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For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))
Learning PHP, Ruby, Lua and Python - upcoming courses

The following programming courses are all booking well, but still have good availability:
PHP - starting 6th July
Ruby - starting 14th July
Lua - starting 10th August
Python - starting 17th August
Also Deploying LAMP (Linux, Apache httpd, MySQL, PHP/Perl) from 20th July. Can be taken as separate Linux Basics, introduction to Linux Admin and Linux Web Server courses.

Other courses - Apache Tomcat, Java Programming, Perl Programming, C and C++ programming, MySQL and Tcl are also scheduled within the next 3 months - see schedule from where there are links to every course.

The programming courses listed are for delegates with at least a little prior programming experience. If you are new to computer programming, we offer an additional day immediately prior to each of the programming courses, in which we cover some of the initial programming principles in order to help you get started, and how they apply to the particular language you're going to be learning. That way, you're prepared for the 'main course' and can benefit from interacting with delegates who have experience in other languages, and be able to gain a very great deal from the course without holding others back.

With an extra day, we name our courses for programming newcomers "Learning to program in xxxx", at an extra cost of £250.00 per delegate. All of our course have a maximum of eight delegates so you'll get plenty of help / attention to your requirements from the tutor, and we guarantee that the course will run even if there's just one delegate booked. Which means that a "Learning to program ..." course is often a one-on-one introduction on the first day, followed by a group course of 3 to 5 people - a perfect learning environment!
(written 2009-06-11)

Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter http://melksh.am/nnnn for individual articles
Y050 - Python - General
  [16] Python training - (2004-08-16)
  [2017] Python - a truly dynamic language - (2009-01-30)
  [2020] Learning Python - many new example programs - (2009-01-31)
  [2285] Great new diagrams for our notes ... Python releases - (2009-07-13)
  [2367] Learning to program - how to jump the first hurdles - (2009-08-20)
  [2394] Two days of demonstration scripts in Python - (2009-09-05)
  [2504] Learning to program in ... - (2009-11-15)
  [2778] Learning to program in Python 2 ... and / or in Python 3 - (2010-05-24)
  [2822] Python training courses for use with ESRI ArcMap software - (2010-06-23)
  [3076] Python through the Snow - (2010-12-01)
  [3463] Busy weekend of contrasts. - (2011-10-03)
  [3489] Python courses and Private courses - gently updating our product to keep it ahead of the game - (2011-10-20)
  [3519] Python - current versions and implementations (CPython, Jython, IronPython etc) - (2011-11-13)
  [3798] When you should use Object Orientation even in a short program - Python example - (2012-07-06)
  [3816] Want to escape the Olympics? Learn to program in the countryside! - (2012-07-23)
  [3902] Shell - Grep - Sed - Awk - Perl - Python - which to use when? - (2012-10-22)
  [3903] Python Programming class for delegates who have already self-taught the basics - (2012-10-25)
  [3911] How well do you know Perl and / or Python? - (2012-11-04)
  [3935] Whether you have programmed before or not, we can teach you Python - (2012-11-25)
  [4236] Using Python to analyse last years forum logs. Good coding practise discussion. - (2014-01-01)
  [4295] A longer Python ... training course - (2014-09-16)
  [4408] Additional Python courses added to our schedule - (2015-01-29)
  [4434] Public training courses - upcoming dates - (2015-02-21)
  [4558] Well House Consultants - Python courses / what's special. - (2015-10-28)
  [4656] Identifying the first and last records in a sequence - (2016-02-26)
  [4712] A reminder of the key issues to consider in moving from Python 2 to Python 3 - (2016-10-30)

