)
[88] Getting the right level of trainer - (2004-10-14)
[168] Welcoming Leah Davies to our team - (2005-01-04)
[185] Who am I? - (2005-01-21)
[371] The training team that's looking out for you - (2005-07-07)
[393] Trainer answers phone - (2005-07-28)
[578] Woman screaming at me - (2006-01-26)
[862] 4 weeks to go - (2006-09-11)
[895] Welcome, Martin - (2006-10-16)
[972] Both one team and two - (2006-12-08)
[1002] Meet the neighbours - (2006-12-20)
[1065] Graham Ellis - an Introduction - (2007-02-05)
[1083] Behind the scenes - (2007-02-17)
[1141] A strong team broadens the professional coverage - (2007-04-10)
[1324] Well House Manor appoints a General Manager - (2007-08-28)
[2009] The Royal Mail Receipt - (2009-01-26)
[2044] Please Trouble me - (2009-02-16)
[2050] Why the Pony Tail? - (2009-02-21)
[2164] Updating my public profile - Graham Ellis - (2009-05-09)
[2566] Excellent staff make for excellent hotel - (2010-01-07)
[2775] Declarations of interest - knowing where you stand with people - (2010-05-22)
[2934] Not so much software training - more hotel keeping! - (2010-08-25)
[2960] The Well House team - September 2010 - (2010-09-19)
[3051] Positively reforming the system - could it be done? - (2010-11-14)
[3103] Thank you - and Happy Christmas - (2010-12-24)
[3201] A change to the Well House team - thank you and good luck, Chris - (2011-03-14)
[3212] Well House Manor - a home from home for the business and leisure guest in Melksham - (2011-03-26)
[3311] Exhilarating day! - (2011-05-30)
[3425] Our National Autograss Champion, from Melksham - (2011-09-08)
[3460] Flying Colours! - (2011-09-28)
[3490] How not to call when job seeking ... - (2011-10-20)
[3586] Emergency First Aid Provision at Well House Manor - part of the service - (2012-01-19)
[3961] Well House Staff Party - (2012-12-22)
[4189] Who are we - Lisa, Graham, Gypsy and Billy - (2013-10-07)
[4227] Happy Christmas from the Well House Manor team - (2013-12-25)
Some other Articles
Regional Spatial Strategy and the next 20 years - Whence Wiltshire under the new government?PHP - Object Oriented Design in useDynamically watching your web site via a PHP wrapperGraham Ellis - Summary of Training RecordMelksham to Calne by public transportMelksham Chamber of Commerce - Presidents report to AGMEasy - but for whom?Carrying a long URL around - looking for memorable shortsBack from a Python course in Glasgow