From an email just received:
This message and any associated files, is intended only for the purpose of conveying SEASONS GREETINGS to the individual or entity (gosh that's rude - ENTITY!!!) to which it is addressed and does not contain information that is confidential, subject to copyright or legal privilege, constitutes a trade secret or otherwise protected by other legal rules. If you are not the intended recipient it doesn't matter and you are hereby notified that we wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR and any use, perusal, dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or files associated with this message, is strictly encouraged. If you received this message in error then we also wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR and there is absolutely no need to notify us immediately by e-mail, fax or telephone, or destroy the original message. Thank you.
Thank You Colin ... I guess that means that you're happy for me to give you a 'plug' too .... your contact details are T: 0845 094 3558 E: W: and it's been a delight to work with you in lots of different roles in 2008, and we look forward to more in 2009. Have a great Christmas! (written 2008-12-19, updated 2008-12-25)
Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter for individual articles
Z800 - Whimsy [24] Impossible terms - (2004-08-22)
[39] A Change is as good as a rest - (2004-09-05)
[44] Serious subject - (2004-09-10)
[69] John Toner - (2004-10-01)
[94] Special change - (2004-10-20)
[151] Coffee Standards - (2004-12-14)
[156] Signage - (2004-12-18)
[300] Dentist's Waiting Room Syndrome - (2005-05-04)
[331] 08:45 is a difficult time - (2005-05-31)
[346] No Smoking Pubs - (2005-06-13)
[395] Making Orangutangs - (2005-07-28)
[520] Three life changing comments - (2005-12-07)
[547] Taking the dog for a walk - (2005-12-29)
[568] NB ''Aspiration'' - (2006-01-18)
[610] Need a hankie - (2006-02-16)
[661] Dressed up for a phone call - (2006-03-29)
[689] The call of nature - (2006-04-18)
[701] Minature Cyclists only - limited headroom - (2006-04-27)
[758] Very good for woodlice - (2006-06-12)
[761] Great new inventions - (2006-06-14)
[784] Which way to turn? - (2006-06-28)
[807] Telling large from small - (2006-07-18)
[850] Lighter moments - (2006-08-31)
[892] A pattern in change - (2006-10-12)
[973] Too much used to Skype - (2006-12-08)
[1075] I'm not the father - (2007-02-11)
[1167] Leaning tower of Cheeser - (2007-04-28)
[1171] Traffic light control for horses - (2007-05-01)
[1241] If I say 'I am fine', what do I mean? - (2007-06-23)
[1440] Useful command or messy screen? - (2007-11-21)
[1604] M25 / South Mimms Service Area - (2008-04-07)
[1662] Westonbirt Arboretum Postcode - (2008-05-31)
[1886] Keys to friendless churches - (2008-11-15)
[1977] Going round the block - (2009-01-04)
[1980] Michelle - (2009-01-06)
[1988] Melksham, Wiltshire. Town Crier Competition, 2009 - (2009-01-11)
[2009] The Royal Mail Receipt - (2009-01-26)
[2028] Things people say on the phone - (2009-02-06)
[2050] Why the Pony Tail? - (2009-02-21)
[2089] The Longest Day - Wednesday, 28th September - (2009-03-18)
[2108] Funny Amusing, Funny Amazing and The Smarts - (2009-03-29)
[2127] Call in the professionals! - (2009-04-12)
[2131] Patterns in street names - (2009-04-17)
[2138] Ski bore ... train bore ... dog bore - (2009-04-24)
[2143] Throughout the year, around the world - (2009-04-27)
[2152] My four feet! - (2009-05-01)
[2157] From the 51773 family - (2009-05-04)
[2180] Patterns in numbers - room occupancy - (2009-05-13)
[2250] Bluegrass comes to Melksham - (2009-06-19)
[2251] Over a third of numbers start with the digit 1 - (2009-06-19)
