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timetabling tool - Graham Ellis, 17th February 2018.
this example from a Well House Consultants training course
More on this [link]

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Source code: timetable Module: Y301
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# timetabling tool - Graham Ellis, 17th February 2018. E&OE

# sample data and copy of this program at
# sample data in three folders - "even", "odd" and "both"
# to run - ./timetable [odd|even|both]

""" Sample data
*diagram wsb
05:15 WSB 05:21 TRO 05:31 MKM 05:41 CPM 05:58 SWI
06:10 SWI 06:26 CPM 06:36 MKM 06:46 TRO 07:00 WSB 07:03 DMH 07:10 WMN 07:30 SAL

# overview -
# a PLAN is a series of train diagrams
# a DIAGRAM is a series of services
# a SERVICE is a series of calls

# to be selected for inclusin in resulting timetable a train must call at 2 key stations
# stations (incuding key stations) selected in a list for output

# Program will not split columns where one train overtakes another

import re

class plan:
        empty = re.compile("^\s*$")

        def __init__(self):
                self.diagrams = []

        def load(source,baseplan=None):
                if not baseplan: baseplan = plan()
                buffer = []
                diagstring = ""
                for line in open(source):
                        if line.strip().startswith("*"):
                                if buffer: baseplan.addDiagram(buffer,diagstring)
                                buffer = []
                                diagstring = line.strip()
                        if line.strip().startswith("#"): continue
                        if plan.empty.findall(line): continue
                if buffer: baseplan.addDiagram(buffer,diagstring)
                return baseplan

        def addDiagram(self,buffer,descriptor):
                flds = descriptor.split()

        def getStationSheet(self,tlc):
                calls = []
                for d in self.diagrams:
                        for s in d.getservices():
                                posn = 0
                                here = None
                                for c in s.getcalls():
                                        if posn == 0: origin = c.getcall()
                                        destiny = c.getcall()
                                        if destiny.gettlc() == tlc:
                                                here = destiny
                                        posn += 1
                                if here: calls.append((origin,here,destiny,s.getdiagram()))
                calls.sort(key = lambda x: x[1].getwhen("number"))

                # return calls

                ss = "Services at " + tlc + "\n"
                for c in calls:
                        ss += "at {} from {} ({}) to {} ({}) [ by {} ]\n".format(c[1].getwhen(),
                                c[0].gettlc(), c[0].getwhen(), c[2].gettlc(), c[2].getwhen(),
                return ss

        def getTimetable(self,places,row=[]):

                # identify services headed in this direction
                storefound = []
                for d in self.diagrams:
                        for s in d.getservices():
                                callsAt = []
                                for p in places:
                                        callNumber = 0
                                        for c in s.getcalls():
                                                callNumber += 1
                                                if c.gettlc() == p and callsAt == []:
                                                elif c.gettlc() == p and callNumber > callsAt[0]:
                                if len(callsAt) > 1:
                                        # print ("Right direction")
                                        # print ("Wrong direction")

                # print(storefound)

                if not row:
                        txt = ""
                        for train in storefound:
                                for stop in train.getcalls():
                                        txt += str(stop) + "; "
                                txt += "\n"
                        return txt
                        array = []
                        dlist = ["diag:"]
                        for r in row:
                        for train in storefound:
                                vector = [" - "] * len(row)
                                for stop in train.getcalls():
                                        location = stop.gettlc()
                                        when = stop.getwhen()
                                        ri = row.index(location)
                                        if ri > -1:
                                                vector[ri] = when
                                for r in range(len(row)):
                        return array,dlist

        def _mysort(services):
                # sort services - our own algorithm as no easy key!
                swapping = True
                times = 0
                while swapping:

                        #ensure we break out if trains overtake each other
                        times += 1
                        if times > 20: break

