Melksham's climate and weather ... Weather from the BBC Saturday, 27th April 2024, 10:12 [retreived] ... [full forecast]

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Climate Month by Month in Melksham
SunriseSunsetHours of
RainfallWet Days
January6° C / 42° F1° C / 33° F08:1316:1155.5 (22%)84.2 mm13.4
February6° C / 42° F0° C / 32° F07:4716:5874.3 (28%)60.1 mm10.4
March7° C / 44° F1° C / 33° F06:5417:51112.6 (33%)66.5 mm12.1
April10° C / 50° F2° C / 35° F06:4419:42159.5 (41%)56.8 mm10.1
May13° C / 55° F5° C / 41° F05:4120:31208.5 (45%)55.9 mm9.8
June17° C / 62° F8° C / 46° F04:4821:16197.0 (39%)62.9 mm9.8
July19° C / 66° F11° C / 51° F04:5621:28211.7 (41%)54.1 mm8.5
August21° C / 69° F12° C / 53° F05:3320:56202.2 (42%)66.7 mm9.4
September18° C / 64° F11° C / 51° F06:2119:55148.2 (36%)73.3 mm10.2
October16° C / 60° F8° C / 46° F07:0918:47111.1 (30%)83.6 mm11.8
November11° C / 51° F4° C / 39° F07:0116:4271.6 (24%)83.5 mm12.5
December8° C / 46° F2° C / 35° F07:5116:0448.2 (18%)90.4 mm13.1

The daily maximum and minimum temperatures are the average low and high temperatures on the first day of each month, measured over a number of years at Melksham, Wiltshire.

Sunrise and Sunset times are for the first day of each month at Melksham, Wiltshire.

Hours of sunshine, Rainfall and the number of wet days (days when there was more that 1mm of rainfall) are based on average figures for the whole month for England. Melksham has a median rainfall with regards to the UK, so these are fair indicators. Melksham's sunshine is stated as being 1600 hours - rather higher than the England average of 1457 - and the figures have been scaled pro-rata to reflet this.

The percentage shown against the "Hours of sunshine" indicates the percentage of daylight hours in which the sun is shining.

8 to 15 days of snowfall is typical. November to March have the highest mean wind speeds, with June to August having the lightest winds. The predominant wind direction is from the South West.

This table shows climactic averages; it is the nature of the weather in England that it varies from day to day, so the information in the table above can only give you an indication of what to expect on your visit. The weather forecast shown to the right is likely to be more accurate, but is still just a prediction, and you should allow for variation.

Weather - today and next 2 days

Saturday 27th April 2024


white cloud
Max Temp: 13°C (55°F)
Min Temp: 13°C (55°F)
Wind Direction: SSW
Wind Speed: 14mph
Visibility: very good
Pressure: 1018mb
Humidity: 79%
UV risk: low
Pollution: low
Sunrise: 07:57BST
Sunset: 17:48BST
Sunday 28th April 2024


sunny intervals
Max Temp: 16°C (61°F)
Min Temp: 14°C (57°F)
Wind Direction: SW
Wind Speed: 11mph
Visibility: very good
Pressure: 1016mb
Humidity: 88%
UV risk: low
Pollution: low
Sunrise: 06:59 (GMT)BST
Sunset: 16:46 (GMT)BST
Monday 29th April 2024


white cloud
Max Temp: 15°C (59°F)
Min Temp: 9°C (48°F)
Wind Direction: S
Wind Speed: 16mph
Visibility: very good
Pressure: 1011mb
Humidity: 84%
UV risk: low
Pollution: low
Sunrise: 07:01 (GMT)BST
Sunset: 16:44 (GMT)BST

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