It's great to use current and new technologies on your web site, but you want to be able to suppot older browsers and more cautious users too; not everyone has Flash, so you have to compromise? Not really - you CAN sense whether or not Flash is loaded onto a browser ... and call up alteratives (different links and different images, for example) depending on what you find.

This demonstration tells you whether or not the Flash plugin is installed on your browser.

Result of test should be above. You will not see any result at all if you do not have JavaScript!
Now let's call up a static image if we're unsure of our Flash, or a flash movie if we know we can (later that version 6)!

And a link which will differ depending on whether or not we have Flash - to illustrate how this works, I will provide a link to the indes page of our course directory if I sense that you have Flash, and a link to our main home page if you do not.

Training sample © 2024, WELL HOUSE CONSULTANTS LTD
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See source code here • More examples - same topic here
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