Pictures from yesterday - 14th December 2014
(written 2014-12-15)
Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter for individual articles
Z501 - Public Transport - Rail [154] Railway train service, Melksham station - (2004-12-17)
[428] Swindon - Chippenham - Melksham - Trowbridge - Westbury train service - (2005-08-29)
[434] Through public transport connection, Chippenham to Salisbury, to cease - (2005-09-02)
[447] Tomorrow's meeting. - (2005-09-19)
[486] Rail services under threat - Swindon, Melksham ... and Newquay and Bicester too - (2005-11-05)
[488] Looking for railway groups and users - Swindon, Salisbury, Southampton - (2005-11-06)
[521] Proof needed? Please just use common sense! - (2005-12-08)
[524] Santa comes to Melksham - (2005-12-11)
[527] Greater Western Franchise Awarded - (2005-12-13)
[632] Moral dilemma - (2006-03-04)
[634] Real chance to make a difference - (2006-03-05)
[648] West Wilts Railway Users Group and trains to Lacock - (2006-03-16)
[688] Are you free on Friday evening? - (2006-04-18)
[697] For any North and West Wilts and Swindon Readers - (2006-04-23)
[790] Shadow Transport Minister to visit Melksham - (2006-07-02)
[803] Not shouting - (2006-07-16)
[814] Melksham Railway Calendar 2007 - (2006-07-25)
[877] Yes, but what do we do now?? - (2006-09-24)
[952] Coming from London to Melksham by train for a course - (2006-11-28)
[974] The last commuter train through Melksham - (2006-12-09)
[976] Santa at the station - (2006-12-09)
[1033] Empty at Easleigh, Missing at Melksham, Overflowing at Oldfield - (2007-01-14)
[1044] Call for appropriate train services - Swindon, Bristol, Bath, West Wilts, Severn Beach etc - (2007-01-18)
[1045] Bang! Train campaign hits home - (2007-01-19)
[1063] Bradford-on-Avon - 150 years of passenger trains - (2007-02-03)
[1069] Rail trouble forced me to buy hotel - (2007-02-07)
[1076] Save the Train - an update - (2007-02-12)
[1093] Wiltshire Train - can YOU come on 5th March? - (2007-02-25)
[1097] Train and business balls all in the air! - (2007-03-02)
[1139] Overcrowded trains around Bristol - (2007-04-08)
[1228] Some progress on the train campaign - (2007-06-10)
[1273] Melksham or Weymouth? Meal or day out? - (2007-07-23)
[1274] Radio coverage for railway issues - (2007-07-23)
[1291] Day trip to Weymouth - (2007-08-05)
[1303] Heading Upstate New York - (2007-08-14)
[1314] Business travel by train in the USA - (2007-08-22)
[1358] Look forward with a new broom - Wiltshire Train Service - (2007-09-19)
[1382] First Great Western - information for customers - (2007-10-07)
[1424] Closer than you think - the next step - (2007-11-08)
[1428] Travel Across Wiltshire - the game - (2007-11-11)
[1452] Santa on the train to Melksham - (2007-12-01)
[1530] Railway Acronyms and Abbreviations - (2008-02-03)
[1558] Getting somewhere with the train service - (2008-02-28)
[1567] Melksham - Swindon. Train v Bus v Car - (2008-03-07)
[1616] Not daring to be an anorak - (2008-04-19)
[1708] A Train Service Update for Melksham Party in the Park - (2008-07-13)
[1729] Back from the future - (2008-07-30)
[1757] Preserved railways - struggling to the future? - (2008-08-17)
[1848] 30th November - Santa Trip from Melksham - (2008-10-19)
[1858] Camera with night vision, youth with no vision - (2008-10-28)
[1905] A Gold Star for First Great Western Customer Service - (2008-11-24)
[1964] Why hasnt the fiasco been put right - (2008-12-29)
[1965] How much does a train service actually cost - (2008-12-29)
[1966] Background to the TransWilts Train Fiasco - (2008-12-29)
[1999] How low can you sink? - (2009-01-17)
[2024] Carry on Training - in spite of the weather - (2009-02-03)
[2026] Melksham Climate Friendly Group - (2009-02-05)
