Ny her? Vi forfattere og udbydere af en bred vifte af Open Source-kurser, der er baseret i Melksham, England. Vi tror p[83][c2]å s[83][c2]øger efter vores kunder og give tilbage til samfundet ogs[83][c2]å. Eller ej, vi har tr[83][c2]ænet dig, er du velkommen til at gennemse vores materiale:
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Opentalk Forum.
og der er mere om os her.
Eller v[83][c2]ælg Open Source emne:
Python Programming
PHP Programmering
Perl Programmering
Ruby Programming
lua Programmering
Tcl Programmering
C og C + + Programmering
Java Programming
Linux operativsystem
MysQL Database
Apache httpd & Tomcat
Karakteristika for alle vores offentlige kurser kan n[83][c2]ævnes:
[82][ac][c2] Pr[83][c2]æsenteret af vores egne professionelle personale vejledere
[82][ac][c2] Maksimal naturligvis st[83][c2]ørrelse 8 delegerede
[82][ac][c2] K[83][c2]ør p[83][c2]å vores egne brugerdefinerede-udstyret uddannelsescenter
[82][ac][c2] boliger til r[83][c2]ådighed for delegerede
[82][ac][c2] 1 uddelegere minimum - vi altid k[83][c2]øre din bestilte naturligvis
[82][ac][c2] Uddannelse materiale skrevet af os og revideres ofte
Please browse denne hjemmeside for yderligere oplysninger, eller email os via
info@wellho.net eller ring til os p[83][c2]å +44 (0) 1225 708225, hvis du [83][c2]ønsker at dr[83][c2]øfte din virksomhed eller personlige krav.
Vores kurser er forskellige ... [detaljer]
[82][ac][c2] En varm velkomst aftenen f[83][c2]ør
[82][ac][c2] Gratis baneg[83][c2]ård pick up
[82][ac][c2] nr. minimum numre; kurser altid l[83][c2]øbe
[82][ac][c2] K[83][c2]ør p[83][c2]å vores eget uddannelsescenter
[82][ac][c2] Hold dig til os -
vi er ogs[83][c2]å et hotel
[82][ac][c2] Kurser pr[83][c2]æsenteret af forfatteren
[82][ac][c2] H[83][c2]øjst kun 8 delegerede pr kursus
[82][ac][c2] Post-kursus st[83][c2]øtte inkluderet
Planlagte Kurser
Implementering af Apache og Tomcat
Implementering LAMP - Linux, Apache, MysQL Perl / PHP / Python
Linux Basics
Linux Administration
Linux Web Server
L[83][c2]ære at programmere i PHP
Learning to Program i Python
Learning to Program i Java
L[83][c2]ære at programmere i lua
Learning to Program i Ruby
Learning to Program i Tcl
Learning to Program i C
L[83][c2]ære at programmere i C + +
Learning to Program i Perl / Perl Programmering
LUA Programmering
PHP Programmering
PHP Teknikker
Objektorienteret programmering med PHP
Den MysQL relationel database
Python Programming
L[83][c2]ære at programmere i Perl / Perl Programmering
Brug af Perl p[83][c2]å nettet
Perl for st[83][c2]ørre projekter
Programmering i C
C + + for C Programm[83][c2]ører
C og C + + Programmering
Java Bootcamp
Ruby Programming
Tcl Programmering
Tcl - den Tk Toolkit
Regular Expressions
Vores offentlige kurser pr[83][c2]æsenteres p[83][c2]å engelsk. Hvis du taler godt engelsk som andet sprog, naturligvis vil v[83][c2]ære egnede til dig. Vi k[83][c2]ører ogs[83][c2]å private kursus om kunden lokaliteter, hvor en god lokal overs[83][c2]ættelsestjenesten kan sikre, at du f[83][c2]år mest muligt ud af kurset, hvis du ikke er en engelsk h[83][c2]øjttaler.
