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Using Stringtokenizer to add to DoubleLinkedList

Posted by dawn (dawn), 18 September 2002
Hello Everyone!

I'm a new Java student, grasping things like stringtokenizer (a type of parser, i believe), PrintWriter/reader, BufferedReader/writer and FileWriter/Reader and Double Linked Lists (which i have created and it works).

I'm currently working on a program that involves creating a parser class that contains a list of commands to initialise my double linked list with, add to the list, remove the last command from the list, trace the list(which all invlove my linked list), save the list(which would involve bufferedReader and FileReader), clear the list and finally catch exceptions (such as an invalid command).

I know what to do - it's HOW to go about doing it that's bothering me! Can anyone give me some helpful tips or source code that involves parsing (using stringtokenizer) in a command from a class (creating an instance of it), adding it to my DoubleLinkList and doing all the other things mentioned above?!

If you are willing, you can send helpful hints to my address - Any help is much appreciated! Anticipating anyone's reply...

Ooops - one thing i forgot to mention is that the command come from a number of subclasses (i.e - a class for forward, a class for backward) which i must add to the doublelinkedlist using stringtokeniser.  

Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 18 September 2002
Hi, Dawn, and welcome.   Good question - needs more than the five minutes that I have now, so I'll come back to you this evening (it's lunchtime now; I'm in the UK).

I'll post the answer here, and email you a copy too. As the question is of general interest, can anyone else who answers please copy the board for everyone's benefit?  Thanks

Posted by dawn (dawn), 18 September 2002
Urgent need of advise...

Posted by admin (Graham Ellis), 19 September 2002
OK - let me make sure that I understand the application and question.

You've already implemented a double linked list class in Java, with a
number of methods that you can use to manipulate the list.  I hope that
you've written some good strong test code to test that your methods
work and do what yoou intend?  If not, that's the next stage before
you write any more code - write each class that has any code of substance,
test and debug it before you more on to writing the next class.

You now want to go on and write a command based handler to manipulate
your double linked list so that you can type in a command such as
       delete 10
and it will delete the item at position 10 in the linked list, or
       insert 15 demo.txt
and it will insert an element into the linked list which is the
content of demo.txt before element i5 in the list.

And you're looking for tips ...

I hope that when you wrote your double linked list class, you
thought carefully about what methods would be needed by any caalling
classes.   In just the same way, you should start by working out
what facilities the user of the handler application will need, and
then you'll want to specify those in a simple language which is both
user friendly and easy to code.   You'll notice that my suggestion
above uses a command based rather than a function based approach,
with space separators between each elements, one action per line, and
all parameters space specified.

Write some test code in your proposed language, and ensure that it's
fit for everything your users want before you start coding your
application class(es).

Application classes - a parser that take in a command as a string,
tokenises it, and returns an array (or ArrayList or Vector) of
the elements, and the main application class itself which reads
a command, calls the command parser, then goes through a switch
to implement each of your commands.  You'll have lots of other
methods, probably static ones, used in each case, so that you
only write / use each block of code once.

If your command language is going to get substantially complex in
the future and on a projcet that's to be used for years, then the
metrics and the design approach would vary.

Hope this is of some use - hope I've read the application spec
close enough to not be completely off track

Posted by dawn (dawn), 20 September 2002
Your insight and advise is greatly appreciated - currently in the middle of creating my parser class. It is, indeed,  a command that accepts two tokens as in 'fd 100'. Thankyou once again!

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