                        swapping = False
                        for x in range(len(services)-1):
                                for y in range(x+1,len(services)):
                                        ahead = 0
                                        for xx in services[x].getcalls():
                                                for yy in services[y].getcalls():
                                                        if xx.gettlc() == yy.gettlc():
                                                                # they are comparable
                                                                tx = xx.getwhen("number")
                                                                ty = yy.getwhen("number")
                                                                ah2 = 0
                                                                if tx < ty: ah2 = 1
                                                                if tx > ty: ah2 = -1
                                                                if ahead == 0:
                                                                        ahead = ah2
                                                                # add "oops - overtaken"
                                        if ahead == -1:
                                                services[x],services[y] = services[y],services[x]
                                                swapping = True

class diagram:
        def __init__(self,rawservices,about):
       = about
       = []
                for s in rawservices:

        def getservices(self):

class service:
        def __init__(self,record,diag):
                # 05:15 WSB 05:21 TRO 05:31 MKM 05:41 CPM 05:58 SWI
                self.stops = list(map(lambda x: call(x), record.strip().split('\t')))
                self.diag = diag
                # print (self.stops); # for debug
        def getcalls(self):
                return self.stops
        def getdiagram(self):
                return self.diag

class call:
        def __init__(self,stop):
                when,where = stop.split()
                self.when = when
                self.where = where

        def getcall(self):
                return self

        def gettlc(self):
                return self.where

        def getwhen(self,format='regular'):
                if format == 'regular': return self.when

                # request for integer minutes for arithmetic!

                h,m = self.when.split(':')
                hi = int(h)
                mi = int(m)
                if hi < 3: hi += 24
                return hi*60 + mi

        def __repr__(self):
                return "{} at {}".format(self.where,self.when)

def tableprint(array,heads,segsize):
        for s in range(1,len(heads),segsize):
                hp = [heads[0]] + heads[s:s+segsize]
                for row in array:
                        hp = [row[0]] + row[s:s+segsize]
                        print ("\t".join(hp))

if __name__ == "__main__":

        import sys

        swindonsolent = plan.load(sys.argv[1] + "/services")
        swindonsolent = plan.load(sys.argv[1] + "/gwr.others",swindonsolent)
        swindonsolent = plan.load(sys.argv[1] + "/swr.others",swindonsolent)

        ss = swindonsolent.getStationSheet("DMH")

        ss = swindonsolent.getStationSheet("MKM")

        keystations = ["RMZ","SOU","SAL","WMN","WSB","TRO","SWI"]
        reportstations = ["RMZ","SOA","SOU","ROM","SAL","WMN","DMH","WSB","TRO","MKM","CPM","SWI"]

        tt,heads = swindonsolent.getTimetable(keystations,reportstations)
        heads[0] = sys.argv[1]


        tt,heads = swindonsolent.getTimetable(keystations,reportstations)
        heads[0] = sys.argv[1]

