Training, Open Source Computer Languages

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Our email: • Phone: 01144 1225 708225

For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))
Learn to install and support applications under Linux/Unix with Apache, Tomcat and MySQL
Duration: 5 days • Price: $2550.00 or £1550.00 (VAT free from January 2019), • Venue: Melksham, England

Usually scheduled to meet customer needs or run as a private course. Please email for details
This course is intended for staff who are new to Linux / Unix / Java and will be responsible for the installation, support and maintenance of Web applications using those technologies.

The first part of the course gives you an overview of Linux / Unix / OSX operating systems (they're all similar) as a user, and also the administration functions. It then goes on to cover the aspects of networks and the web you'll need to know about if you're responsible for looking after web applications in Java on these platforms.

We have a brief look at the Java language, but this isn't a programming course - we concentrate on explaining, installing and configuring Java and the various associated technologies. You'll learn how to troubleshoot Java problems even if you're not deep into the coding itself.

Web applications in Java often run in the Tomcat container, which itself is often accessed from within Apache. Both Apache and Tomcat are highly configurable pieces of software, and within them each web application that you deploy can be individually configured. Our course studies the sourcing, configuration and deployment of both Apache and Tomcat, the linking of them together, and the deployment of application within them. Administration tasks such as monitoring logs, and setting up and watching security issues are also covered.

The final part of the course introduces relational databases, and taking MySQL as an example shows how it is added to the mix of technologies to provide a complete solution. Once again, we have a brief overview of the language (SQL) and we concentrate on installation, configuration, security, use in association with other technologies, data backup, and similar topics.
You must be a competent computer user. Further experience is helpful, but this course is run for small groups and is tailored to fill in gaps in your knowledge.

Getting the most from your Well House Consultants course [Link]
Detailed description: [Link]
The Components of a Web-Based Solution (module A100)
Linux -An Introduction For Users (module A101)
Linux Utilities (module A166)
Shell Programming (bash) (module A167)
Compiler and development tools (module A168)
Users and Groups (module A161)
Backups and File System Management (module A162)
Network Configuration and Security (module A163)
Services and Regular Jobs (module A164)
Installing Software (module A165)
Linux Server Admin - Exercise (module A171)
HTTP (module A207)
Web Application Design and Deployment (module A211)
Introduction to SQL and MySQL (module S151)
SQL Primer as Used in MySQL (module S152)
Sourcing, Running and Configuring MySQL (module S153)
XML, DTD, XSLT, XHTML and More (module A301)
Structured Code and Object Orientation (module A401)
Object Orientation: Design Techniques (module Q907)
Review of Java Basics (module J801)
Java - Sourcing, Installing, Initial Testing (module A503)
Java Roadmap - Beyond the Fundamentals (module J606)
Java - Servlets and JSPs (module A507)
Jakarta and Struts (module A508)
Threads (module J804)
JDBC - Relational Database Access (module J811)
Combined Java Web Example: Servlets, JDBC and Graphics (module J953)
Java Application - Deployment on the Web (module A099)
HTML - An Overview (module Q624)
Commercial and Legal Aspects (module A213)
Elements of Java for Deployment
Java - Basic Tools (module A502)
Introduction to Ant (module J910)
The Apache httpd web server
Apache httpd - an overview (module A601)
Apache httpd - Sourcing, Installation, Testing (module A602)
Further httpd Configuration (module A603)
Apache httpd - virtual hosts (module A604)
Apache httpd - log files and log tools (module A606)
The Apache Tomcat web server
Tomcat Overview (module A651)
Tomcat -Sourcing, Installing and Initial Testing (module A652)
Tomcat - Configuring Web Applications (module A653)
Configuring and Controlling Tomcat (module A654)
Using Tomcat and Apache httpd Together (module A655)
More Tomcat Configuration (module A656)
Using httpd to front Tomcat (module A657)
Tomcat - Extra Features (module A900)

Graham Ellis - [email]  [about Graham]
Melksham, Wiltshire , England. A taxi transfer can be arranged if you'll be arriving by air from United States. Private Courses can be arranged on site in your country.
Public courses run at Well House Manor - our own purpose fitted training centre and business hotel / conference centre in Melksham.
• Download Melksham Map - [pdf file (750k)] • Google Map - [Link]
1 student   2 students   3 students   For 4 or more students
from the same company,
please consider a private course.
 With hotel room
($3720.00 inc VAT) or
£1900.00 (No VAT from 1.2019)
Without room
($3060.00 inc VAT) or
£1550.00 (No VAT from 1.2019) 
 With hotel rooms
($7380.00 inc VAT) or
£3750.00 (No VAT from 1.2019)
Without rooms
($6060.00 inc VAT) or
£3050.00 (No VAT from 1.2019) 
 With hotel rooms
($11040.00 inc VAT) or
£5600.00 (No VAT from 1.2019)
Without rooms
($9060.00 inc VAT) or
£4550.00 (No VAT from 1.2019) 
• Multiple discount applies to bookings for second and subsequent delegates on the same running of a course, and on same order.
• Hotel rooms are available for arrival the night before the course starts, for departure after the end of the course on the last day.
If you're going to be developing your own Java applications, our Java Bootcamp course will take you through from "first base" to the coding of Web Applications.

Upon completion of your course, you'll have online access to the source code of all the examples from the course, and you'll have access to the "Ask the Tutor" forum where you can raise questions. We also encourage you to email the tutor, and to visit us again to use our library as appropriate.

Certification? - [Link]
Public (scheduled) courses --
For more information about our public courses in general, such as class size, course times, materials provided, special requests, accommodation list, finding our centre, etc.
Terms and Conditions --
Covering topics such as delegate substitution, payment, cancellation policy and other matters.

© WELL HOUSE CONSULTANTS LTD., 2025: 48 Spa Road • Melksham, Wiltshire • United Kingdom • SN12 7NY
PH: 01144 1225 708225 • EMAIL: • WEB: • SKYPE: wellho

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