Rail ticket sales - 2005 to 2019 - AL

The diagram shows how rail traffic (measured by tickets sold) has grown or shunk in the ten years since 2005 at each of the various stations in a region - in this case AL. Figures for 2009-10 are taken as 100%, and then each of the following years is shown for each station as a percentage of that figure.

Dark blue - over 500,000 entries / exits in 2005
Red - over 50,000 but less that 500,000 entries
Green - over 5,000 but less than 50,000 entries
Pink - over 500 but less than 5,000 entries

Here is the raw data:

 2005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192005 -> 2019
2010 -> 2019
Welham Green125769120413134934147553153116145220160884172166191316190672197712212702213534195252198924158.2%137.0%
Welwyn North406270395304428164455322468312454296485856509458525054548492565696598664598964590284587312144.6%129.3%
St.Albans City534055756348836041426633792362739725986632626338265092446887912715767174741307451430739696473670207560310141.6%126.3%
Brookman's Park143537150325167346185759198784191500203654209080220568227474230090240784243808233566233128162.4%121.7%
Welwyn Garden City200219720205022322204250224025223982385014243194824781062629412267777727240162795888295094829638402867810143.2%120.2%
How Wood (Hertfordshire)293923265738532387233626232026342023785438078325742388827804289943359234690118.0%108.3%
St.Albans Abbey17476918711220764622248221752017747018476819898019493018044414186416520216496416903616675895.4%94.0%
Bricket Wood47446493744925556540473044247644906481364629843110292422894227640286183684077.6%86.7%
Park Street27890301442867932817324582783832606345723561831734209442064620202214282207479.1%79.3%

Average percentage from 2005 to 2019 is 142.50% over 11 stations in the area.

Data is for year up to 31st March (e.g. "2011" is 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011). Figures are Department for Transport published figures for total ticket sales for entrances and exits at specific stations and are subject to the caveats in their reports. The graph excludes stations with less that 500 entrances / exits (or not open) in the year to 31st March 2005. Where a percentage is given in the final columns, it's the data for 2016 as a percentage of the 2005 and 2010 data; we do not calculate / display the percentage for stations without data or with very few passengers indeed in either of these two years as it could mislead.

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