""" Sample output

WomanWithCat:feb18 grahamellis$ ./timetable both
Services at DMH
at 05:45 from SAL (05:18) to SWI (06:31) [ by d_5 ]
at 06:45 from SAL (06:18) to SWI (07:31) [ by d_4 ]
at 07:03 from SAL (06:38) to TRO (07:15) [ by BRI ]
at 07:27 from SWI (06:42) to RMZ (09:02) [ by d_5 ]
at 07:35 from WMN (07:28) to TRO (07:45) [ by BPW ]
at 07:35 from WSB (07:32) to SAL (08:01) [ by YVP ]
at 07:44 from SOU (06:48) to TRO (07:55) [ by PMH ]
at 07:45 from RMZ (05:58) to SWI (08:31) [ by d_3 ]
at 08:27 from SWI (07:42) to RMZ (10:02) [ by d_4 ]
at 08:45 from RMZ (07:08) to SWI (09:31) [ by d_1 ]
at 09:27 from SWI (08:42) to RMZ (11:02) [ by d_3 ]
at 09:42 from TRO (09:31) to SAL (10:12) [ by BRI ]
at 09:45 from RMZ (08:08) to SWI (10:31) [ by d_2 ]
at 10:27 from SWI (09:42) to RMZ (12:02) [ by d_1 ]
at 10:45 from RMZ (09:08) to SWI (11:31) [ by d_5 ]
at 10:51 from SAL (10:26) to WSB (10:54) [ by YVP ]
at 11:27 from SWI (10:42) to RMZ (13:02) [ by d_2 ]
at 11:45 from RMZ (10:08) to SWI (12:31) [ by d_4 ]
at 11:48 from WSB (11:45) to SAL (12:14) [ by YVP ]
at 12:27 from SWI (11:42) to RMZ (14:02) [ by d_5 ]
at 12:45 from RMZ (11:08) to SWI (13:31) [ by d_3 ]
at 13:27 from SWI (12:42) to RMZ (15:02) [ by d_4 ]
at 13:34 from TRO (13:25) to SOU (14:33) [ by BTN ]
at 13:42 from TRO (13:31) to SAL (14:12) [ by BRI ]
at 13:45 from RMZ (12:08) to SWI (14:31) [ by d_1 ]
at 14:17 from SAL (13:52) to TRO (14:29) [ by BRI ]
at 14:27 from SWI (13:42) to RMZ (16:02) [ by d_3 ]
at 14:45 from RMZ (13:08) to SWI (15:31) [ by d_2 ]
at 14:51 from SAL (14:26) to WSB (14:54) [ by YVP ]
at 15:27 from SWI (14:42) to RMZ (17:02) [ by d_1 ]
at 15:45 from RMZ (14:08) to SWI (16:31) [ by d_5 ]
at 15:48 from WSB (15:45) to SAL (16:14) [ by YVP ]
at 16:27 from SWI (15:42) to RMZ (18:02) [ by d_2 ]
at 16:45 from RMZ (15:08) to SWI (17:31) [ by d_4 ]
at 17:27 from SWI (16:42) to RMZ (19:02) [ by d_5 ]
at 17:45 from RMZ (16:08) to SWI (18:31) [ by d_3 ]
at 17:48 from WSB (17:45) to SAL (18:14) [ by YVP ]
at 17:56 from TRO (17:46) to WMN (18:05) [ by BPW ]
at 18:25 from WMN (18:18) to TRO (19:35) [ by BPW ]
at 18:27 from SWI (17:42) to RMZ (20:02) [ by d_4 ]
at 18:45 from RMZ (17:08) to SWI (19:31) [ by d_1 ]
at 19:24 from SAL (18:59) to WSB (19:28) [ by YVP ]
at 19:27 from SWI (18:42) to RMZ (21:02) [ by d_3 ]
at 19:45 from RMZ (18:08) to SWI (20:31) [ by d_2 ]
at 20:18 from WSB (20:15) to SAL (20:45) [ by YVP ]
at 20:27 from SWI (19:42) to RMZ (22:02) [ by d_1 ]
at 20:45 from RMZ (19:08) to SWI (21:31) [ by d_5 ]
at 21:24 from SAL (20:59) to TRO (21:36) [ by BRI ]
at 21:27 from SWI (20:42) to RMZ (23:02) [ by d_2 ]
at 21:45 from RMZ (20:08) to SWI (22:31) [ by d_4 ]
at 22:05 from TRO (21:55) to SOU (23:03) [ by PMH ]
at 22:27 from SWI (21:42) to RMZ (00:02) [ by d_5 ]
at 22:45 from RMZ (21:08) to SWI (23:31) [ by d_3 ]
at 23:27 from SWI (22:42) to SAL (23:54) [ by d_4 ]
at 23:28 from SOA (22:15) to WSB (23:31) [ by PMH ]
at 00:27 from SWI (23:42) to SAL (00:54) [ by d_3 ]

