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For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))
Interactive training, and advancing techniques further

One of the unusual things about the way that I train is that I write examples in front of my classes - I don't just go through cases that have been prepared ahead of time. Not only does that mean that I can show people what they want to see rather that what I have guessed they want to see, but it also illustrates to them how I reach the answer in the first place. And that is important and they, too, will need to know how to reach an answer when their course is completed. Why is my method so unusual? I believe it is because many tutors aren't knowledgeable enough about the subject they are teaching to be able to present it clearly and without hitches on the fly as I do.

You'll notice that I said present it clearly. And that has involved the writing of some code and explaining it, followed by running the code. Delegates want to see both at the same time, so I have got into the habit of leaving a lot of white space above my programs and that way they don't scroll right off the screen as they are being run. But there's always scope for improvement and my thanks go to Blaž on today's Python course for coming up with the suggestion that I might work with two windows side by side.

... thanks ... and blindingly obvious when pointed out to me (but not beforehand). I'll have a careful look when I'm back at base nest week to see if that will work well on the rather smaller projector / screen that we use - but I think it will, or at least can easily be adapted to do so. Lightbulb moment, perhaps - and a step forward again - an ever improving training product.

Link - Python course Well - I had to add an ad after a post like that, didn't I?
(written 2007-12-05)

Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter http://melksh.am/nnnn for individual articles
G901 - Well House Consultants - Talks and lectures
  [62] Technical Open House - (2004-09-25)
  [99] Should we call it 'Geekmas'? - (2004-10-25)
  [128] Technical Weekend / Geekmas - (2004-11-23)
  [134] Geekmas - a brief review - (2004-11-29)
  [247] Extreme training - (2005-03-16)
  [310] Just in time - the talk is writ - (2005-05-13)
  [924] The LAMP Cookbook - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP / Perl - (2006-11-13)
  [1101] Mushroom Curry and Perl Courses - (2007-03-07)
  [1242] Speaking at St. Catherine's College, Oxford University - (2007-06-24)
  [1419] National Speaker - now to get the talk ready - (2007-11-02)
  [1422] Wiltshire - speaker / after dinner talker offer - (2007-11-05)
  [3221] How long is a speech? - (2011-03-29)
  [3351] Research and development with the help of your tutor or guide - (2011-07-09)
  [3834] Geekmas 2012 - celebrating open source languages such as Perl, PHP and Python - (2012-08-11)
  [4284] Talk and walk to promote train service - Melksham Carnival - (2014-07-11)

G303 - Well House Consultants - During the course
  [56] Dress Code - (2004-09-20)
  [273] Course Picture - (2005-04-09)
  [342] The evening after the course - (2005-06-09)
  [455] A Stengthening day - (2005-10-04)
  [570] Features and Benefits - (2006-01-20)
  [640] Training Centre Pictures - (2006-03-09)
  [670] Architectural Heritage - Devizes - (2006-04-04)
  [1035] Longer hours and better value courses - (2007-01-15)
  [1245] Ensuring that our tutor answers YOUR questions - (2007-06-25)
  [1363] One computer per delegate, or pair programming? - (2007-09-23)
  [1420] The Learning Perl crew, October 2007 - (2007-11-03)
  [1466] Effective Java training - the bootcamp approach - (2007-12-09)
  [1816] Holt on holt - (2008-09-29)
  [2342] Training Classes in other tongues - (2009-08-10)
  [2560] Training comparison to QA Training, Learning Tree, GB Direct. - (2010-01-02)
  [3233] C / C++ Course Lunch - sitting out at the West End - (2011-04-07)
  [3588] Learning about how to help people learning - and retaining - (2012-01-21)
  [3771] Fine evening, country walk from Melksham - pictures - (2012-06-21)
  [4132] Using your own laptop on our courses - now even easier! - (2013-07-05)
  [4558] Well House Consultants - Python courses / what's special. - (2015-10-28)

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The wrong way to put up prices
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Christmas fare in Ljubljana
Some other Articles
All the special characters in HTML ...
10 training days to Christmas.
Python - input v raw input
Christmas fare in Ljubljana
Interactive training, and advancing techniques further
The wrong way to put up prices
A day in Ljubljana
Right up to the top of the City
Connecting to MySQL 5 from PHP on Mac OSX Leopard
From Sunday to Monday, from Melksham to the Balkans
4759 posts, page by page
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This is a page archived from The Horse's Mouth at http://www.wellho.net/horse/ - the diary and writings of Graham Ellis. Every attempt was made to provide current information at the time the page was written, but things do move forward in our business - new software releases, price changes, new techniques. Please check back via our main site for current courses, prices, versions, etc - any mention of a price in "The Horse's Mouth" cannot be taken as an offer to supply at that price.

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