[2042] Wiltshire Rail Service Update - (2009-02-15)
[2057] Train and Coach fares from London (and airports) to Melksham - (2009-02-26)
[2133] Bigger and better this year! - (2009-04-20)
[2268] Westbury Bypass Refused - looking forward - (2009-07-04)
[2318] For Lua Programmers AND for Town Planners - (2009-08-02)
[2328] Melksham - no trains, no southbound buses through the town - (2009-08-08)
[2372] Public Transport from (and to) Melksham on Sundays - (2009-08-23)
[2391] Great Western Route Utilisation Strategy - Draft for Consultation - (2009-09-02)
[2395] From Lymington by train - last of the slammers - (2009-09-05)
[2438] Listening to The Minister - (2009-10-05)
[2457] Railway Arithmetic - (2009-10-16)
[2473] Exploring Old Railways - (2009-10-24)
[2477] By train ... - (2009-10-25)
[2486] Santa Special - Trowbridge and Melksham to Swindon - (2009-10-31)
[2511] The story of the railway land at Melksham Station - (2009-11-24)
[2513] Wiltshire Council purchases Melksham Station Land - (2009-11-26)
[2522] Integrated public Transport - what could be done for Melksham - (2009-12-01)
[2529] Santa Special, 2009 - (2009-12-06)
[2533] Five guests, three groups, one car - (2009-12-11)
[2556] Railway Station Survey - please complete today or tomorrow - (2009-12-30)
[2557] Rail Campaign - response to core consultation - (2009-12-31)
[2568] Forums for your Melksham and open source discussions - (2010-01-09)
[2626] On Malachite Green - (2010-02-06)
[2627] Saturdays out from Melksham - to Oxford, to Didcot or to Swindon - (2010-02-07)
[2634] London to and from Melksham by public transport - (2010-02-13)
[2658] Save the Train - a significant change in approach - (2010-03-03)
[2662] Is Melksham public transport actually used? - (2010-03-05)
[2664] Oliver Cromwell at Bristol Temple Meads - (2010-03-06)
[2678] Reaching out to the community - a good case for support - (2010-03-15)
[2696] Garlic bread without garlic - (2010-03-27)
[2808] From home to Nurnberg - journey pictures - (2010-06-13)
[2855] Train Services - Melksham to Bath and Bristol (and airport) - (2010-07-05)
[2901] Ambassador or Anorak? - (2010-08-03)
[2908] How Green is my train? - (2010-08-07)
[2919] London to Calne, Corsham, Melksham, Bradford-on-Avon, Chippenham by public Transport - (2010-08-13)
[2930] Walk - Tilehurst to Pangborne - (2010-08-21)
[2931] Syncronise - software, trains, and buses. Please! - (2010-08-22)
[2954] Railway meetings, trips and meetups this autumn - (2010-09-12)
[2955] Melksham Railway Station - new information point - (2010-09-13)
[2982] Travel, Transport and Tourism - A vision for Melksham, 2026 - (2010-10-03)
[3006] Santa announcement, 5th December 2010, Melksham - (2010-10-20)
[3017] Seventh day traveller on the six day railway - (2010-10-27)
[3031] Get all your ducks in a row ... and they may turn into swans - (2010-11-06)
[3033] Rail services back to Radstock? - (2010-11-07)
[3079] TransWilts Rail News ... Melksham (Santa Special) Edition ... 5th December 2010 - (2010-12-04)
[3080] Santa Special - rather more special than usual - December 2010 - (2010-12-07)
[3111] TransWilts Link - Days out from Swindon to Weymouth? - (2010-12-28)
[3113] Trowbridge and Melksham to Chippenham - more roadworks, even slower journey over the winter - (2010-12-30)
[3114] Transwilts Link - both Wiltshire and beyond - (2010-12-30)
[3119] TransWilts - some things to see and do - (2011-01-03)
[3135] A time to be brave? We should ask for what is best for our area. - (2011-01-16)
[3141] Wiltshire Rail services - a golden opportunity - (2011-01-21)
[3161] TransWilts rail - what picture represents us - (2011-02-08)
[3167] Can I take my dog by train? And other questions - (2011-02-12)
