Here are the entries you selected - page 34:

4440 - A first graph with Matplotlib in Python
"A picture paints a thousand words" and in Python, you can paint a graph based picture using matplotlib. Matplotlib is massive - a huge range of facilities, a 2000 page manual if you print it out - yet if you know where to start "hello graphing world" is straightforward. Taking my previous blog ex ....

4439 - Json is the new marshall, pickle and cPickle / Python
Conversion of objects into serial data, such that it can be stored in a file or passed over a network, and restoring it when read back, is a vital topic within any serious object oriented application. It's all very well working with an object on the heap (i.e. in memory while your program runs), but ....

4438 - Loving programming in Python - and ready to teach YOU how
I like programming in Java, but I love programming in Python. It's been a real pleasure to get back to Python this morning. I'm teaching a private course in Cambridge this week, and a public python course the following week. And a new example as work my hand back in ... Scenario - I require to re ....

4437 - Adding a PHP build option, rotating an image based on camera data, and a new look at thumbnails in PHP
A real pleasure to do a bit of image manipulation in PHP, and to install an extra module onto our PHP web server. Not common tasks, but ones we have to do occasionally. Summaries ... Installing the exif module onto my existing PHP. Note that each build updates config.nice so that adding an option ....

4436 - Accessing a MySQL database from Python with mysql.connector
On our programming courses we often use SQLite as our database - it installs locally, saves us the need for daemons, saves licensing and password issues, and lets us cover the interfacing very quickly and easily. There's a Python example [here]. However, there are some occasions when a customer may ....

4435 - Images of our rail promotion campaign
It's only when you're asked for pictures of what you've been doing that you realise you've been so busy doing it that you've not stopped to take the pictures. We have had dozens and dozens of people out helping us promote the train services ... but a request for recent pictures (and I've looked bac ....

4434 - Public training courses - upcoming dates
I've been presenting a long series of private courses over the past two months - Ruby and Cucumber, Python, Java and C++. From the beggining of March until mid April, I'm training most weeks at our Melksham, Wiltshire training centre - courses scheduled as follows: If you've missed these dates or w ....

4433 - Different views of a Welsh Valley - but headed home
We've been in Wales for the week - a change of scenery for the family while I've been giving a Java course on the outskirts of Swansea. A last stroll this morning before heading home - Gypsy enjoying the view and Billy enjoying the run   ....

4432 - Java web application for teaching - now with sessions and clustering / load balancing demonstrations
I regret naming "latmjdemo" with that name when I prut together a web application for the Java version of our web deployemnt course. The nameing isn't random: • L - Linux, the operating system • A - Apache - the Apache httpd web server that's commonly used to front web sites • T - To ....

4431 - A Java servlet that is also a stand alone program. And a server that is also a web client.
I've been teaching the fundamentals of Java (a private 4 day course) to a number of groups over the past few weeks - each time tailoring the course towards the projects that the delegates (within a large organisation) will be using it for, and also tailoring to suite the background of the delegates. ....

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