[2256] Is it Python past cheetah already? - (2009-06-24)
[2397] Signwriting is dead. Long live the sign. - (2009-09-06)
[2496] A better design of mouth - (2009-11-07)
[2542] My armpit was like a zebra crossing - (2009-12-19)
[2626] On Malachite Green - (2010-02-06)
[2676] Changing Times - (2010-03-13)
[2945] Last, final, etc - (2010-09-04)
[3030] Liquorice allsorts and Dolly Mixtures - (2010-11-05)
[3203] Melksham Town Council announces ... - (2011-03-16)
[3215] Solution looking for problem - (2011-03-27)
[3223] Answering at my earliest convenience - (2011-03-29)
[3226] A busy morning for railway announcements - (2011-04-01)
[3288] Random Questions ... - (2011-05-14)
[3369] Local Council leads bans on many activities - (2011-07-24)
[3462] Hangers, luggage and possessions - (2011-10-01)
[3738] Adoptive homes sought for abandoned babies - (2012-05-20)
[3851] Who is this? Picture Puzzle - (2012-08-28)
[3868] How to make an ohno cake - (2012-09-23)
[3912] Sand to Arabia, Coals to Newcastle or Woodburners to Russia - (2012-11-04)
[3922] Twerp - A person regarded as insignificant and contemptible - (2012-11-12)
[4067] The woman, the television, the bullock and Darlington - (2013-04-23)
[4329] Does Santa Claus need a CRB check? - (2014-11-25)
[4392] Interview conditions,and other instructions to staff - (2015-01-12)
Z210 - Christmas and New Year [161] Christmas break - (2004-12-23)
[162] A Change is as good as a rest - (2004-12-27)
[540] Christmas Party - (2005-12-24)
[541] Christmas is for everyone - (2005-12-25)
[543] The world didn't stop for Christmas - (2005-12-26)
[573] Giving an excuse for Christmas - (2006-01-22)
[953] Christmas in November - (2006-11-29)
[980] Street Scene - (2006-12-12)
[1462] 10 training days to Christmas. - (2007-12-07)
[1481] The Christmas Letter - (2007-12-22)
[1483] What have hotels and bananas got in common? - (2007-12-24)
[1484] A christmas message - (2007-12-25)
[1914] It must be nearly Christmas - (2008-12-01)
[1931] Frosty Morning, foggy evening - (2008-12-08)
[1942] Christmas scenes and events - (2008-12-14)
[1959] - - (2008-12-24)
[2486] Santa Special - Trowbridge and Melksham to Swindon - (2009-10-31)
[2528] Melksham Christmas Lights - (2009-12-05)
[2529] Santa Special, 2009 - (2009-12-06)
[2543] Day and night at Christmas - (2009-12-19)
[2549] Christmas Day ... - (2009-12-25)
[2978] Christmas 2010 - Well House Manor, Melksham, Hotel - (2010-10-01)
[3095] The Christmas Season has arrived - (2010-12-19)
[3101] The week before Christmas - (2010-12-23)
[3110] The days after Christmas - (2010-12-27)
[3116] Are there newspapers on New Years Day? Do the shops open on Easter Sunday? Do trains run at Christmas? - (2011-01-01)
[3530] A typical weekend?? - (2011-11-28)
[3535] Melksham, Luxury Hotel Rooms, Christmas. - (2011-12-02)
[3538] Santa Train - another successful trip - 4th December 2011 - (2011-12-04)
[3557] Melksham Christmas Lights - Town, Shops and Private Houses - (2011-12-20)
[3561] Happy Christmas ... a Christmas morning walk in Melksham - (2011-12-25)
[3562] Christmas Day - for unique pictures - (2011-12-26)
[3765] Christmas in June? Melksham hotel bookings and Santa train - (2012-06-15)
[3957] The week before Christmas - (2012-12-19)
[4227] Happy Christmas from the Well House Manor team - (2013-12-25)
[4235] Sharing my personal best of 2013 - (2013-12-31)
[4357] Seeing Christmas Coming to Melksham - (2014-12-20)
[4363] A quiet evening in Melksham - awaiting Santa - (2014-12-24)
[4364] Christmas day in Melksham - (2014-12-25)
[4365] The changing face of Christmas - (2014-12-26)
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