Services at MKM
at 06:06 from SAL (05:18) to SWI (06:31) [ by d_5 ]
at 07:06 from SAL (06:18) to SWI (07:31) [ by d_4 ]
at 07:06 from SWI (06:42) to RMZ (09:02) [ by d_5 ]
at 08:06 from RMZ (05:58) to SWI (08:31) [ by d_3 ]
at 08:07 from SWI (07:42) to RMZ (10:02) [ by d_4 ]
at 09:06 from RMZ (07:08) to SWI (09:31) [ by d_1 ]
at 09:06 from SWI (08:42) to RMZ (11:02) [ by d_3 ]
at 10:06 from RMZ (08:08) to SWI (10:31) [ by d_2 ]
at 10:07 from SWI (09:42) to RMZ (12:02) [ by d_1 ]
at 11:06 from RMZ (09:08) to SWI (11:31) [ by d_5 ]
at 11:07 from SWI (10:42) to RMZ (13:02) [ by d_2 ]
at 12:06 from RMZ (10:08) to SWI (12:31) [ by d_4 ]
at 12:07 from SWI (11:42) to RMZ (14:02) [ by d_5 ]
at 13:06 from RMZ (11:08) to SWI (13:31) [ by d_3 ]
at 13:07 from SWI (12:42) to RMZ (15:02) [ by d_4 ]
at 14:06 from RMZ (12:08) to SWI (14:31) [ by d_1 ]
at 14:07 from SWI (13:42) to RMZ (16:02) [ by d_3 ]
at 15:06 from RMZ (13:08) to SWI (15:31) [ by d_2 ]
at 15:07 from SWI (14:42) to RMZ (17:02) [ by d_1 ]
at 16:06 from RMZ (14:08) to SWI (16:31) [ by d_5 ]
at 16:07 from SWI (15:42) to RMZ (18:02) [ by d_2 ]
at 17:06 from RMZ (15:08) to SWI (17:31) [ by d_4 ]
at 17:07 from SWI (16:42) to RMZ (19:02) [ by d_5 ]
at 18:06 from RMZ (16:08) to SWI (18:31) [ by d_3 ]
at 18:07 from SWI (17:42) to RMZ (20:02) [ by d_4 ]
at 19:06 from RMZ (17:08) to SWI (19:31) [ by d_1 ]
at 19:07 from SWI (18:42) to RMZ (21:02) [ by d_3 ]
at 20:06 from RMZ (18:08) to SWI (20:31) [ by d_2 ]
at 20:07 from SWI (19:42) to RMZ (22:02) [ by d_1 ]
at 21:06 from RMZ (19:08) to SWI (21:31) [ by d_5 ]
at 21:07 from SWI (20:42) to RMZ (23:02) [ by d_2 ]
at 22:06 from RMZ (20:08) to SWI (22:31) [ by d_4 ]
at 22:07 from SWI (21:42) to RMZ (00:02) [ by d_5 ]
at 23:06 from RMZ (21:08) to SWI (23:31) [ by d_3 ]
at 23:07 from SWI (22:42) to SAL (23:54) [ by d_4 ]
at 00:07 from SWI (23:42) to SAL (00:54) [ by d_3 ]

both ..d_5 ..d_4 ..BRI ..BPW ..d_3 ..PMH ..d_1 ..PMH ..d_2 ..PMH ..d_5 ..YVP ..PMH ..BRI ..d_4
RMZ - - - - 05:58 - 07:08 - 08:08 - 09:08 - - - 10:08
SOA - - - - 06:18 - 07:26 - 08:26 - 09:26 - - - 10:26
SOU - - - - 06:30 06:48 07:38 07:58 08:38 09:11 09:38 - 10:11 - 10:38
ROM - - - - 06:45 07:00 07:54 08:10 08:54 09:23 09:54 - 10:23 - 10:54
SAL 05:18 06:18 06:38 - 07:13 07:19 08:18 08:30 09:18 09:42 10:18 10:26 10:42 10:52 11:18
WMN 05:38 06:38 06:58 07:28 07:38 07:39 08:38 08:53 09:38 10:02 10:38 10:46 11:02 11:12 11:38
DMH 05:45 06:45 07:03 07:35 07:45 07:44 08:45 - 09:45 - 10:45 10:51 - - 11:45
WSB 05:50 06:50 07:07 07:37 07:50 07:49 08:50 09:01 09:50 10:10 10:50 10:54 11:10 11:20 11:50
TRO 05:56 06:56 07:15 07:45 07:56 07:55 08:56 09:09 09:56 10:17 10:56 - 11:17 11:28 11:56
MKM 06:06 07:06 - - 08:06 - 09:06 - 10:06 - 11:06 - - - 12:06
CPM 06:15 07:15 - - 08:15 - 09:15 - 10:15 - 11:15 - - - 12:15
SWI 06:31 07:31 - - 08:31 - 09:31 - 10:31 - 11:31 - - - 12:31

