Are you looking for a similar surname to yours (or to someone else's)?

If so, please enter the name you want to match here: and it to our engine.

Matching smith
smith - Exact Match
smit - 1 change
smyth - 1 change
snith - 1 change
smythe - 2 changes
south - 2 changes
keith - 2 changes
stitt - 2 changes
frith - 2 changes
emigh - 2 changes
seitz - 2 changes
smid - 2 changes
muth - 2 changes
samath - 2 changes
reith - 2 changes
baish - 3 changes
barth - 3 changes
smithart - 3 changes
smithson - 3 changes
whish - 3 changes
smiley - 3 changes
smelt - 3 changes
dite - 3 changes
white - 3 changes
smiddy - 3 changes
smoot - 3 changes
bath - 3 changes
soto - 3 changes
sotty - 3 changes
wait - 3 changes
spach - 3 changes
demuth - 3 changes
soety - 3 changes
warth - 3 changes
waits - 3 changes
sneath - 3 changes
waite - 3 changes
smarte - 3 changes
smart - 3 changes
whitt - 3 changes

This demonstration ignores 'case' and uses Levenshtein distances to work out the difference. In this way, you should find close matches even if the names start with a different letter or have different capitalisation.

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