Last night, I attended the "Grow Wiltshire" introductory and networking event in Melksham Town Hall - learned all (or rather something) about the new Melksham Community Blog at (what a mouthful - I've added my own short link at )
I confess to being somewhat concerned at the interface between voluntary and commercial operations; it's my belief that we need a strong commercial base to fund (and provide through taxes) services such as GROW - which they then use to give the community sector a "leg up". And yet the team running the forum then seems to be waving the proverbial 2 fingers at the business community. To quote from the terms and conditions:
"Where comments and posts are not within the spirit of the etiquette for Our community matters and they meet any of the criteria below it may lead to them being deleted or not published ... Solicitation of commerce".
What does that mean? I followed up ... quoting an example of bus services. I asked:
"1. Does that "nothing commercial" rule mean that I can't talk about commercially operated bus services (such as daytime Melksham to Bath ones), but I can talk about council subsidised ones (such as evening and Sunday services on the same route)? "
and Wiltshire Council's Business Support Manager replied:
"... yes, a subsidised bus service would be appropriate but ... a purely commercial service ... would be inappropriate."
I confess that I think that's absurd, and I can't help wondering I was being written to me as if I was a bus company; I'm not - I just want to know how far I can go in passing on what I consider to be useful 3rd party information, for no personal gain of mine, but for the (small) personal gain of the owners of shares in First and Faresaver, perhaps for a small commercial gain for Well House Consultants as our customers sometimes use the daytime bus, and for a big community gain.
This whole issue of the voluntary and subsidised sector encroaching on commercial interests, to the unfair disadvantage of those commercial interests, continues to worry me. I sit on the SCOB - the Shadow Community Operations Board - and one of our key decisions has been that we do NOT wish to provide, within the campus, facilities that compete with viable locally available commercial alternatives. Not only would we be threatening other businesses by going against them with the might of the public purse, but we would also be wasting precious monies within our budget in providing competing facilities, when that money would be far better spent on something else which would otherwise lose out.
In contrast, I was concerned at GROW last night; Emergency First Aid at Work, and Food Health and Safety courses are already around and available - indeed, we ran a First Aid at Work course commercially, with places open to outside delegates, earlier this year. But part of the GROW organisation was proudly crowing that it's going to be providing cheap (subsidised) courses for volunteers in exactly these subjects; that makes it really hard for us to compete, and somehow I dislike paying my taxes to subsidise a government funded organisation that going to compete with our business. Not our core business, thank goodness ... but I really worry about the council and their offshoots getting involved in things they really should be leaving alone.
(written 2012-09-19, updated 2012-09-22)
Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter for individual articles
Z402 - Melksham Chamber of Commerce and Industry [717] A customer service company - (2006-05-11)
[1223] Asda opening large new store in Melksham - (2007-06-08)
[1250] Business speed networking - a place tonight! - (2007-06-28)
[1429] Remembrance day - inside a church and inside the day - (2007-11-11)
[1432] Wiltshire County Council - Budget Consultation - (2007-11-15)
[1476] Shopping for Christmas and looking forward - (2007-12-17)
[1504] Flooding by Asda-s proposed new supermarket - (2008-01-12)
[1507] Comments on proposed Asda Superstore for Melksham - (2008-01-14)
[1633] Changing a screen saver from a web page (PHP, Perl, OSX) - (2008-05-06)
[1642] Summer! - (2008-05-15)
[1748] Hotel room prices - Melksham, Wiltshire - (2008-08-11)
[1792] All the pieces fall into place - hotel and courses - (2008-09-10)
[1880] Melksham Chamber of Commerce, or the FSB - (2008-11-12)
[1881] Wiltshire Council says - part 1 - (2008-11-13)
[1892] Melksham Chamber of Commerce and Industry - (2008-11-17)
[1904] Ruby, Perl, Linux, MySQL - some training notes - (2008-11-23)
[1934] Lidl opens in Melksham - (2008-12-11)