both ..BTN ..PMH ..d_3 ..PMH ..d_1 ..PMH ..BRI ..d_2 ..YVP ..PMH ..d_5 ..PMH ..d_4 ..PMH ..d_3
RMZ - - 11:08 - 12:08 - - 13:08 - - 14:08 - 15:08 - 16:08
SOA - - 11:26 - 12:26 - - 13:26 - - 14:26 - 15:26 - 16:26
SOU 10:40 11:11 11:38 12:11 12:38 13:11 - 13:38 - 14:11 14:38 15:11 15:38 16:11 16:38
ROM 10:52 11:23 11:54 12:23 12:54 13:23 - 13:54 - 14:23 14:54 15:23 15:54 16:23 16:54
SAL 11:11 11:42 12:18 12:42 13:18 13:42 13:52 14:18 14:26 14:42 15:18 15:42 16:18 16:42 17:18
WMN 11:31 12:02 12:38 13:02 13:38 14:02 11:12 14:38 14:46 15:02 15:38 16:02 16:38 17:02 17:38
DMH - - 12:45 - 13:45 - 14:17 14:45 14:51 - 15:45 - 16:45 - 17:45
WSB 11:39 12:10 12:50 13:10 13:50 14:10 14:21 14:50 14:54 15:10 15:50 16:10 16:50 17:10 17:50
TRO 11:47 12:17 12:56 13:17 13:56 14:17 14:29 14:56 - 15:17 15:56 16:17 16:56 17:17 17:56
MKM - - 13:06 - 14:06 - - 15:06 - - 16:06 - 17:06 - 18:06
CPM - - 13:15 - 14:15 - - 15:15 - - 16:15 - 17:15 - 18:15
SWI - - 13:31 - 14:31 - - 15:31 - - 16:31 - 17:31 - 18:31

both ..PMH ..BRI ..BPW ..d_1 ..PMH ..YVP ..d_2 ..BTN ..PMH ..d_5 ..PMH ..BRI ..d_4 ..PMH ..d_3
RMZ - - - 17:08 - - 18:08 - - 19:08 - - 20:08 - 21:08
SOA - - - 17:26 - - 18:26 - - 19:26 - - 20:26 - 21:26
SOU 17:11 - - 17:38 18:11 - 18:38 18:40 19:11 19:38 20:11 - 20:38 21:11 21:38
ROM 17:23 - - 17:54 18:23 - 18:54 18:52 19:23 19:54 20:23 - 20:54 21:23 21:54
SAL 17:42 17:58 - 18:18 18:42 18:59 19:18 19:11 19:42 20:18 20:42 20:59 21:18 21:42 22:18
WMN 18:02 18:18 18:18 18:38 19:02 19:19 19:38 19:31 20:02 20:38 21:02 21:19 21:38 22:02 22:38
DMH - - 18:25 18:45 - 19:24 19:45 - - 20:45 - 21:24 21:45 - 22:45
WSB 18:10 18:26 19:27 18:50 19:10 19:28 19:50 19:39 20:10 20:50 21:10 21:28 21:50 22:10 22:50
TRO 18:17 18:34 19:35 18:56 19:17 - 19:56 19:47 20:17 20:56 21:17 21:36 21:56 22:17 22:56
MKM - - - 19:06 - - 20:06 - - 21:06 - - 22:06 - 23:06
CPM - - - 19:15 - - 20:15 - - 21:15 - - 22:16 - 23:15
SWI - - - 19:31 - - 20:31 - - 21:31 - - 22:31 - 23:31