U050 - Lua - General
  [2309] Lua training class in Spanish - (2009-07-29)
  [2315] New Lua Examples - for last weeks delegates - (2009-08-01)
  [2318] For Lua Programmers AND for Town Planners - (2009-08-02)
  [2331] Certification Revisted - Lua - (2009-08-09)
  [2492] Lua Classes - open enrolement - (2009-11-04)
  [2555] Bookkeeping - (2009-12-29)
  [2947] Teaching Lua to a Perl advocate - (2010-09-06)
  [3528] December courses - PHP, Python, Perl - and a weekend Lua course - (2011-11-24)
  [3724] Learning to Program in Lua - public / open training course / class - (2012-05-09)
  [4260] Why we teach Lua - (2014-04-08)
  [4297] Lua courses - an update - (2014-09-18)
  [4575] Learning not just what a program does, but how to design it in the first place. - (2015-11-06)

R050 - Ruby - General
  [2104] Ruby Programming and Rails - 4 different courses in one - (2009-03-26)
  [2605] Ruby on Rails - a sample application to teach you how - (2010-01-30)
  [2826] Ruby - training for automated testing users - (2010-06-25)
  [2866] Ruby - how does it compare and where is it the right language? - (2010-07-11)
  [3158] Ruby training - some fresh examples for string handling applications - (2011-02-05)
  [3799] Ruby Documentation through rdoc - (2012-07-07)
  [4294] A bright new gem - updated Ruby training - (2014-09-16)
  [4583] Back in the saddle again - excellent open source course from Well House Consultants - (2015-11-26)

H050 - PHP - General
  [116] The next generation of programmer - (2004-11-13)
  [235] Preparation for a day's work - (2005-03-04)
  [1722] PHP examples - source code and try it out too - (2008-07-26)
  [2097] PHP Course - for hobby / club / charity users. - (2009-03-22)
  [2222] A (biased?) comparison of PHP courses in the UK - (2009-06-07)
  [2400] Are you wanting to learn PHP? - (2009-09-08)
  [2430] Not just a PHP program - a good web application - (2009-09-29)
  [2559] Moving the product forward - ours, and MySQL, Perl, PHP and Python too - (2010-01-01)
  [2589] Your PHP code does not work? Here is where to start looking. - (2010-01-18)
  [2663] Improve your PHP on a weekend away - (2010-03-05)
  [3025] Learning to Program ... in PHP. Course examples. - (2010-11-01)
  [3530] A typical weekend?? - (2011-11-28)
  [3952] PHP revision ... by example. - (2012-12-15)
  [3966] Our examples work with any recent version of PHP - (2013-01-01)
  [4314] PHP training - refreshed modern course, backed up by years of practical experience - (2014-11-16)