[1979] Looking forward, in Melksham, in 2009 - (2009-01-05)
[1987] One Cheer for Local Democracy - Asda in Melksham - (2009-01-11)
[2043] Confidence, Customer Service and Tourism in Melksham - (2009-02-15)
[2095] Blue Ridge and Melksham Chambers of Commerce - (2009-03-21)
[2111] Business Networking for Melksham - 23rd April - (2009-04-01)
[2119] Make your business a DESTINATION business - (2009-04-05)
[2181] You cannot please all of the people all of the time - (2009-05-14)
[2194] Melksham Business Map - Chamber of Commerce, Tourist Information and Town Council - (2009-05-21)
[2220] Melksham Traders - where do we go? - (2009-06-05)
[2260] Important - the future of Melksham / Chamber of Commerce - (2009-06-28)
[2288] Wiltshire Community Area Partnerships - (2009-07-15)
[2289] pre-Inaugural briefing - Melksham Community Area Partnership - (2009-07-15)
[2328] Melksham - no trains, no southbound buses through the town - (2009-08-08)
[2437] Wiltshire Unitary News - Chamber of Commerce Intelligence - (2009-10-04)
[2459] New Web Site for Melksham Chamber of Commerce - (2009-10-18)
[2465] Melksham Town - asleep or awake? - (2009-10-21)
[2487] Melksham Forum - (2009-11-01)
[2495] Planning the future of Wiltshire - (2009-11-07)
[2508] Community Area Partnership - inaugural AGM - (2009-11-20)
[2514] The road show has been - where now? - (2009-11-27)
[2521] Melksham Market - Tuesdays, 09:00 to 14:00 - (2009-12-01)
[2531] Melksham - new Tuesday Market - (2009-12-09)
[2540] Rock and hard place .. and the relaxing right one won - (2009-12-18)
[2544] Vision for Wiltshire - (2009-12-20)
[2546] How well do you know Melksham - a quiz for Christmas - (2009-12-21)
[2568] Forums for your Melksham and open source discussions - (2010-01-09)
[2594] Melksham Area - your community view is sought - (2010-01-23)
[2640] How is your tax pound spent? - (2010-02-18)
[2666] Random thoughts on Melksham Town Planning and development - (2010-03-08)
[2683] Car Parking in Melksham - (2010-03-18)
[2725] How do our tactics help us meet the strategy, for the greater good? - (2010-04-16)
[2770] Melksham Chamber of Commerce - Presidents report to AGM - (2010-05-19)
[2779] The history and future of Melksham Chamber of Commerce - (2010-05-25)
[2782] Tell the Melksham Chamber or you only have yourself to blame - (2010-05-26)
[2827] Melksham - a gem in Wiltshire - (2010-06-26)
[2837] Lorry Parking in Melksham - (2010-06-29)
[2853] Transport in Wessex - today and into the future - (2010-07-04)
[2867] Cycling in Melksham, and looking forward - (2010-07-11)
[2872] Moved - Melksham Lorry Park - (2010-07-15)
[2883] Melksham Oak - photos of the new community school - (2010-07-22)
[2891] Wiltshire Council ask how they can help businesses - (2010-07-27)
[2932] Getting into and out of Wiltshire towns .. a.k.a. Car Parking? - (2010-08-23)
[2957] Welcome to Countrywides new Melksham store - (2010-09-15)
[2959] A Melksham news roundup - (2010-09-18)
[2982] Travel, Transport and Tourism - A vision for Melksham, 2026 - (2010-10-03)
[2995] A river in Melksham is not just for boaters. - (2010-10-11)
[3088] Melksham - two many councils? - (2010-12-16)
[3113] Trowbridge and Melksham to Chippenham - more roadworks, even slower journey over the winter - (2010-12-30)
[3117] Opportunities for Melksham - new businesses in the town - (2011-01-01)
[3141] Wiltshire Rail services - a golden opportunity - (2011-01-21)
[3162] Keep your business customer-friendly! - (2011-02-09)
[3172] On consultations, car parking, and Melksham town centre - (2011-02-17)
[3173] What is the Melksham Chamber of Commerce? - (2011-02-18)
[3188] What proportion of the British Workforce still works a Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, week? - (2011-03-01)
[3193] Melksham Campus - what, why, questions, concerns and how you can input - (2011-03-04)
[3214] Melksham Campus - any last minute inputs from Melksham businesses? - (2011-03-26)
[3217] Vandalism and riot from the minority - the effect - (2011-03-28)
[3246] Melksham - the way forward. 26th April, Well House Manor - (2011-04-13)
[3249] Events - Spring and Early Summer 2011 in Melksham - (2011-04-17)
[3272] Melksham Car Parking - current charges and limits - (2011-05-01)
[3275] Melksham Chamber of Commerce - grows to appoint new Press Officer. Welcome. Sam - (2011-05-02)
[3279] Letter to The Editor - (2011-05-06)
[3299] Presidents Report to Melksham Chamber of Commerce, 24.5.2011 - (2011-05-24)
[3307] Melksham Community Radio launches - (2011-05-28)
[3325] The Olympic Torch, and Melksham House - (2011-06-14)
[3334] A lesson from the sporran market? - (2011-06-25)