both ..PMH ..d_1 ..PMH ..d_2 ..d_5
RMZ - 22:08 - 23:08 00:08
SOA 22:15 22:26 - 23:26 -
SOU 22:29 22:38 23:09 23:38 -
ROM 22:41 22:54 23:21 23:54 -
SAL 23:00 23:18 23:40 00:18 00:28
WMN 23:20 - 23:59 - -
DMH 23:28 - - - -
WSB 23:31 - 00:09 - -
TRO - - - - -
MKM - - - - -
CPM - - - - -
SWI - - - - -

both ..d_3 ..d_1 ..PMH ..d_2 ..PMH ..d_5 ..YVP ..PMH ..d_4 ..PMH ..d_3 ..BRI ..PMH ..d_1 ..PMH
SWI - - - - - 06:42 - - 07:42 - 08:42 - - 09:42 -
CPM - - - - - 06:57 - - 07:57 - 08:57 - - 09:57 -
MKM - - - - - 07:06 - - 08:07 - 09:06 - - 10:07 -
TRO - - - - 06:32 07:17 - 07:53 08:17 08:53 09:16 09:31 09:50 10:17 10:53
WSB - - 05:49 - 06:40 07:24 07:32 08:01 08:24 09:01 09:24 09:39 09:59 10:24 11:01
DMH - - - - - 07:27 07:35 - 08:27 - 09:27 09:42 - 10:27 -
WMN - - 05:56 - 06:48 07:34 07:42 08:09 08:34 09:09 09:34 09:49 10:07 10:34 11:09
SAL 05:35 05:54 06:18 06:48 07:10 07:54 08:01 08:32 08:54 09:32 09:54 10:12 10:29 10:54 11:32
ROM - 06:11 06:37 07:11 07:29 08:19 - 08:51 09:19 09:51 10:19 - 10:51 11:19 11:51
SOU - 06:34 06:50 07:25 07:41 08:34 - 09:03 09:34 10:03 10:34 - 11:03 11:34 12:03
SOA - 06:45 - 07:37 - 08:45 - - 09:45 - 10:45 - - 11:45 -
RMZ 05:53 07:02 - 08:02 - 09:02 - - 10:02 - 11:02 - - 12:02 -

both ..d_2 ..YVP ..PMH ..d_5 ..PMH ..d_4 ..BTN ..BRI ..PMH ..d_3 ..PMH ..d_1 ..YVP ..PMH ..d_2
SWI 10:42 - - 11:42 - 12:42 - - - 13:42 - 14:42 - - 15:42
CPM 10:57 - - 11:57 - 12:57 - - - 13:57 - 14:57 - - 15:57
MKM 11:07 - - 12:07 - 13:07 - - - 14:07 - 15:07 - - 16:07
TRO 11:17 - 11:53 12:17 12:53 13:17 13:25 13:31 13:53 14:17 14:53 15:17 - 15:53 16:17
WSB 11:24 11:45 12:01 12:24 13:01 13:24 13:32 13:39 14:01 14:24 15:01 15:24 15:45 16:01 16:24
DMH 11:27 11:48 - 12:27 - 13:27 13:34 13:42 - 14:27 - 15:27 15:48 - 16:27
WMN 11:34 11:55 12:09 12:34 13:09 13:34 13:41 13:49 14:09 14:34 15:09 15:34 15:55 16:09 16:34
SAL 11:54 12:14 12:32 12:54 13:32 13:54 14:03 14:12 14:32 14:54 15:32 15:54 16:14 16:32 16:54
ROM 12:19 - 12:51 13:19 13:51 14:19 14:22 - 14:51 15:19 15:51 16:19 - 16:51 17:19
SOU 12:34 - 13:03 13:34 14:03 14:34 14:33 - 15:03 15:34 16:03 16:34 - 17:03 17:34
SOA 12:45 - - 13:45 - 14:45 - - - 15:45 - 16:45 - - 17:45
RMZ 13:02 - - 14:02 - 15:02 - - - 16:02 - 17:02 - - 18:02

