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Pulling data from a mySql table Posted by Chris_Isaac (Chris Isaac), 5 August 2003 Hi I want to be able to pull off and print the colum names and values from a mysql table. The program below gets the data out, but I have no way of being able to tell from the output what the colums was called. The other problem is I have to tell it the number of colums to grab. Is there a way of grabing the entire row of values /column names straight into an array? I did try substituting mysql_fetch_array for mysql_fetch_row, but it made no difference. Thanks Chris Code:
Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 5 August 2003 Mysql_fetch_assoc will return you an array of values for a row, with the elements keyed by the name of the field. You can then use array_keys, array_walk, each, or something similar to step through each element.This page is a thread posted to the opentalk forum
at www.opentalk.org.uk and
archived here for reference. To jump to the archive index please
follow this link.
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