svensk og
(written 2009-08-09)
Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter http://melksh.am/nnnn for individual articles
G902 - Well House Consultants - Web site techniques, utility and visibility [23] Skills and responsibilities - (2004-08-22)
[32] Web design platoon - (2004-08-29)
[98] No more 'Error 404' pages. Something better. - (2004-10-24)
[109] URLs - a service and not a hurdle - (2004-11-04)
[117] A case of case - (2004-11-14)
[142] Colour for access - (2004-12-06)
[165] Implementing an effective site search engine - (2005-01-01)
[173] Data Mining - (2005-01-09)
[179] The hunt for unique words - (2005-01-16)
[182] Your personal Google ranking - (2005-01-19)
[197] Allow for peak traffic on your web site - (2005-02-01)
[202] Searching for numbers - (2005-02-04)
[222] Who are all these visitors? - (2005-02-20)
[259] Responding to spam - (2005-03-27)
[261] Putting a form online - (2005-03-29)
[268] Information request forms, cleaning up spam - (2005-04-05)
[274] Our most popular resources - (2005-04-10)
[276] An apology to Mr Boneparte - (2005-04-11)
[278] Cover all the options - (2005-04-13)
[284] The Iconish language - (2005-04-19)
[288] Colour blindness for web developers - (2005-04-22)
[311] Growth pains - (2005-05-14)
[314] What language is this written in? - (2005-05-17)
[320] Ordnance Survey - using a 'Get a map' - (2005-05-22)
[322] More maps - (2005-05-23)
[347] Frightening and from-friend viruses and spams - (2005-06-14)
[348] Graveyard pages - (2005-06-15)
[369] CMS - the minefield of Choices - (2005-07-05)
[376] What brings people to my web site? - (2005-07-13)
[414] Form Madness - (2005-08-14)
[492] New Navigation Aid - Launch of My Wellho - (2005-11-11)
[510] Dynamic Web presence - next generation web site - (2005-11-29)
[528] Getting favicon to work - avoiding common pitfalls - (2005-12-14)
[533] Bigger Box Campaign - (2005-12-18)
[649] Denial of Service ''attack'' - (2006-03-17)
[658] Keeping the visitors happy and browsing - (2006-03-26)
[681] Mirroring a dynamic site - (2006-04-12)
[718] Protecting images from theft - (2006-05-12)
[732] Where is a web site visitor browsing from - (2006-05-24)
[757] Horse and Python training - (2006-06-12)
[767] Finding the language preference of a web site visitor - (2006-06-18)
[800] Effective web campaign? - (2006-07-12)
[893] Visibility - (2006-10-14)
[916] Driving customers away - (2006-11-07)
[976] Santa at the station - (2006-12-09)
[994] Training on Cascading Style Sheets - (2006-12-17)
[1015] Search engine placement - long term strategy and success - (2006-12-30)
[1029] Our search engine placement is dropping. - (2007-01-11)
[1055] Above the fold - (2007-01-28)
[1104] Drawing dynamic graphs in PHP - (2007-03-09)
[1177] Sorting out for a site map - (2007-05-05)
[1184] Finding resources - some pointers - (2007-05-13)
[1186] Two new pages / sites - (2007-05-14)
[1198] From Web to Web 2 - (2007-05-21)
[1207] Simple but effective use of mod_rewrite (Apache httpd) - (2007-05-27)
[1212] What brought YOU to our web site? - (2007-06-01)
[1237] What proportion of our web traffic is robots? - (2007-06-19)
[1297] Stuffing content into a web page - easy maintainance - (2007-08-09)
[1437] Above the fold with First Great Western - (2007-11-19)
[1494] A time to update pictures - (2008-01-03)
[1505] Script to present commonly used images - PHP - (2008-01-13)
[1506] Ongoing Image Copyright Issues, PHP and MySQL solutions - (2008-01-14)
[1513] Perl, PHP or Python? No - Perl AND PHP AND Python! - (2008-01-20)
[1534] Where in the world / country is my visitor from? - (2008-02-07)
[1541] Colour, Composition or Content - (2008-02-16)
[1554] Online hotel reservations - Melksham, Wiltshire (near Bath) - (2008-02-24)
[1610] PHP course dot co, dot uk - (2008-04-13)
[1630] To provide external links, or not? - (2008-05-04)
[1634] Kiss and Book - (2008-05-07)
[1653] How do Google Ads work? - (2008-05-25)
[1711] Rapid growth leads to server move - (2008-07-17)
[1747] Who is watching you? - (2008-08-10)
[1756] Ever had One of THOSE mornings? - (2008-08-16)