G200 - Well House Consultants - Course and Company information
  [13] Mobile Office revamp - (2004-08-13)
  [181] Maximum number of trainees on a course - (2005-01-18)
  [234] How to get the best from your supplier - (2005-03-03)
  [277] Fire drill - (2005-04-12)
  [419] Most popular courses - (2005-08-19)
  [504] We are about Open Source programming courses in the UK - (2005-11-24)
  [549] 2005 - Come as a student, leave as a friend - (2005-12-31)
  [550] 2006 - Making business a pleasure - (2006-01-01)
  [564] Open Source training from Well House Consultants - (2006-01-14)
  [1018] Open Source Courses and Business Hotel - products and prices for 2007 - (2007-01-01)
  [1087] Telling a story in different ways - (2007-02-20)
  [1102] A Reference - (2007-03-08)
  [1317] 2008 course schedule - Perl, Python, PHP, Linux, Java Deployment, Ruby and more - (2007-08-23)
  [1384] An email update for past guests and delegates - (2007-10-08)
  [1453] What makes our courses special? - (2007-12-02)
  [1492] Well House Consultants Training and Hotel - 2008 news - (2008-01-01)
  [1565] Languages compared - based on developer community size - (2008-03-05)
  [1577] Spring and early summer training courses - (2008-03-15)
  [1623] PHP Techniques - a workshop - (2008-04-26)
  [1629] A short introduction to our courses - (2008-05-03)
  [2041] httpd, Tomcat and PHP course enhancements - (2009-02-14)
  [2118] Spring Sprung - (2009-04-05)
  [2278] First courses for 2010 - (2009-07-10)
  [2326] Learn a new programming language this summer. - (2009-08-06)
  [2332] Formation, des langages Open Source - (2009-08-09)
  [2333] Formaci[83][c2]ón, de los lenguajes de c[83][c2]ódigo abierto - (2009-08-09)
  [2334] Formazione, Open Source computer lingue - (2009-08-09)
  [2335] Ausbildung, die Open-Source-Sprachen - (2009-08-09)
  [2336] Forma[83][c2]ç[83][c2]ão, Open Source computador l[83][c2]ínguas - (2009-08-09)
  [2337] Opleiding, Open Source computertalen - (2009-08-09)
  [2338] Uddannelse, Open Source computer sprog - (2009-08-09)
  [2339] Oppl[83][c2]æring, Open Source datamaskinen spr[83][c2]åk - (2009-08-09)
  [2340] ldning, Open Source dator spr[83][c2]åk - (2009-08-09)
  [2341] Koulutus, Open Source tietokone kielill[83][c2]ä - (2009-08-09)
  [2350] Ten years in Melksham - looking forward to ten more. - (2009-08-11)
  [2354] Training, Open Source computer languages - (2009-08-13)
  [2505] I almost put the bins out this morning - (2009-11-16)
  [2558] Happy new decade - and course and hotel prices for 2010 - (2010-01-01)
  [2560] Training comparison to QA Training, Learning Tree, GB Direct. - (2010-01-02)
  [2637] Courses - Melksham and elsewhere - until the end of April - (2010-02-16)
  [2659] New numbers, as 01225 707126 and 01225 709638 are being retired - (2010-03-04)
  [2661] Current Public Courses - (2010-03-05)
  [2762] Well House - Mission and Policy summaries - (2010-05-13)
  [2777] Blowing our own trumpet - (2010-05-23)
  [2838] Respecting our customers anonimity - (2010-06-29)
  [2925] Well House - the pictures - (2010-08-16)
  [2935] 01225 707126 to 01225 344596 to 01225 899360 - Well House Fax - (2010-08-26)
  [3112] Public and private courses - subjects available for 2011 - (2010-12-29)
  [3115] Perl, Python, PHP, Lua, Linux, and more - and business hotel too. Menu for 2011 - (2010-12-31)
  [3202] Telling you something about us in just one line - (2011-03-15)
  [3235] How we make our programming courses both time and cost effective - (2011-04-09)
  [4172] Public courses - Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, C and C++ - autumn 2013 and through 2014 - (2013-09-13)
  [4305] Learning to program in Java - yes, we can help. - (2014-09-26)
  [4518] Open source programming courses - October to December 2015 - (2015-09-27)
  [4519] Course Schedule - October 2015 to June 2016 - (2015-09-27)
  [4564] Perl, PHP, Python, Lua, Tcl, C++, Ruby - final public courses for 2015 - (2015-10-30)
  [4588] What teach you in a week stays with you for a decade - (2015-11-29)

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Revision / Summary of lists - Perl
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Where do I start when writing a program?
Some other Articles
What is CGI.pm / A dozen new examples
Running a piece of code is like drinking a pint of beer
Do not re-invent the wheel - use a Perl module
Where do I start when writing a program?
Learning PHP, Ruby, Lua and Python - upcoming courses
Revision / Summary of lists - Perl
How important is a front page ranking on a search engine?
Trowbridge - a missed opportunity? Melksham - into the breach?
CSS Style Diagrams - working out where attributes come from
4759 posts, page by page
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This is a page archived from The Horse's Mouth at http://www.wellho.net/horse/ - the diary and writings of Graham Ellis. Every attempt was made to provide current information at the time the page was written, but things do move forward in our business - new software releases, price changes, new techniques. Please check back via our main site for current courses, prices, versions, etc - any mention of a price in "The Horse's Mouth" cannot be taken as an offer to supply at that price.

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