[3171] Train and boat journey - the passenger accommodation - (2011-02-15)
[3176] Comparing German, Dutch and British Railways - (2011-02-19)
[3178] The cost of roadworks on the economy of our town - 1800 pounds per hour? - (2011-02-20)
[3187] Past and Present - Melksham Station - (2011-02-27)
[3198] TransWilts rail - coming together, wanted and needed - (2011-03-10)
[3273] Wanted - a look to the future - (2011-05-02)
[3274] Small scale improvement - big scale gain. And they CAN be done with local knowledge - (2011-05-02)
[3318] Summer Sunday Trains - outings from Swindon, Chippenham, Melksham, Trowbridge and Westbury - (2011-06-05)
[3328] Summer Sundays - days out by train from Swindon on the TransWilts - (2011-06-18)
[3331] Comparing Alloa and Melksham - stations and services - (2011-06-23)
[3336] Efficient travel - from Melsksham to Edinburgh by Sleeper Train - (2011-06-26)
[3362] Swindon, Chippenham and Melksham to Weymouth - Sunday Train Service Starts - (2011-07-19)
[3364] Dogs Legs on the Dogleg - (2011-07-20)
[3370] Standing Challenge - (2011-07-26)
[3371] From Wiltshire to Weymouth on Sundays - (2011-07-27)
[3378] New product - ensuring that supply matches demand - (2011-08-03)
[3392] What costs 8.20 from Melksham, or 22.30 via Chippenham? - (2011-08-14)
[3403] Last chance this summer - Swindon and North Wiltshire to Weymouth by through train - (2011-08-22)
[3408] Journey home by public transport for a Bank Holiday - (2011-08-27)
[3410] A review of the Summer Sunday extra trains on the TransWilts line - (2011-08-29)
[3434] Sundays - and over eating - (2011-09-11)
[3452] Which or ATOC - who reads train fares right? - (2011-09-22)
[3486] How important is public transport to people in the Melksham area? - (2011-10-19)
[3487] Public transport - road and rail - (2011-10-19)
[3493] West Wilts Rail User Group - Walk yesterday from Bradford-on-Avon to Trowbridge - (2011-10-23)
[3501] Santa Claus - on the train from Melksham on 4th December 2011 - (2011-10-30)
[3538] Santa Train - another successful trip - 4th December 2011 - (2011-12-04)
[3550] Provide a useable train service, and people will use it! - (2011-12-11)
[3564] I wish I was not a special case - (2011-12-29)
[3565] What would an appropriate train service on the TransWilts line mean - (2011-12-31)
[3579] Transport in Cambridgeshire - seen by an outside observer. What can Wiltshire learn? - (2012-01-15)
[3601] Rail Travel - has it become more unreliable? - (2012-02-02)
[3626] There is so much to see travelling by train - (2012-02-26)
[3631] Getting around Dublin by public transport - some observations - (2012-03-01)
[3642] Wiltshire Travel Times - Chippenham, Trowbridge, Salisbury and other places too - (2012-03-07)
[3668] Kings Cross - new concourse - between Python in Cambridge and Objective C in London - (2012-03-22)
[3671] Future train services in Wiltshire - please write in to support a better service - (2012-03-24)
[3699] Bristol 50? Bristol 25? - (2012-04-17)
[3728] The future needs for rail services to Melksham - change needed; current service an insult - (2012-05-11)
[3736] Abstraction - (2012-05-19)
[3761] Melksham - placed 2254 out of 2255. What can be done about it? - (2012-06-11)
[3765] Christmas in June? Melksham hotel bookings and Santa train - (2012-06-15)
[3784] Steam train calls at Melksham - Pictures - (2012-06-26)
[3786] Improving Wiltshire Rail Offer - it WILL be happening - (2012-06-28)
[3793] Excellent Rail News - what it really means - (2012-07-01)
[3795] Like a bathroom company with no plumbers - (2012-07-04)
[3802] What a difference a year makes - (2012-07-10)
[3804] Scenes from commuting by train - (2012-07-14)
