Training, Open Source Programming Languages

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For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))
Web Application Deployment module A653
Tomcat - Configuring Web Applications
Exercises, examples and other material relating to training module A653. This topic is presented on public courses Deploying Apache and Tomcat, Deploying Java Applications on Linux / Unix

One you've installed and tested Tomcat on your server, you'll want to deploy your own applications. This module shows you various ways of installing such an application on a default Tomcat configuration, and shows you what's in the various deployment files.

Related technical and longer articles
Running SSI (Server Side Include) scripts in Apache Tomcat
Running CGI scripts in Apache Tomcat

Articles and tips on this subjectupdated
3996Tips on Tomcat - moving applications around
If you want to replace the root application on your Tomcat server, you can replace the ROOT folder in webapps. But there's alternatives that might be better for you. a) Place the .war file and / or application in webapps, and replace the ROOT folder with a symbolic link to the application:   cd ...
3044Changing a Servlet - more that just editing and compiling
If you're going to modify a servlet, you'll need to edit and recompile the classes that you're changing - and chances are that will include the main application class. Which means you need to have access to the source. Not a problem if you're a developer of the product, but could be an issue if it's ...
2088Changing the 404 - file not found - page in Tomcat
If you're running an Apache Tomcat web server, how do you customise your error documents? Add an <error-page> tag set into your web.xml file To change this: into this: I added the following to by web.xml: <error-page> <error-code>404</error-code> <location>/broken.html</location> </error-page> and ...
1006Apache httpd and Apache Tomcat together tips
Many sites run two web servers - Apache httpd is ideal for plain HTML documents and scripts / programs that are single pages, run rarely, not all linked in together. Whereas Tomcat is an application container that suits applications that are run by tens of people all at the same time - great for banking, ...
1909javax.servlet cannot be resolved - how to solve
Two common problems in compiling Servlets for use within a Tomcat container ... PROBLEM: My Java Compile of a Servlet says "javax.servlet cannot be resolved" For example: [trainee@easterton sources]$ javac ---------- 1. ERROR in  (at line 2)    import javax.servlet.*;           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import javax.servlet cannot be resolved ---------- 2. ERROR in  (at line 3)    import javax.servlet.http.*;           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import javax.servlet cannot be resolved ---------- 3. ERROR in  (at line 5)    public class Smallest extends HttpServlet {                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^ HttpServlet cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 4. ERROR in  (at line 9)    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HttpServletRequest cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 5. ERROR in  (at line 10)    HttpServletResponse response)    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HttpServletResponse cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 6. ERROR in  (at line 11)    throws IOException, ServletException                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ServletException cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 6 problems (6 errors)[trainee@easterton sources]$ SOLUTION: ...
1564Default file (MiMe types) for Apache httpd and Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat web server default MIME type What file extension maps to what "Mime Type" in Apache Tomcat? It's important to know, since the Mime type is sent out by the server to the browser to tell the browser how to handle the following data stream. a) There is a long list of extensions and their ...
1552Extra public classes in deploying Apache httpd and Tomcat
We have just scheduled an additional two Deploying Apache httpd and Tomcat courses, to start on Monday 3rd and Wednesday 5th March 2008. This course is "flavour of the month" - I ran such a course the week before last, a tailored private course last week ... and I have another public course scheduled ...
1192What are WEB-INF and META-INF directories?
If you're looking at a web application on your Tomcat server you'll see all the files that you would expect - things like an index.html (or perhaps an index.jsp), images, and perhaps style sheets, a robots.txt and a favicon.ico. You'll also see a WEB-INF directory, and perhaps a META-INF directory that ...
1082Straight from the .jar
Disc drives have got much faster since my youth ... and processors at have got much much MUCH faster in the same period. So, 30 years ago, we used to compress files to store them on the disc when we knew we weren't likely to keep needing them, but we didn't compress them as a matter of course as we ...
1074Java beans and classes, .war and .jar files
A Java Bean is a class that includes a constructor that takes no parameters, and getter and setter methods with names like getLength and setLength to read and write properties. So at a basic (Java) level, a bean is just a class that happens to conform to some conventions. However - when you come to ...
754tar, jar, war, ear, sar files
Have you ever wondered why that are so many file extensions ending in "a r"? It's because the "ar" stands for archive, and it's such a reasonable way of naming file that the original tar which stands for tape archive was picked up by Sun and the Java community and transmuted into other file formats. tar ...
465Changing Tomcat's web.xml and reloading a web application
In the Tomcat Manager, does the "Reload" button on each application do just the same thing as "Stop" followed by "Start"? You might think so ... but, no, it doesn't. If you stop and restart your application by using the two buttons, your web.xml configuration file will be read and any changes that ...
Examples from our training material   Class to use with age testing JSP pages such as supervisor.jsp   Servlet Sessions, and variable scope.   Book bean - connect to MySQL to look up Author based on ISBN   Servlet source + web.xml + CLASSPATH all in one example   Smallest servlet - hit counter   First Example of using Java Servlet Sessions   Temperature Conversion Servlet   A Simple servlet for testing initial operation of Tomcat
bookform.html   Form to ask for ISBN number
booklook.jsp   JSP tags used to call up Java Beans
bookrun.jsp   JSP to get author based on ISBN number in form
demo.jsp   A Java Server Page Multiplication table
demoform.jsp   A JSP to calculate based on form data
first.jsp   A simple calculator in a JSP page
first.web.xml   Very simplest web.xml
idemo.shtml   SSI Script to test Apache Tomcat SSI support
index.html   Home page for latmj web application
isbnform.html   Form for bl3.jsp example
page1.html   Test page - HTML - for new Tomcat install
prog1.cgi   Perl script to test Apache Tomcat CGI support
shortform.html   A short form to allow the user to input to a JSP
supervisor.jsp   JSP Page to compare your age to 21, using the agetest class
together.jsp   A form and a program in the same .jsp   Conversion of together.jsp into a servlet
web.xml   mapping servlet URLs to classes
Java and Tomcat deployment - webapps structure
Background information
Some modules are available for download as a sample of our material or under an Open Training Notes License for free download from [here].
Topics covered in this module
Installing a flat files example in /webapps/.
A more complex application in a /webapps/ folder.
Installing a Java Server Page in /webapps/.
An example that reads from a form.
An example with error checking, and with the form within the JSP.
Deploying a Servlet in /webapps/.
A Servlet with form data.
Using a JSP to access a class.
Installing via a WAR file.
Installing Servlets from the server.xml file.
Complete learning
If you are looking for a complete course and not just a information on a single subject, visit our Listing and schedule page.

Well House Consultants specialise in training courses in Linux and LAMP,Ruby, Lua, Python, Perl, PHP, and MySQL. We run Private Courses throughout the UK (and beyond for longer courses), and Public Courses at our training centre in Melksham, Wiltshire, England. It's surprisingly cost effective to come on our public courses - even if you live in a different country or continent to us.

We have a technical library of over 700 books on the subjects on which we teach. These books are available for reference at our training centre.

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PH: 01144 1225 708225 • EMAIL: • WEB: • SKYPE: wellho

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