[1793] Which country does a search engine think you are located in? - (2008-09-11)
[1797] I have been working hard but I do not expect you noticed - (2008-09-14)
[1833] Web Bloopers - good form design - avoiding pitfalls - (2008-10-11)
[1856] A few of my favourite things - (2008-10-26)
[1888] Find the link - (2008-11-16)
[1955] How to avoid duplicating web page maintainance - (2008-12-20)
[1961] Making our things easier to find - (2008-12-26)
[1970] Plagarism - who is copying my pages? - (2009-01-02)
[1982] Cooking bodies and URLs - (2009-01-08)
[2056] Web Site Loading - experiences and some solutions shared - (2009-02-26)
[2065] Static mirroring through HTTrack, wget and others - (2009-03-03)
[2225] How important is a front page ranking on a search engine? - (2009-06-09)
[2332] Formation, des langages Open Source - (2009-08-09)
[2333] Formaci[83][c2]ón, de los lenguajes de c[83][c2]ódigo abierto - (2009-08-09)
[2334] Formazione, Open Source computer lingue - (2009-08-09)
[2335] Ausbildung, die Open-Source-Sprachen - (2009-08-09)
[2336] Forma[83][c2]ç[83][c2]ão, Open Source computador l[83][c2]ínguas - (2009-08-09)
[2337] Opleiding, Open Source computertalen - (2009-08-09)
[2339] Oppl[83][c2]æring, Open Source datamaskinen spr[83][c2]åk - (2009-08-09)
[2340] ldning, Open Source dator spr[83][c2]åk - (2009-08-09)
[2341] Koulutus, Open Source tietokone kielill[83][c2]ä - (2009-08-09)
[2389] Writing with our customers words - (2009-09-01)
[2410] Removal of technical resources from this site - (2009-09-19)
[2519] Status Page / breaks of service in early December - (2009-11-30)
[2532] Analysing Google arrivals by country of origin - (2009-12-10)
[2552] Web site traffic - real users, or just noise? - (2009-12-26)
[2569] How to run a successful online poll / petition / survey / consultation - (2010-01-10)
[2668] Is it worth it? - (2010-03-09)
[2981] How to set up short and meaningfull alternative URLs - (2010-10-02)
[3022] Retaining web site visitors - reducing the one page wonders - (2010-10-31)
[3087] Making the most of critical emails - reading behind the scene - (2010-12-16)
[3149] Looking back at www.wellho.net - (2011-01-28)
[3197] Finding and diverting image requests from rogue domains - (2011-03-08)
[3367] Google +1 - what is it? - (2011-07-22)
[3426] Automed web site testing scripted in Ruby using watir-webdriver - (2011-09-09)
[3491] Who is knocking at your web site door? Are you well set up to deal with allcomers? - (2011-10-21)
[3532] Sharing the user experience - designing a form with the customer in mind - (2011-11-29)
[3554] Learning more about our web site - and learning how to learn about yours - (2011-12-17)
[3563] How big is a web page these days? Does the size of your pages matter? - (2011-12-26)
[3589] Promoting a single one of your domains on the search engines - (2012-01-22)
[3623] Some TestWise examples - helping use Ruby code to check your web site operation - (2012-02-24)
[3734] QR codes with marketing logos embedded - (2012-05-16)
[3744] Short Web Addresses for Melksham - (2012-05-30)
[3745] Legal change - You need to obtain user consent if you use cookies on your website - (2012-06-01)
[3776] Some traps it's so easy to fall into in designing your web site - (2012-06-23)
[3896] An email marathon - (2012-10-15)
[3974] TV show appearance - how does it effect your web site? - (2013-01-13)
[4001] Helping search engines with appropriate 400 error codes - (2013-02-11)
[4076] Web site - fully back! - (2013-04-29)
[4115] More or less back - what happened to our server the other day - (2013-06-14)
[4136] How do I post automatically from a PHP script to my Twitter account? - (2013-07-10)
[4239] Facebook marketing - early experiences - (2014-01-19)
[4376] Well House Consultants, Well House Manor, First Great Western Coffee shop, TransWilts / 2014 web site reports - (2015-01-01)
[4401] Selecting RECENT and POPULAR news and trends for your web site users - (2015-01-19)
[4474] Effect on external factors on traffic to our web sites - an update - (2015-04-26)
[4492] Almost so wrong, but perhaps it's right for some? - (2015-05-11)