[3815] The Melksham News - July 2012 - Part 2, TransWilts Rail, Wilts and Berks Canal - (2012-07-23)
[3826] TransWilts trains - what the next franchise period will bring - (2012-08-04)
[3860] Melksham to Steam in Swindon, by train - great day out - (2012-09-16)
[3872] Trains across Wiltshire - an update on the TransWilts - (2012-09-28)
[3873] Henbury loop, Bristol - a freight railway line with passenger potential? - (2012-09-29)
[3879] Mixed mode travel - Information systems - (2012-10-03)
[3881] Wiltshire Public Transport User Group co-ordination - (2012-10-05)
[3882] Community Transport - Pewsey, Taunton, and the whole picture too - (2012-10-06)
[3890] Here comes Santa - on the train from Melksham to Swindon on 2nd December 2012 - (2012-10-13)
[3893] Public Transport across Wiltshire - a new map - (2012-10-13)
[3899] Father Christmas to be on train in Melksham - (2012-10-19)
[3904] Want to help us improve transport in Wiltshire? Here is how! - (2012-10-26)
[3923] 35 minutes is only a slight delay on our railway service - (2012-11-15)
[3937] Agenda for Wiltshire Link Travel groups meeting, Saturday 1st December 2012 - (2012-11-27)
[3938] A long overdue meeting - a steeping stone towards coordinate transport user inputs - (2012-12-02)
[3942] Santa Trip - Melksham Railway Development Group, 2012 - (2012-12-03)
[3986] Rail services in Wiltshire - up in the air? We need to say what is best required. - (2013-01-20)
[3993] Two trains a day ... how many fares to London? Guess! - (2013-02-04)
[3994] On board Eurostar - a running commentary - (2013-02-04)
[3995] Onward from Brussels - (2013-02-04)
[4022] A request for all of Melksham transport groups to work integrated - (2013-03-01)
[4040] Report on the last year - Melksham Railway Developement Group for Melksham Without Parish Council - (2013-03-11)
[4080] Fancy a day at the seaside? Weymouth from Melksham - (2013-05-06)
[4104] Weymouth vis the TransWilts - the day out today - (2013-05-27)
[4105] Our day trip by train from Swindon, Chippenham and Melksham to Weymouth - (2013-05-28)
[4110] TransWilts meeting ... - (2013-06-07)
[4113] Wiltshire and Melksham Transport - what is going on? - (2013-06-09)
[4131] West Coast (of Wales) - railway and stations in pictures - (2013-07-04)
[4142] Passenger survey at Chippenham - report and pictures - (2013-07-24)
[4146] A few more trains means a LOT more passengers. Why? - (2013-07-30)
[4148] Special General Meeting, Adoption of Constitution for TransWilts Community Rail Partnership - (2013-08-01)
[4150] Melksham Regular Public Transport Map - as at August 2013 - (2013-08-09)
[4154] August Bank Holiday - day out from Melksham to London or Weymouth - (2013-08-20)
[4159] People WILL walk to the station in Melksham, but they need a path and trains - (2013-08-25)
[4160] Bank Holiday Monday - pictures of a great train trip to Weymouth - (2013-08-27)
[4163] TransWilts Community Rail Partnership - formally constituted - (2013-09-01)
[4173] Train and Rail Travel - who runs it and where do I ask questions? - (2013-09-13)
[4176] International and off island travel from Melksham - (2013-09-16)
[4185] TransWilts Trains - running a successful campaign talk - (2013-10-05)
[4190] A radical proposal - a cheap and effective way to provide home to city commuter transport - (2013-10-11)
[4191] Getting people to and from Melksham Station - not 20 but 700 times a day - (2013-10-12)
[4194] TransWilts Link - meeting notes from 19th October - (2013-10-20)
[4195] Booking for Santa, Melksham Railway Development Group, 8th December 2013 - (2013-10-21)
[4196] Official - Trowbridge and Melksham to London train improvements - (2013-10-22)
[4199] Draft Westbury - Melksham - Swindon train times, from December 2014 - (2013-10-24)
