Training, Open Source Programming Languages

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Our email: • Phone: 01144 1225 708225

For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))
Ruby module R114
Ruby on the Web
Exercises, examples and other material relating to training module R114. This topic is presented on public courses Learning to program in Ruby, Ruby Programming

Articles and tips on this subjectupdated
4502Reading and parsing a JSON object in Ruby
Here's a series of three new examples, building up from one another, showing the reading of a JSON feed from a remote web site in Ruby, and the analysis and presentation of that data. The first example - [here] - shows the loading of extra modules to handle reading from the web and the JSON format, ...
4003Web and console - same principle, same code - Ruby example
Courses for newcomers to programming start with showing the mechanism of how to enter a program, how to prepare that program to be run, and how to actually run it. We then show them how to read an input (usually from the keyboard), calculate, save values into variables and resuse them a few lines later, ...
2605Ruby on Rails - a sample application to teach you how
The Ruby on Rails Framework is a great way to put bolt web applications together quickly - but it can be overwhelming when you come to do it for the first time. There's a steep learning curve with all the various elements to put together to make up the whole. We have a first (tiny!) demonstration in ...
3773Ruby on the web - a simple example using CGI
I've added a CGI example in Ruby - as part of the Ruby training I was doing yesterday. Source code is [here] to show how it works / "Proof of concept". In practise, I would use the cgi module in Ruby if I was doing server side work using CGI - "Hello World" using that module is [here], or if ...
3623Some TestWise examples - helping use Ruby code to check your web site operation
How to test your website and browser based applications? In a previous article I covered watir-webdriver which lets you run the Firefox Browser from a Ruby script, passing in instructions as to what to fill into certain fields, and then lets you check with all the power of Ruby the pages that are returned ...
34323 digit HTTP status codes - what are they, which are most common, which should be a concern?
We often talk during web related course / course modules about the status codes that are returned by servers - but I don't think I've ever written up a (near?) complete list. They are all three digit codes, and they're grouped by hundreds - so 200 series code are success, 400 codes are requests that ...
3431Ruby at both extremes of your website
Q: How is Ruby used on the web? A: At both extremes. Here's a web server ... serving documents and programs (on the right) to browsers (on the left). On the server, here is Ruby on a Rails Framework on the right. Requests to the Web Server are passed to the routing section of Rails, then routed ...
2607Answers on Ruby on Rails
What is Ruby on Rails? Ruby on Rails is a clever way of programming your web server in Ruby - it allows you to have data in databases on your website and provide very easy access tothat data through a browser, allowing your customers to see the data and you staff to see it, alter it, and add more data ...
1891Ruby to access web services
If you want to use a Ruby program to access an RSS feed (or some other XML or HTML data), you can start with the standard Net::HTTP module ... full (working, tested) example here. That example "just" uses a Get method to get an RSS feed of the latest posts to the First Great Western Coffee Shop Forum ...
Examples from our training material
brightred   Ruby script / CGI - demo reporting current log file
hello_ruby_cgi_world   Hello Web World
ruby_100   analysis of web server log file
rubypost   Automated browser to collect from web service
south.rb   CGI Server application from first principles   Testwise data file
testwise.log   Testwise - output log
testwise1.rb   TestWise - example pasted from a Firefox Capture
testwise2.rb   TestWise - multiple stories
testwise3.rb   TestWise - conditionals - making decisions based on pages returned
testwise4.rb   Testwise - testing in a loop, and expecting failure
testwise5.rb   Testwise - a first page object
testwise6.rb   testwise - reading from file, writing to console and logfile
tj.rb   Reading a Json object from a web site and displaying it
Background information
Some modules are available for download as a sample of our material or under an Open Training Notes License for free download from [here].
Topics covered in this module
CGI and the Ruby Apache Module.
Using cgi.rb; URL decoding, forms, sessions, cookies, etc.
Embedding Ruby in HTML - the <% <%= and <%# tags.
Complete learning
If you are looking for a complete course and not just a information on a single subject, visit our Listing and schedule page.

Well House Consultants specialise in training courses in Ruby, Lua, Python, Perl, PHP, and MySQL. We run Private Courses throughout the UK (and beyond for longer courses), and Public Courses at our training centre in Melksham, Wiltshire, England. It's surprisingly cost effective to come on our public courses - even if you live in a different country or continent to us.

We have a technical library of over 700 books on the subjects on which we teach. These books are available for reference at our training centre.

© WELL HOUSE CONSULTANTS LTD., 2024: 48 Spa Road • Melksham, Wiltshire • United Kingdom • SN12 7NY
PH: 01144 1225 708225 • EMAIL: • WEB: • SKYPE: wellho

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