G300 - Well House Consultants - Public Courses [172] Public courses in London - (2005-01-07)
[181] Maximum number of trainees on a course - (2005-01-18)
[387] Training course plans for 2006 - (2005-07-23)
[646] PHP - London course, Melksham Course, Evening course - (2006-03-14)
[845] Course scheduling and Geekmas - are they traditions yet? - (2006-08-26)
[933] Course Joining package - updated - (2006-11-20)
[1035] Longer hours and better value courses - (2007-01-15)
[1414] What we teach - expained for the non-technical - (2007-10-28)
[1420] The Learning Perl crew, October 2007 - (2007-11-03)
[1565] Languages compared - based on developer community size - (2008-03-05)
[1615] PHP training courses every month - (2008-04-18)
[1693] July to December 2008 - Open Source training schedule - (2008-07-01)
[1751] Public Training Course Dates until July 2009 - (2008-08-13)
[1836] Next in the sequence - courses next year (2009) - (2008-10-12)
[1857] November and December Public Course Schedule - (2008-10-27)
[1929] 2009 - Hotel, Meeting, Training Course prices - (2008-12-07)
[1968] Review of 2008 - (2008-12-31)
[2048] Learning to program in PHP, Python, Java or Lua ... - (2009-02-19)
[2558] Happy new decade - and course and hotel prices for 2010 - (2010-01-01)
[2736] Perl Course FAQ - (2010-04-23)
[2839] Software versions used - June 2010 - (2010-06-30)
[2881] Tailoring of courses to meet customers needs - how it works - (2010-07-21)
[2927] Announcing 2011 Open Source Training courses - dates and prices - (2010-08-18)
[2928] Public (scheduled) or private course? Book direct, or through a third party? - (2010-08-19)
[2942] Open Source Programming - Training Course Schedule - (2010-08-31)
[2965] Testimonials - Well House Consultants Open Source courses - (2010-09-21)
[3021] Courses for late 2010 and early 2011 - (2010-10-30)
[3071] Well House Price list, January to March 2011 - (2010-11-25)
[3074] Running a course ... what if the tutor isn't well? - (2010-11-29)
[3078] Royal Wedding. How William and Catherine have changed our schedule - (2010-12-02)
[3129] Extra courses - C and C++ - (2011-01-12)
[3160] Extra courses - Advanced PHP, MySQL and Lua - (2011-02-07)
[3205] Open Source (Public) courses - PHP, Tcl, SQL, Python, C and C++ in Melksham, Wiltshire, UK - (2011-03-18)
[3219] How do I become a Linux System Administrator? - (2011-03-28)
[3358] Upcoming Programming courses ... High Summer, 2011 - (2011-07-15)
[3365] Turning bright delegates into bright and knowledgable ones - (2011-07-21)
[3401] Open Source Training Schedule - learn a programming language - in Autumn 2011 or 2012 - (2011-08-20)
[3528] December courses - PHP, Python, Perl - and a weekend Lua course - (2011-11-24)
[3559] Well House Consultants - Open Source Programming Courses for 2012 - (2011-12-21)
[3573] New in Java 7 - and why we are not running public Java 7 courses - (2012-01-08)
[3637] April, May and June 2012 - Public Open Source Programming Courses - (2012-03-04)
[3823] Know Python or PHP? Want to learn Perl too? - (2012-07-31)
[3829] Training courses - rest of 2012, 2013 and January 2014 - (2012-08-06)
[3876] October to December 2012 - Public Courses - (2012-09-30)
[3903] Python Programming class for delegates who have already self-taught the basics - (2012-10-25)
[3911] How well do you know Perl and / or Python? - (2012-11-04)
[3924] The bedrooms at Well House Manor - (2012-11-16)
[3964] What is coming up from Well House in 2013 - public Open Source / IT courses. - (2012-12-28)
[3983] Upcoming courses at Well House Manor - Ruby, Python, Perl - (2013-01-19)
[4015] Upcoming courses and availabiity - (2013-02-22)
[4172] Public courses - Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, C and C++ - autumn 2013 and through 2014 - (2013-09-13)
[4197] Python and Tcl courses, November, UK (Melksham) ... just a few places left - (2013-10-23)
[4230] Well House Consultants - course prices for 2014 - (2013-12-26)
[4279] Upcoming public courses from Well House Consultants - (2014-05-31)
[4300] Public courses - Autumn 2014 and 2015 - (2014-09-19)
[4358] A brilliant finish to 2014 training and business guests, and a look to 2015 - (2014-12-20)
