Today was
"Party in the park" in Melksham, and I was running the joint
Save the Train /
Melksham Railway Development Group stand - setup from 11:30, open at 14:00, close at 18:00 ... and, yes, I enjoy this sort of thing.
As you can see, the weather smiled on us and I couldn't resist snapping this picture of "Brutus" - probably not his real name - enjoying a refreshing drink of water. I've many other pictures too, and snippets to write, but they can wait for the morning. Just for the moment, I want a relaxing cool down and a good night's sleep!
(written 2007-07-14, updated 2007-07-17)
Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter for individual articles
M201 - Well House Manor - Around Melksham, Wiltshire [437] Outside of the box - (2005-09-06)
[676] Melksham, Wiltshire - (2006-04-08)
[805] Melksham Carnival Parade - (2006-07-16)
[811] Melksham in Bloom - (2006-07-22)
[830] Butterflies in a Wiltshire garden - (2006-08-12)
[847] Image maps for navigation - a straightforward example - (2006-08-28)
[866] A lazy programmer is a good programmer - (2006-09-15)
[879] Tuesday night is party night - (2006-09-26)
[929] Presenting Melksham - for a weekend away in Wiltshire - (2006-11-17)
[957] Improving the historic town of Melksham - (2006-11-30)
[977] Melksham and Norwich - (2006-12-10)
[1117] Newport Male Voice Choir - (2007-03-24)
[1137] Wiltshire Circles - (2007-04-07)
[1177] Sorting out for a site map - (2007-05-05)
[1206] Where and When - can you place the picture? - (2007-05-27)
[1271] Till the cows come home - (2007-07-19)
[1330] While waiting for Melksham Post Office - (2007-09-02)
[1341] Moving to Melksham? Househunting map. - (2007-09-09)
[1343] Melksham Laundrette - (2007-09-09)
[1360] Asda in Melksham - Welcome or not? - (2007-09-21)
[1368] Getting the local voice heard - (2007-09-26)
[1436] A little touring help during a business trip to England - (2007-11-18)
[1451] More PHP sample and demonstration programs - (2007-12-01)
[1928] Melksham Oak Community School, Melksham, Wiltshire - (2008-12-07)
[1977] Going round the block - (2009-01-04)
[1986] Walk to Bowerhill - (2009-01-10)
[2008] The Month Ahead - What is happening in Melksham - (2009-01-25)
[2043] Confidence, Customer Service and Tourism in Melksham - (2009-02-15)
[2064] East of Melksham Countryside - (2009-03-02)
[2066] Melksham Industrial - (2009-03-04)
[2142] Riverside Development - (2009-04-26)
[2168] In honour of the photograph, I present ... a walk from Reybridge to Lacock - (2009-05-10)
[2175] Melksham in pictures - (2009-05-11)
[2253] Walks in and around Melksham, Wiltshire - (2009-06-21)
[2262] History is not always pretty - (2009-06-30)
[2297] Standing on the corner, Melksham Carnival - (2009-07-19)
[2329] Great to be in Melksham - (2009-08-08)
[2349] Businesses effected by road works in Melksham - (2009-08-11)
[2480] Pantomimes around Melksham - 2009/2010 season - (2009-10-28)
[2497] Brown horses in Melksham - (2009-11-08)
[2528] Melksham Christmas Lights - (2009-12-05)
[2585] Consultation in Melksham, on Melkshams future - (2010-01-17)
[2588] Freddies Wood and the K and A Canal - (2010-01-17)
[2665] Early Spring walk in Melksham - (2010-03-07)
[2691] New brochures for the Melksham area - (2010-03-24)
[2708] The bull on the footpath - (2010-04-04)
[2716] Melksham in Pictures - (2010-04-10)
[2739] Melksham Scouts - (2010-04-25)
[2829] Dauncey Gardens, Melksham - (2010-06-27)
[2854] Melksham Food and Drink Fair and Town Crier Competition - (2010-07-04)
