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For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))
Effective Java training - the bootcamp approach

Our public Java courses:
Java Bootcamp- 4 days
Java Programming for the Web - 5 days
Deploying Java Apps under Linux / Unix - 5 days
Apache httpd and Tomcat Deployment - 2 days
Our courses are modular and we have further material - please ask about private courses if you have a group of delegates as we can tailor to your needs

Employers want to get the very best out of their employees' time (which is their money) ... and if an employee is away on a course, it's not only costing one lot of time and money in immediate salary, but a second in terms of having someone else stand in, and a third in terms of course fees ...

Do I sound like I'm selling myself out of a job here, as a course provider? Maybe, but I'm pointing out the considerations that companies like ours should make in order to provide the most effective service to our customers. I'm passionate about training ... I believe that it's a vital part of staff development, and the staff make the company. An investment. And one we ourselves make in our staff - carefully weighing up factors such as whether the course content is appropriate, and whether our delegate will be able to ask extra questions / get specific help if necessary, or will be left to flounder or with issues unresolved. And it's not always easy to know, ahead of time, how a new course supplier will "pan out" with regard to these issues - good, bad, or patchy.

The word bootcamp is flavour of the month at the moment. The free dictionary defines it as:
1. A training camp for military recruits.
2. A correctional facility that uses the training techniques applied to military recruits to teach usually youthful offenders socially acceptable patterns of behavior.
and that worries me a little, as it's slightly off the way the IT industry uses it, so let me try my own definition:
3. A course on which intensive techniques sometime applied to military recruits are used in order to provide the maximum of effective, targeted training in a short period - usually just a few days.
and that definition really suits our courses well ... to the extent that one or two of the most intensive are now described as "bootcamp"s.

Features of our Java Bootcamp include:
* A residential course at our own hotel where you have access to the computers you're working on 24 x 7
* Lessons run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the tutor available to you from 8 a.m. (or earlier) until 6.30 p.m. (or later) if you have any questions
* Group size typically just 4 or 5 delegates to ensure maximum attention for everyone's requirements
* Course materials include background information and additional optional sections to ensure that the presentation can be tailored to suit the individual group
* Wide range of examples and notes provided to meet everyone's targeted applications.
* "Buddy system" encouraged during practicals, where delegate may work together to resolve issues encountered
* Library of some 600 technical books on hand, together with internet access from the training room, and from delegate's bedrooms too. You can even take the workstation you're using during your course up to your room ...
* After course access to tutor via forum, via email, and via all the examples from the training notes on line for your use.
* Course agenda carefully prepared to include all vital topics that are hard to pick up from a book, but to exclude too much repetitive coverage of elements that you can easily read up on - ("Once you know what Chicken Curry is, and you know what Beef is, you can work out Beef Curry for yourself!")

Our 4 day Java Bootcamp course follows the above philosophy to a tee. For delegates who wish to go into some of the subjects a little deeper (and add in topics such as Applets, Database connectivity, and coding standards) our extended - 5 day - Java Programming for the Web follows the same agenda for the first four days but gives you those extra topics (and a chance to get in some more practice) on the fifth day.

Both the courses run every couple of months (as do our deploying Java applications under Linux and Deploying Apache httpd and Tomcat courses). Click on the links for the individual courses for forthcoming dates.
(written 2007-12-09, updated 2007-12-13)

Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter http://melksh.am/nnnn for individual articles
J953 - Combined Java Web Example: Servlets, JDBC and Graphics
  [2245] Client side (Applet) and Server side (Servlet) Graphics in Java - (2009-06-17)

J601 - Java Introduction
  [25] Release numbers - (2004-08-23)
  [111] Training notes available under Open Distribution license - (2004-11-07)
  [124] PHP v Java - (2004-11-20)
  [317] Programming languages - a comparison - (2005-05-20)
  [792] Is Java the right language to learn? - (2006-07-04)
  [871] Java oversold? - (2006-09-19)
  [1049] Java 6, Apache Tomcat 6. - (2007-01-21)
  [1158] Private Java Course - A customer's pictures - (2007-04-22)
  [1418] A Golf Club Decision - Perl to Java - (2007-11-01)
  [1497] Training Season Starts again! - (2008-01-07)
  [1557] Trying out our Java examples on our web site - (2008-02-27)
  [1766] Diagrams to show you how - Tomcat, Java, PHP - (2008-08-22)
  [1908] Java CLASSPATH explained - (2008-11-26)
  [2115] Finding your java program - the CLASSPATH variable - (2009-04-02)
  [2423] What is a JVM, a JRE, a JDK - components of the core Java Environment - (2009-09-26)
  [2536] All the Cs ... and Java too - (2009-12-13)
  [4332] First Java Application - calculating the weight of a tablecloth - (2014-11-29)

G303 - Well House Consultants - During the course
  [56] Dress Code - (2004-09-20)
  [273] Course Picture - (2005-04-09)
  [342] The evening after the course - (2005-06-09)
  [455] A Stengthening day - (2005-10-04)
  [570] Features and Benefits - (2006-01-20)
  [640] Training Centre Pictures - (2006-03-09)
  [670] Architectural Heritage - Devizes - (2006-04-04)
  [1035] Longer hours and better value courses - (2007-01-15)
  [1245] Ensuring that our tutor answers YOUR questions - (2007-06-25)
  [1363] One computer per delegate, or pair programming? - (2007-09-23)
  [1420] The Learning Perl crew, October 2007 - (2007-11-03)
  [1459] Interactive training, and advancing techniques further - (2007-12-05)
  [1816] Holt on holt - (2008-09-29)
  [2342] Training Classes in other tongues - (2009-08-10)
  [2560] Training comparison to QA Training, Learning Tree, GB Direct. - (2010-01-02)
  [3233] C / C++ Course Lunch - sitting out at the West End - (2011-04-07)
  [3588] Learning about how to help people learning - and retaining - (2012-01-21)
  [3771] Fine evening, country walk from Melksham - pictures - (2012-06-21)
  [4132] Using your own laptop on our courses - now even easier! - (2013-07-05)
  [4558] Well House Consultants - Python courses / what's special. - (2015-10-28)

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Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl, Linux, MySQL, Ruby courses ...
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stdout v stderr (Tcl, Perl, Shell)
Some other Articles
fill and expand on Tcl/Tk pack command
Curley brackets v double quotes - Tcl, Tk, Expect
Lexical v Arithemetic testing, Bash and Perl
stdout v stderr (Tcl, Perl, Shell)
Effective Java training - the bootcamp approach
Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl, Linux, MySQL, Ruby courses ...
Python Script - easy examples of lots of basics
All the special characters in HTML ...
10 training days to Christmas.
Python - input v raw input
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This is a page archived from The Horse's Mouth at http://www.wellho.net/horse/ - the diary and writings of Graham Ellis. Every attempt was made to provide current information at the time the page was written, but things do move forward in our business - new software releases, price changes, new techniques. Please check back via our main site for current courses, prices, versions, etc - any mention of a price in "The Horse's Mouth" cannot be taken as an offer to supply at that price.

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