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For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))
Satisfaction of training

I'm writing this during a final-day practical on a Perl course - 10 trainees, coding quietly as mice, as they write a web page to calculate the length of ladder that Romeo needs to reach Juliet and present the results. The program is being written to "best practise" standards - the HTML is being kept apart from the Perl for easy maintenance, inputs are being validated, etc. And the code samples that I've written for them to follow are nicely inset and they're commented and documented with POD too.

There's a great feeling of satisfaction for me ... helping 10 people learn this exciting language and skiil; some of them have used the term "re-skilling" as they move to newer pastures from their traditional mainframe areas. It's great for them, it's great for me, and it's great for their employer as he uses their new skills too. It's this "win / win / win" situation that makes training so rewarding.

(written 2005-03-11, updated 2006-06-05)

Associated topics are indexed as below, or enter http://melksh.am/nnnn for individual articles
P711 - An Introduction to Standards in Perl
  [668] Python - block insets help with documentation - (2006-04-04)
  [743] How to debug a Perl program - (2006-06-04)
  [945] Code quality counts - (2006-11-26)
  [965] KISS - one action per statement please - Perl - (2006-12-05)
  [1047] Maintainable code - some positive advice - (2007-01-21)
  [1221] Bathtubs and pecking birds - (2007-06-07)
  [1345] Perl and Shell coding standards / costs of an IT project - (2007-09-11)
  [1395] Dont just convert to Perl - re-engineer! - (2007-10-18)
  [1555] Advanced Python, Perl, PHP and Tcl training courses / classes - (2008-02-25)
  [1728] A short Perl example - (2008-07-30)
  [1853] Well structured coding in Perl - (2008-10-24)
  [1863] About dieing and exiting in Perl - (2008-11-01)
  [2375] Designing your data structures for a robust Perl application - (2009-08-25)
  [2688] Security considerations in programming - what do we teach? - (2010-03-22)
  [2875] A long day in Melksham ... - (2010-07-17)
  [3398] Perl - making best use of the flexibility, but also using good coding standards - (2011-08-19)
  [4326] Learning to program - comments, documentation and test code - (2014-11-22)

P306 - Perl - Plain Old Documentation
  [760] Self help in Perl - (2006-06-14)

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new 'Perl on the Web' example
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When to bless a Perl variable
I'm not blogging it
Getting your examples, my examples and the data files after your course
new 'Perl on the Web' example
Satisfaction of training
Dress for training
Conventional restraints removed
What and why for the epoch
Difficulties with a trolley
Crossfertilisation, PHP to Python
4759 posts, page by page
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This is a page archived from The Horse's Mouth at http://www.wellho.net/horse/ - the diary and writings of Graham Ellis. Every attempt was made to provide current information at the time the page was written, but things do move forward in our business - new software releases, price changes, new techniques. Please check back via our main site for current courses, prices, versions, etc - any mention of a price in "The Horse's Mouth" cannot be taken as an offer to supply at that price.

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