[3340] Summer Sunday Timetable - TransWilts Trains - (2011-06-30)
[3343] Summer Sunday Train Service Starts - Swindon Chippenham and Melksham to Weymouth - (2011-07-03)
[3380] Melksham Jelly - An Occasional Office for Home Workers - (2011-08-06)
[3383] Are people who walk into Melksham being asked to subsidise parking? - (2011-08-09)
[3420] Making best use of the new enthusiasm for Melksham - (2011-09-05)
[3423] 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 12? - (2011-09-07)
[3427] What is on the Melksham Agenda? - (2011-09-09)
[3438] Melksham to become a part of Trowbridge? - (2011-09-13)
[3470] Currently pictured in Melksham - (2011-10-09)
[3475] Havant - Shop Frontages. - (2011-10-12)
[3481] Some thoughts in answer to some Melksham Campus questions - (2011-10-14)
[3492] Upcoming events in and about Melksham - more dates for your diary - (2011-10-22)
[3495] Looking forward - Chamber of Commerce has 2012 and beyond on the agenda - (2011-10-26)
[3496] Melksham - Business to Business Speed Networking - build ahead for 2012 - (2011-10-26)
[3527] Melksham - changing times, an opportunity for the future - (2011-11-23)
[3560] Melksham, Month by month through 2011 - (2011-12-23)
[3598] Melksham Civic Awards - report and pictures - (2012-01-29)
[3627] Meeting Report - Tuesday 21st Feb - to Melksham Chamber of Commerce from Shadow Community Operations Board - (2012-02-27)
[3663] Changing shops and organisations - Melksham, the last and next five years - (2012-03-21)
[3672] Melksham Train Service - please support the TransWilts case for regular trains - (2012-03-25)
[3677] Some advise for guest speakers at meetings - (2012-03-31)
[3682] Melksham Business Newsreel - (2012-04-03)
[3693] Wiltshire Business Support Service - (2012-04-11)
[3696] Melksham government and business organisations - (2012-04-14)
[3697] Events in Melksham - read all about them, and tell us about yours - (2012-04-15)
[3700] Why do people use chains rather than independent traders? - (2012-04-18)
[3706] An exciting Chamber of Commerce AGM - sound like an Oxymoron? - (2012-04-25)
[3710] Encouraging business in Melksham and its neighbourhood - keep business local?? - (2012-04-27)
[3714] Just 12 winners? Or 371 or more? Town Centres. - (2012-04-30)
[3732] Ten more visitors to your premises every day? - (2012-05-14)
[3739] Go green - business seminar in Melksham - (2012-05-21)
[3748] Not everyone has a computer - 9 more ways to learn about the Melksham Campus - (2012-06-03)
[3751] Public transport for international arrivals into Melksham - (2012-06-04)
[3752] Melksham Visitors Map - Bus routes and train lines to and from the town - (2012-06-04)
[3767] How well do you know Melksham? - (2012-06-17)
[3768] Melksham Chamber of Commerce - looking to our future shape. Pivotal meeting next Tuesday - (2012-06-19)
[3787] Melksham Pride - the Chamber of Commerce, and the future - (2012-06-29)
[3812] The Melksham News - July 2012 - Part 1, Campus and Chamber of Commerce - (2012-07-22)
[3818] Making things happen - litter and ASB and lost dogs in Melksham - (2012-07-25)
[3850] Bus times - Chippenham Station to Melksham, with London connections - (2012-08-25)
[3880] Chamber of Commerce - looking forward in Melksham and in Wessex - (2012-10-04)
[3889] Melksham Chamber of Commerce - whence in 2013 and beyond? - (2012-10-12)
[3948] Quiet little town? Advanced Technology Centre? - (2012-12-08)
[3987] Melksham Chamber of Commerce - join us in our future - (2013-01-21)
[4002] Images of Melksham you havent seen before - (2013-02-13)
[4014] Costa Coffee in Melksham - is it a good idea? - (2013-02-22)
[4041] Report on the last year - Melksham Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Melksham Without Parish Council - (2013-03-11)
[4046] Over a hundred welcoming businesses - Melksham Town Centre - (2013-03-17)
[4097] Melksham Chamber of Commerce - Report for AGM, 21st May 2013 - (2013-05-21)
[4103] Questions from children about Melksham Campus - (2013-05-26)
[4151] Tell me a bit about Melksham - (2013-08-10)
[4164] Melksham Market - every Tuesday - (2013-09-03)
[4170] Herman Miller coming to Melksham - the Chamber of Commerce is briefed - (2013-09-10)
[4278] Future Swindon - Westbury train services. At current level into the future? - (2014-05-25)
[4399] The Campus in Melksham - name, logo, and livery choice - (2015-01-18)
[4672] Annual review of Melksham Matters for Chamber of Commerce AGM - (2016-05-15)
[4738] Melksham Chamber of Commerce - my final Presidents report - (2017-05-10)
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