both ..BRI ..PMH ..d_5 ..YVP ..BPW ..PMH ..d_4 ..PMH ..d_3 ..PMH ..YVP ..d_1 ..BRI ..PMH ..d_2
SWI - - 16:42 - - - 17:42 - 18:42 - - 19:42 - - 20:42
CPM - - 16:57 - - - 17:57 - 18:57 - - 19:57 - - 20:57
MKM - - 17:07 - - - 18:07 - 19:07 - - 20:07 - - 21:07
TRO 16:31 16:53 17:17 - 17:46 17:58 18:17 18:53 19:17 19:53 - 20:17 20:37 20:53 21:17
WSB 16:39 17:01 17:24 17:45 17:54 18:06 18:24 19:01 19:24 20:01 20:15 20:24 20:45 21:01 21:24
DMH - - 17:27 17:48 17:56 - 18:27 - 19:27 - 20:18 20:27 - - 21:27
WMN 16:47 17:09 17:34 17:55 18:05 18:12 18:34 19:09 19:34 20:09 20:26 20:34 20:53 21:09 21:34
SAL 17:09 17:32 17:54 18:14 - 18:35 18:54 19:32 19:54 20:32 20:45 20:54 21:15 21:32 21:54
ROM - 17:51 18:19 - - 18:51 19:19 19:51 20:19 20:51 - 21:19 - 21:51 22:19
SOU - 18:03 18:34 - - 19:03 19:34 20:03 20:34 21:03 - 21:34 - 22:03 22:34
SOA - - 18:45 - - - 19:45 - 20:45 - - 21:45 - 22:12 22:45
RMZ - - 19:02 - - - 20:02 - 21:02 - - 22:02 - - 23:02

both ..PMH ..d_5 ..PMS ..BRI ..d_4 ..d_3
SWI - 21:42 - - 22:42 23:42
CPM - 21:57 - - 22:57 23:57
MKM - 22:07 - - 23:07 00:07
TRO 21:55 22:17 22:25 22:57 23:17 00:17
WSB 22:03 22:24 22:33 23:05 23:24 00:24
DMH 22:05 22:27 - - 23:27 00:27
WMN 22:09 22:34 22:40 23:12 23:34 00:34
SAL 22:32 22:54 23:03 23:35 23:54 00:54
ROM 22:51 23:19 23:22 - - -
SOU 23:03 23:34 22:34 - - -
SOA - 23:45 - - - -
RMZ - 00:02 - - - -

WomanWithCat:feb18 grahamellis$

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This example comes from our "this" training module. You'll find a description of the topic and some other closely related examples on the "this" module index page.

Full description of the source code
You can learn more about this example on the training courses listed on this page, on which you'll be given a full set of training notes.

Many other training modules are available for download (for limited use) from our download centre under an Open Training Notes License.

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• Our Solutions centre provides a number of longer technical articles.
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• Further resources are available via the resources centre.
• All of these resources can be searched through through our search engine
• And there's a global index here.

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This web site is written and maintained by Well House Consultants.

Purpose of this website
This is a sample program, class demonstration or answer from a training course. It's main purpose is to provide an after-course service to customers who have attended our public private or on site courses, but the examples are made generally available under conditions described below.

Conditions of use
Past attendees on our training courses are welcome to use individual examples in the course of their programming, but must check the examples they use to ensure that they are suitable for their job. Remember that some of our examples show you how not to do things - check in your notes. Well House Consultants take no responsibility for the suitability of these example programs to customer's needs.

This program is copyright Well House Consultants Ltd. You are forbidden from using it for running your own training courses without our prior written permission. See our page on courseware provision for more details.

Any of our images within this code may NOT be reused on a public URL without our prior permission. For Bona Fide personal use, we will often grant you permission provided that you provide a link back. Commercial use on a website will incur a license fee for each image used - details on request.

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