[2950] Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, turns first sod in Melksham Link Canal - (2010-09-09)
[3023] Autumn walk from Bowerhill - (2010-10-31)
[3050] Views of Melksham - November 2010 - (2010-11-13)
[3209] Seeing Electricity Pylons near Melksham - (2011-03-21)
[3227] Her favourite store - (2011-04-02)
[3232] Around and about Melksham in more pictures - (2011-04-05)
[3248] What have these pictures in common? - (2011-04-16)
[3258] Morning in Melksham - (2011-04-23)
[3266] Easter on the Canal - near Melksham, Wiltshire - (2011-04-26)
[3305] Getting away from the madding crowd - an intercontinental journey - (2011-05-27)
[3337] Home Grown Pigs, near Melksham Station - (2011-06-26)
[3389] Plenty to do in Melksham - (2011-08-13)
[3470] Currently pictured in Melksham - (2011-10-09)
[3499] Images of Melksham - (2011-10-29)
[3502] Sunday Evening ... newest and oldest Melksham pictures - (2011-10-30)
[3507] Melksham Forward - meeting summary and pictures - (2011-11-04)
[3520] Quintessentially English - scenes from our Wiltshire town - (2011-11-14)
[3525] Melksham has a heart - come and see the pictures. Sunday, 11 to 3, Assembly Hall - (2011-11-18)
[3526] Melksham has a Heart - Montage picture for sale - (2011-11-20)
[3543] Some different pictures from Melksham - (2011-12-07)
[3569] Images of the new year in Melksham - (2012-01-05)
[3605] Snow comes to Melksham, Wiltshire - pictures - (2012-02-10)
[3644] The way of the Prioress - Melksham history pictured today - (2012-03-09)
[3646] Exploring Melksham with a film maker - (2012-03-09)
[3647] Along the brook - East Melksham to Melksham - (2012-03-10)
[3656] TrainWest 2012 - 14th and 15th April, Melksham, Wiltshire - (2012-03-16)
[3657] Basham Festival, Melksham, early August 2012 - a welcome - (2012-03-16)
[3659] Welcome to Melksham - our new communities - (2012-03-18)
[3692] Deeper than Art - An exhibition of the tattoo Canvas - Melksham - (2012-04-10)
[3697] Events in Melksham - read all about them, and tell us about yours - (2012-04-15)
[3703] A Museum for Melksham History. Open from 12th May 2012. - (2012-04-21)
[3704] The Bowerhill Villager - a newsletter for Bowerhill, Melksham - (2012-04-22)
[3712] Some unpublished and historic pictures - Museum of Melksham - (2012-04-28)
[3720] Melksham ATC - freedom of the town - (2012-05-05)
[3735] A walk around Melksham this morning. Can you place all of these? - (2012-05-17)
[3744] Short Web Addresses for Melksham - (2012-05-30)
[3771] Fine evening, country walk from Melksham - pictures - (2012-06-21)
[3822] Town Clean - Melksham - (2012-07-29)
[3837] Evening behind Melksham Spa - (2012-08-12)
[3864] Guest Guide for Well House Manor and Melksham - (2012-09-18)
[3869] How have Melksham shops changed in 60 years? - (2012-09-24)
[3897] Autumn scenes from Melksham - (2012-10-16)
[3944] Melksham Christmas Lights, 2012 - (2012-12-05)
[3949] Melksham Spa from Woolmore Farm - (2012-12-09)
[3960] Picture - between Lacock and Melksham - (2012-12-21)
[3962] Melksham welcomes visitors - new blue plaque trail and more - (2012-12-27)
[4084] New Pictures - Melksham Pack Horse Bridge - (2013-05-12)
[4119] Melksham - Flower Town - (2013-06-20)
[4141] My pictures of Melksham Carnival, 13th July 2013 - (2013-07-14)
[4145] After the storm - (2013-07-29)
[4151] Tell me a bit about Melksham - (2013-08-10)
[4169] Around and about - Melksham - (2013-09-08)
[4357] Seeing Christmas Coming to Melksham - (2014-12-20)
[4701] Pretty at the station too - (2016-07-06)
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