[4202] Excellent Railfuture conference, but some setup lessons - (2013-11-03)
[4216] Los Angeles - post modern transport system - (2013-11-27)
[4217] New train service - launch plans and timetable links - (2013-12-03)
[4218] A THANK YOU to those who have brought the new train service to fruition - (2013-12-06)
[4219] TransWilts train services - up from 2 to 8 per day - (2013-12-09)
[4224] TransWilts - first day pictures - (2013-12-18)
[4226] Saturday train to Swindon - two weeks in - (2013-12-21)
[4238] A Question series posed to Melksham Tourist information - (2014-01-19)
[4250] Lacock Halt - former TransWilts Station - (2014-03-23)
[4251] Broughton Gifford Halt, TransWilts Railway Line - (2014-03-24)
[4252] Staveton Halt, former station between Trowbridge and Melksham - (2014-03-25)
[4253] Easter Weeks - Melksham to Weymouth - (2014-04-02)
[4256] Train fare look expensive? There may be a cheaper option - (2014-04-02)
[4263] Chippenham - Melksham - Trowbridge, public transport over Easter (2014) - (2014-04-12)
[4267] How effective is our publicity? - (2014-04-26)
[4268] Metrics - historic and current TransWilts train use - (2014-04-27)
[4269] Survey - Journeys - (2014-04-28)
[4276] Swindon to Weymouth - by train, the traditional way - 2014 - (2014-05-12)
[4289] It may be cheaper to buy in bulk - (2014-07-15)
[4306] Four time target - good news. Four time prediction - poor forecasting. - (2014-09-26)
[4312] Officially overcrowded in the first year - (2014-11-15)
[4342] My first official measure - Passenger Entrys and Exits - revisited 9 years later - (2014-12-05)
[4352] A long day on the trains, but a rewarding one - (2014-12-14)
[4365] The changing face of Christmas - (2014-12-26)
[4367] A year of rail memories! - (2014-12-27)
[4378] What FGW passengers want to talk about / and PHP programming to find out - (2015-01-01)
[4397] TransWilts / Press and Publicity report for AGM / 30th January 2015 - (2015-01-17)
[4425] A Welsh valley - what the transport looks like in 2015 - (2015-02-14)
[4464] Catching up on a week all in a single post (?) - (2015-03-21)
[4467] Neighbourhood Plan - travel and transport thoughts - (2015-03-29)
[4471] Leopardstown to Rosslare by train - (2015-04-23)
[4473] Fishguard to Melksham - third part of Dublin journey - (2015-04-25)
[4475] New car park at Melksham Station - ideal for commuters from Seend, Hilperton, Yarnbrook and Holt - (2015-04-26)
[4478] Home in Melksham to Gatwick Airport - easy by public transport - (2015-04-29)
[4486] Newark to New York - the PATH suburban railway - (2015-05-05)
[4495] Swindon to Westbury train services - Saturdays from 23rd May 2015 - (2015-05-17)
[4496] Sunday train times - 17th May to 6th September 2015 - (2015-05-17)
[4511] The Royal Albert Bridge as you do not normally see it - (2015-07-12)
[4512] The Weymouth Wizard - Saturdays in August from Wiltshire - (2015-07-31)
[4515] Why has the hourly Chippenham to Trowbridge train been withdrawn? - (2015-09-24)
[4539] TransWilts public transport corridor - (2015-10-15)
[4578] Rail electrification - far, far too optimistic so over budget and late - (2015-11-20)
[4596] Call for help counting passengers - TransWilts, 12th to 14th December - (2015-12-10)
[4598] 21 places to get your train and bus timetables for TransWilts - (2015-12-19)
[4612] TransWilts - robust these days - no longer the first service to be cancelled - (2016-01-03)
[4623] Rambling from Westbury - (2016-01-16)
[4636] Rail user groups worried about what is happening on the buses - (2016-01-31)
[4640] Who was Doctor Beeching and what was his axe? - (2016-02-06)
[4665] Chippenham to Salisbury by public transport - what we have and what we could have - (2016-03-26)