[4375] Final examples for 2014 - and a look at our 2015 training course options - (2014-12-31)
[4408] Additional Python courses added to our schedule - (2015-01-29)
[4416] Challenging the IT course business model - (2015-02-05)
[4434] Public training courses - upcoming dates - (2015-02-21)
[4519] Course Schedule - October 2015 to June 2016 - (2015-09-27)
[4564] Perl, PHP, Python, Lua, Tcl, C++, Ruby - final public courses for 2015 - (2015-10-30)
[4689] Training Course schedule for summer and autumn 2016 - (2016-05-30)
[4705] Course dates - from October 2016 to December 2017 - (2016-09-25)
[4739] A year of changes for Lisa and Graham Ellis, and Well House - (2017-05-27)
[4751] Final day of training at Well House Manor - Python, Lua, Tcl and C/C++ continue at The Spa, Melksham - (2017-06-30)
[4769] Python, Tcl, Lua and other Open Source programming courses for 2018 - (2017-12-31)
G200 - Well House Consultants - Course and Company information [13] Mobile Office revamp - (2004-08-13)
[234] How to get the best from your supplier - (2005-03-03)
[277] Fire drill - (2005-04-12)
[419] Most popular courses - (2005-08-19)
[504] We are about Open Source programming courses in the UK - (2005-11-24)
[549] 2005 - Come as a student, leave as a friend - (2005-12-31)
[550] 2006 - Making business a pleasure - (2006-01-01)
[564] Open Source training from Well House Consultants - (2006-01-14)
[1018] Open Source Courses and Business Hotel - products and prices for 2007 - (2007-01-01)
[1087] Telling a story in different ways - (2007-02-20)
[1102] A Reference - (2007-03-08)
[1317] 2008 course schedule - Perl, Python, PHP, Linux, Java Deployment, Ruby and more - (2007-08-23)
[1384] An email update for past guests and delegates - (2007-10-08)
[1453] What makes our courses special? - (2007-12-02)
[1492] Well House Consultants Training and Hotel - 2008 news - (2008-01-01)
[1577] Spring and early summer training courses - (2008-03-15)
[1623] PHP Techniques - a workshop - (2008-04-26)
[1629] A short introduction to our courses - (2008-05-03)
[2041] httpd, Tomcat and PHP course enhancements - (2009-02-14)
[2118] Spring Sprung - (2009-04-05)
[2222] A (biased?) comparison of PHP courses in the UK - (2009-06-07)
[2227] Learning PHP, Ruby, Lua and Python - upcoming courses - (2009-06-11)
[2278] First courses for 2010 - (2009-07-10)
[2326] Learn a new programming language this summer. - (2009-08-06)
[2350] Ten years in Melksham - looking forward to ten more. - (2009-08-11)
[2354] Training, Open Source computer languages - (2009-08-13)
[2400] Are you wanting to learn PHP? - (2009-09-08)
[2505] I almost put the bins out this morning - (2009-11-16)
[2560] Training comparison to QA Training, Learning Tree, GB Direct. - (2010-01-02)
[2637] Courses - Melksham and elsewhere - until the end of April - (2010-02-16)
[2659] New numbers, as 01225 707126 and 01225 709638 are being retired - (2010-03-04)
[2661] Current Public Courses - (2010-03-05)
[2762] Well House - Mission and Policy summaries - (2010-05-13)
[2777] Blowing our own trumpet - (2010-05-23)
[2838] Respecting our customers anonimity - (2010-06-29)
[2925] Well House - the pictures - (2010-08-16)
[2935] 01225 707126 to 01225 344596 to 01225 899360 - Well House Fax - (2010-08-26)
[3112] Public and private courses - subjects available for 2011 - (2010-12-29)
[3115] Perl, Python, PHP, Lua, Linux, and more - and business hotel too. Menu for 2011 - (2010-12-31)
[3202] Telling you something about us in just one line - (2011-03-15)
[3235] How we make our programming courses both time and cost effective - (2011-04-09)
[3816] Want to escape the Olympics? Learn to program in the countryside! - (2012-07-23)
[3935] Whether you have programmed before or not, we can teach you Python - (2012-11-25)
[4305] Learning to program in Java - yes, we can help. - (2014-09-26)
[4518] Open source programming courses - October to December 2015 - (2015-09-27)
[4588] What teach you in a week stays with you for a decade - (2015-11-29)
Some other Articles
Training Classes in other tonguesUddannelse, Open Source computer sprog