[4677] Swindon, Chippenham and Melksham - day trips by train to Weymouth start for 2016 - (2016-05-18)
[4684] Melksham Station - as at May 2016 - Part 1 - (2016-05-28)
[4685] Melksham Station - as at May 2016 - Part 2 - (2016-05-29)
[4686] Melksham Station - as at May 2016 - Part 3 - (2016-05-29)
[4687] Melksham Station - as at May 2016 - Part 4 - (2016-05-30)
[4688] Melksham Station - as at May 2016 - Part 5 (services and prices) - (2016-05-30)
[4695] Melksham Rail Development Group becoming Melksham Rail Users Group - (2016-06-21)
[4699] Melksham Rail Development Group - a celebration of 20 years - (2016-06-25)
[4706] Melksham trial train service is to be made permanent - (2016-10-02)
[4726] TransWilts Partner Update for Melksham Area Board - (2016-11-07)
[4727] Learning from travelling further afield - (2016-11-09)
[4760] Rotary Talk, 25/7/2017 - (2017-07-25)
[4764] Some thoughts on the closure proposal for Breich station - (2017-10-11)
[4765] Breich Station - current pictures, and future options - (2017-10-11)
[4770] GW franchise - my response - (2018-02-20)
Z406 - TransWilts Community Rail Partnership [4198] New trains for 2014 - Swindon to Westbury. Meetings Melksham, Swindon, Trowbridge, Chippenham and Westbury - (2013-10-24)
[4225] Melksham Resident? Commuter? Save yourself 2000 pounds and 100 hours in 2014, and have a better journey! - (2013-12-20)
[4229] Thin end of the wedge - plan to be thicker in 2014 - (2013-12-26)
[4243] Taking Greyhounds and Lurchers to London for the day - (2014-02-23)
[4284] Talk and walk to promote train service - Melksham Carnival - (2014-07-11)
[4287] TransWilts CRP - walking in Melksham Carnival - (2014-07-13)
[4288] Some questions on how our Community Rail Partnership works - (2014-07-13)
[4291] Train Online article - ACoRP / TransWilts introduction - (2014-07-25)
[4309] Even in the dark of night, the train comes bearing passengers - (2014-09-28)
[4313] Moving community rail support from amateur to professional - (2014-11-16)
[4328] Folk music train, Westbury to Swindon round trip, 14th December 2014 - (2014-11-24)
[4343] Politics and the railway the connects Wiltshire - (2014-12-06)
[4351] A little thing can make a big difference - (2014-12-13)
[4362] What a difference a year makes - (2014-12-23)
[4371] Why are people using the TransWilts? - (2014-12-29)
[4424] Looking Forward - TransWilts Community Rail Partnership and TransWilts CIC - (2015-02-12)
[4435] Images of our rail promotion campaign - (2015-02-21)
[4463] Rail Conference, Nottingham - (2015-03-16)
[4494] Monday to Friday / TransWilts train times from 18 May to 11th December 2015 - (2015-05-17)
[4497] Around the world from Melksham - (2015-05-25)
[4500] The TransWilts Community Intergrated Transport Corridor - (2015-05-29)
[4510] Learning from the others - Community Rail - (2015-07-12)
[4513] Yesterday, Weymouth - (2015-08-02)
[4568] Moderation - and the tendency to over-moderate - (2015-11-02)
[4601] Management view - TransWilts and transport at the end of 2015 - (2015-12-25)
[4638] TransWilts Community Interest Company AGM - 13 Feb 2016, Swindon - (2016-02-05)
[4647] On the problems of a printed train timetable - (2016-02-15)
[4704] Three months in community rail pictures - (2016-08-27)
[4739] A year of changes for Lisa and Graham Ellis, and Well House - (2017-05-27)
Some other Articles
Seeing Christmas Coming to MelkshamObject factories in C++, Python, PHP and PerlC++ in 2 daysWiltshire Police - assuming someone is guilty just on the say-so of a member of the public?Celebration pictures, year 1Keyboard reader for Java programming newcomersWhen I am old, what will worry me?Taking my life in my hands in Swansea